Day of Student Recognition Awards
Scroll down to see what awards are recognized at the annual DSR Awards Ceremony and learn how to be considered for each of these awards.

Office of Student Engagement Awards
Deadline: February 23rd, 2025
This award recognizes a junior with strong academic acheivement who also exemplifies leadership and service in campus and fraternity/sorority activities. This award, given by her sons, honors Mrs. Collins who earned her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 1916 from Montana State College and her Masters in 1918 from Columbia University.
Originally the Five Year Speaker Award, this honor is presented to a senior student based upon leadership, scholarship, and contributions to Montana State University. It is awarded in honor of Mrs. Collins, the first Woman’s Day speaker in 1924.
Awarded to one senior woman who exemplifies service to others. This award is given in honor of the late Dean Emeritus Harrison.
Recognizes a freshman who demonstrates notable leadership skills and values.
Recognizes a freshman who demonstrates a commitment to community service.
Recognizes a sophomore who demonstrates notable leadership skills and values.
Recognizes a sophomore who demonstrates a commitment to community service.
Recognizes a junior who demonstrates notable leadership skills and values.
Recognizes a junior who demonstrates a commitment to community service.
Awarded to a senior man whose service to Montana State University has exemplified leadership skills and service to others. This award is given in honor of Max Worthington, Dean of Students from 1964 to 1973.
Presented to a senior who exemplifies the values of both leadership and service, and is presented in honor of Dr. Renne, President of Montana State University from 1943 to 1964.
Recognizes seven outstanding juniors, based upon extraordinary leadership and service to Montana State University.
Awarded to students bringing special recognition to MSU based upon meritorious community leadership and service.
Presented to a senior who exemplifies the values of leadership and service, and is presented in honor of the Dean of Women and the Founder of Women’s Day in 1923, now known as the Day of Student Recognition.
Presented to a senior who exemplifies the values of leadership and service, and is presented in honor of Mr. Val Glynn, Dean of Students from 1948 to 1964.
Awarded to a sophomore or junior majoring in Nursing or Foods & Nutrition. Given by the family of Mrs. Earlene Hart.
Awarded to an undergraduate student who exhibits outstanding leadership qualities. This award honors the late Dr. Gertrude Roskie, Dean of Professional Schools, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haynes.

Office of Disability Services Awards
Deadline: Eligible students are identified and contacted each spring.
The Lawrence Hiller Scholarship Fund was established on December 31, 1981. The money was donated by Mr. Hiller’s family as a memorial to him. Mr. Hiller was a Montana farmer and rancher for many years and acquired a physical disability late in life. This scholarship is presented to students with physical disabilities.

Student Commons
Nomination Deadline: February 24th, 2025
The Spirit Activism Award recognizes exemplary commitment to social justice that positively impacts underrepresented communities.
The Spirit Outstanding Student Award celebrates students who show exemplary leadership and citizenship.
Nominations (including self-nominations) can be made by completing the following:
- Email the student’s name, contact information, and a nomination letter of no more than 10 sentences to The nomination should include information on how the student has embodied leadership, citizenship, and community involvement at MSU.
The deadline for nominations is February 25th, 2025. The award recipients will be recognized at MSU’s Day of Student Recognition on April 30th.

President's Award for Gender Equity
Nomination Deadline: February 24th, 2025
These awards are designed to honor undergraduate students and graduate students who have worked to improve issues related to gender, equity, diversity and inclusion.
Nominations (including self-nominations) can be made by submitting the student’s name, contact information, and a short (maximum of five sentences) reason for nomination to Abigail Rodi:
Individuals nominated will be asked to provide a one-page narrative describing their work in this area and a current resume/vitae. The award recipient(s) will be recognized at MSU’s Day of Student Recognition on April 30th, 2025.

Office of Student Engagement-Student Organization Awards
Deadline: March 14th, 2025
Honors a leader of a registered student organization who displays outstanding organization, leadership and involvement.
Awarded to a current registered student organization that displays outstanding contributions to the MSU community, student members and fosters leadership within their organization.

Honors College Awards
Honors College has their own selection process.
The Honors College Excellence in Leadership and Service Award is in recognition of exemplary leadership and service during the student's time at Montana State University.

Women's Center
Nomination Deadline: February 14th
Each Spring, the Women's Center honors the Student of Achievement Awardees. These students have worked hard to promote diversity and equality, have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities, excelled in their school work, and served as strong roles models for their peers.
The Women's Center is looking for graduating seniors (graduating in 2025-- May or December) who have not only been outstanding in their academic careers, but who have demonstrated leadership, been engaged in co-curricular projects, promoted diversity, inclusion, equality and social justice on campus and/or in the larger community, and have a breadth of interests and involvement. Students of Achievement should be strong role models for other students as well as our community.
Please send an e-mail stating their name(s), a paragraph or more about their qualifications for this award, contact information (email address) and class standing, along with any other information you might think would be useful by Thursday, February 15th
DSR Application FAQ and Helpful Hints
Yes, click the "save and resume later" button at the bottom of the form if you are unable to complete it all at once. You can email the link to yourself to complete it at a later time.
All applicants must be in good academic standing at the time they apply, which means they have both a term GPA and cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 or better, many awards require a GPA of 3.0.
Any student who is on academic probation during the application review process will be disqualified from consideration for any awards managed by the MSU Office Student Engagement.
Undergraduate Students.
Polished and professional essays are expected, using proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. Applicant must address and answer the questions clearly and effectively, with supporting examples. The essays must be original, thoughtful and carefully considered. If you need assistance, please visit the MSU Writing Center.
Applicant demonstrates strong leadership characteristics, organization, dedication, uniqueness, and/or motivation. Applicant demonstrates a progression in leadership experiences and appears to demonstrate the ability to lead and motivate others. Several examples of leadership opportunities: Lead an MSU Breaksaway trip, lead Service Saturday project, President of a student organization, was an ASMSU senator, etc.
Applicant's work has the potential to benefit our community and community members in a measurable and impactful way. Applicant demonstrates a genuine commitment to service and shows a willingness to engage in a variety of service opportunities. Several examples of service opportunities: Volunteered for a community organization, volunteered for a Service Saturday project, attended an MSU Breaksaway trip, volunteered for Rockin' the M, etc.
Essay refers to the questions asked and uses complete sentences, excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Applicant articulates a clear and compelling position with depth and specificity.
Unfortunately, late applications will not be accepted.
Yes, but the amount depends on the award.
You will be notified in early April regarding the status of your application.
If you have questions you can email Kim Cleary (