Due to limited fund availability, EHHD will not be accepting additional proposals for internal grants through June 30, 2025.

EHHD Research & Creativity Seed grant RFP

AY 2024-25

The College of Education, Health and Human Development will award up to $5000 for up to four internal  Research & Creativity Seed Grants.   The goal of the seed money is to support new project development with the expectation that the seed funding will lead to an external (or at least MSU) grant application.  Priority is given to pre-tenure faculty and those who have not received seed grant funding from EHHD in the recent past.

Eligible: TT Faculty


Please submit a 2‐4 page document (Word or pdf) with the following information:

  1. Name (s)
  2. Project title
  3. Project description (including a description of any current and pending support)
  4. Description of how the project supports the research agenda of the Principal Investigator(s) in new ways leading to new external funding requests
  5. Description of how this project aligns with the MSU Strategic Plan or EHHD Goals, Grand Challenges, or our EHHD Diversity & Inclusion Plan.
  6. Description of how seed grant funds will be used, i.e. Budget and Budget Narrative (including rationale or explanation of how the amounts requested were derived)

Application information & Award conditions:

  • Deadline: rolling during AY 2025-25 until funds expended
  • Please submit your application to: Elizabeth Bird ebird@montana.edu.
  • The Leadership Team with the Project Development/ Grant Specialist will serve as the review committee for evaluating and prioritizing applications.
  • Awardees will attend an EHHD fiscal training before funds can be spent.
  • Awardees are expected to submit a paragraph describing their work for an EHHD publication, news article, or video.
  • Awardees must have attended (or are scheduled to attend) OSP’s PI training.
  • Use of funds may include travel to visit with grant program officers, project partners, or to assist in the collection of pilot data, etc.
  • The deadline for expending funds will be determined at the time of the award, usually within the current fiscal year. 

Criteria for Evaluation:

  1.  Contribution to the principal investigator(s)’s coherent research agenda (25%)
  2. Alignment with MSU or EHHD Strategic Plan, Grand Challenges or Diversity & Inclusion Plan (15%)
  3. Likelihood of the project leading to scholarly outputs such as manuscripts or presentations etc. (20%)
  4. Likelihood of obtaining future external grant funding to support this work (25%)
  5. Budget clarity (15%)