2024 Nomination Form 

With a mission to open doors for mentoring and networking among women, the MSU Jabs Women’s Leadership Conference planning committee is seeking nominations for the 15th Annual Outstanding Woman Mentor Award.
Thank you for your nomination!


The Outstanding Woman Mentor Award honors a woman who has given of their time, inspiration, expertise and friendship to others. As a result of this act of mentorship, she has impacted other women in her community, by encouraging personal and/or professional growth and helping them to achieve excellence. The Award recipient must be able to accept the award in person, at the 2024 WLC Conference, scheduled for Monday, May 20. The award recipient will receive a complimentary registration to the conference.


To submit a nomination, please complete the below form below by end of day Friday, April 19, 2024. Please include a brief narrative describing why the woman should be nominated, with examples of how the nominee has inspired and encouraged others. If you would like to submit any supporting articles or photos, etc. please send jpeg or pdf files to kayla.lee2@montana.edu. Thank you!


Members of the WLC steering committee will review all nominations and select the award recipient. The winner will be notified directly following the deadline and presented with the award at the Conference, on Monday, May 20, 2024. If you would like to keep this a surprise, please make sure to email kayla.lee2@montana.edu with that information.


For questions regarding this process or for more information about the Women’s Leadership Conference, please contact Kayla Lee at kayla.lee2@montana.edu, or visit www.montana.edu/business/wcoe/.

 denotes required fields.

Nominator Contact Information
Please enter your full name
Nominee Contact Information
Who would you like to nominate?
Supporting Information
Please describe how your nominee has demonstrated leadership in a business or community, while also encouraging leadership potential in others. Please provide any examples of how the nominee has specifically donated their time, inspiration, expertise and/or friendship to others.
Provide an example of how the nominee inspires others in their personal and professional growth and in the achievement of excellence. How has this positively impacted you and/or other women in her community?
Please include any additional relevant information which you feel is important to the consideration of your nominee. Consider including information such as awards, testimonials, etc. Upon submitting this form, photos or articles can be emailed to kayla.lee2@montana.edu if desired.


Past Outstanding Mentors


Ris Higgins

Leadership Outfitters


Carmen McSpadden

MSU Leadership Institute


Paula Beswick

Bozeman Public Library Foundation


Sarah Calhoun

Red Ants Pants


Liz Marchi

Two Bear Capital


Susan Dana

Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship


Brenda Kitto



Jackie Sather

MSU Alumni Foundation


Linda Ward

Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship


Stephanie Gray & Sarah Maki

MSU Gallatin College


Dr. Melissa Wolf

Bozeman Health Women's Specialists


Elizabeth Greenfield

MSU College of Agriculture