Due to limited fund availability, EHHD will not be accepting additional proposals for internal grants through June 30, 2025.

EHHD Bridge Grant RFP

FY 2024-25

 Are you trying to sustain a graduate student between funding streams, with one grant ending and a few months before the next grant funding begins? This is an opportunity to apply for funds up to $6,325 (enough for 10 hours/week plus add'l pay for one semester) to bridge such a gap.  The FY25 budget envisions up to two such grants.

Eligible:  TT Faculty and other Principal Investigators


Please submit a 1-2 page document (Word or pdf) with the following information:

  1. PI Name. Co-PIs on the project.
  2. Project Title.
  3. Current funding stream and grant end date; and notification of awarded grant and its start date plus  description of how this bridge will enable GRA continuation and your/their scholarly productivity.
  4. Budget and Budget Narrative. Funds needed to bridge the project between funding streams (over six months) and what funds will be used for.

Application information & Award conditions:

  • Deadline: rolling during AY 2024-2025
  • Please submit your application to: Elizabeth Bird, ebird@montana.edu.
  • Current or recent funding for the project must be in good standing.
  • The Office of Scholarship Development and Academic Impact and EHHD Leadership Team will serve as the review committee for evaluating and prioritizing applications.
  • The deadline for expending funds will be determined at the time of the award, usually within the current or next fiscal year.  

Criteria for evaluation: 

  1. Justification for the importance of the bridge funds (50%)
  2. Likelihood of the project leading to scholarly productivity or other outcomes (25%)
  3. Budget clarity (25%)