EHHD Course Load Reduction Worksheet

This form is to be completed by the PI after a grant has been awarded.  Contact or for a Word version of this form.  Provide the following information about the course load being reduced with grant funding.

Faculty requesting buyout:


Last 4 digits of MSU GID:


Grant Name: 



Grant index number:



Grant end date:


Course Rubric and Number:



Course Title:



# Credits:






10% AY salary: 



Amount budgeted in your grant for this buyout:



Proposed Instructor:



Will you be doing an IPR in the same semester as the course buyout? Yes or No?

If yes, please contact Elizabeth Bird at to complete your IPR forms. Note that if you charge your grant 10% of your base for your course load reduction per EHHD policy, you likely will also be eligible for IPR.


Approval – Once signed please send to and


_____________________________________                                   _________________________

Dept. Head Signature                                                                                     Date