Access & Success
Recruitment, Retention, Recognition
1. Caring for Our Own Program
The Caring for Our Own Program (CO-OP), which supports and helps to retain American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students pursuing nursing degrees at MSU, celebrated 23 years of diversifying the nursing workforce this year. To date, the program has graduated 122 undergraduate students with a national licensure exam (NCLEX) pass rate of 91%. More than 100 of the CO-OP graduates are licensed nurses working in Montana. The CO-OP program addresses the urgent need to recruit, retain, and graduate AI/AN nurses who are prepared to provide quality culturally responsive healthcare to underserved AI/AN populations in rural communities.
2. Recruitment Min-Grants
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion awarded mini-grants up to $2,000 to support departments’ recruitment efforts that enhance the MSU Diversity and Inclusion Framework, specifically around the Access and Success theme. Funds were invested in efforts to infuse diversity and inclusion best practices in the recruitment and hiring processes. This year seventeen proposals were funded to support innovative approaches including diversifying advertising outlets, diversifying search pools, and building relationships to develop diverse professional networks.
3. Graduation Celebrations
The Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC) hosted two graduation celebrations this spring—a multicultural graduation celebration and a lavender graduation celebration. These annual celebrations recognize the achievements of students with underrepresented identities and those who have worked with the DISC during their time at the university. Graduating students are presented with their cultural stoles or lavender honor cords. Thanks to all who attended to show their support for this year’s dynamic graduates!
“I could think of no better way of celebrating graduation with others in my community
than with the Lavender Celebration.”- 2022 Lavender Celebration and Multicultural Celebration Participant
![Indigenous Pathways Agriculture](/diversity/images/Indigenous%20Ag.jpg)
Indigenous Pathways in Agriculture
Started through a partnership between the College
of Agriculture and Blackfeet Community College,
Indigenous Pathways in Agriculture now fosters
student success through scholarships, tutoring, and
mentoring for all Indigenous students in the College
of Agriculture.
![Honor Bound](/diversity/images/Honor%20Bound.jpg)
Honor Bound Program
The Honor Bound Program, an initiative of the Honors College, unites high-achieving American Indian students from across the U.S. to build community and increase student success.
GRE scores
GRE exam scores, which have been an historical barrier for
underrepresented graduate students, are no longer required
in MSU graduate applications.