Introduction & Purpose

Registered Student Organizations are an integral part of the Office of Student Engagement at Montana
State University. The purpose of student organizations at Montana State University-Bozeman is to provide opportunities for the enhancement of academic, cultural, social, interest areas and recreational aspects of student life through participation in group programs and activities. Registered Student Organizations (RSO) are created, developed, and governed by the student membership of each club individually, with professional guidance
administered by the Office of Student Engagement. While the Student Engagement administrative staff will assist clubs in every way possible and provide oversight to activities, procedures, and funding, the responsibility for club administration and organization lies with club officers, members, and advisors. 

Office of Student Engagement

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) provides and facilitates student engagement opportunities for MSU students through a variety of programs, events, services, and activities. We are THE HUB for students interested in connecting with their fellow Bobcats through student government, student organizations, programs and events, and engaging in service to the community.

How we can help student organizations

Staff are available to help with anything club related! If we don’t know the answer, we will find someone who does. We can help with things such as:

  • Registering your student organization
  • Starting a new club
  • Club funding
  • Forming a constitution
  • Club management
  • Event and program planning
  • Club procedures- including funding, and travel
  • Collaborating with other clubs
  • Running effective meetings
  • Conflict management
  • …and much more!        


OSE hosts the Annual Student Organization Leadership Conference in the fall and will provide trainings throughout the year (on many of the topics listed above). Please check the website for dates, times and topics.

Online resources

Check out the great resources on our website! Know what is going on in our office and find some useful information. If there is a resource you are looking for but can’t find, please contact us and we will work to include it. If you are asking the question, chances are many other clubs are too!

Communication from OSE

OSE will communicate with your organization via Club News, the club email listserv. All officers you provide in your registration and assign in your CatsConnect roster will be added to the list. It is the organization's responsibility to stay up to date on these emails and respond as necessary. 

How to get in touch with us

Office of Student Engagement
221/222 Strand Union Building (SUB)
P: 406.994.2933
F: 406.994.6889


Effective Date: August 2017

Reviewed & Updated: September 2022

Review Date: September 2024

Responsible Party: Office of Student Engagement


What is a Student Organization?

A student organization is a group of at least seven people (100% must be current MSU-Bozeman students) joined together for a common cause or activity. 

Annual Registration Process

Groups that want to be registered as an officially recognized Registered Student Organization (RSO) at MSU, which will further be referred to as an RSO, must complete the registration process once per academic year. Groups can complete registration in any order and in a time frame convenient for the club. However, to ensure a smooth registration and no lapse in recognition from year to year, we recommend completing the registration process by September 30th each year per the steps outlined below.

Registration Criteria

In order for the OSE Office to register a student group, the following minimum standards must be met:
1. Have a clearly defined purpose/mission. 
2. Submit an updated and complete registration form annually (RSO status is good until Aug. 31st of the following academic year). Completion of the registration form does not guarantee registration approval. 
3. All executive positions (President ,VP, etc.) must be held by currently enrolled MSU-Bozeman students. No non-students can hold these positions.
4. Minimum of 7 members is required and 100% of your overall membership MUST be currently enrolled students of MSU-Bozeman. Please note, however, that if your group is a club sport, 100% of your members must be registered, fee-paying students. Please contact Campus Recreation at 994-6313 for more information.
5. Your organization must have a designated staff or faculty advisor who is employed by MSU at least part-time. Advisors are mutually agreed upon by the student organization student leadership in conjunction with the faculty/staff/graduate student.
6. The group may not exist to make a profit of any kind.
7. Comply with University policies and regulations pertaining to organizations, including contents of this manual.

How to Become a Registered Student Organization (RSO)

  1. Submit a completed registration form.
  2. Please allow up to 3 working days for the OSE office to process and approve the registration. OSE will send an RSO confirmation email to the listed president that your group is registered and also attach an official RSO recognition letter that you can use as proof of registration. Your recognition letter is your group’s "identification" for free room use in the Strand Union (as long as your group is NOT charging an entry fee or taking up donations or dues on a regular basis), court and field reservations for athletic organizations, and advertising space. 
  3. Visit the CatsConnect Organizations page to see your RSO listed!

New Student Organizations

If you do not have the minimum of 7 members to start (or re-start an inactive group) a new student organization, OSE can help! 

Benefits of Being Registered

  • Free use of University meeting rooms and facilities (certain areas and types of events may have rental fees)
  • Free use of SUB mailbox (based on availability)
  • Free use of club locker space (based on availability)
  • Inclusion on the RSO list on the OSE website to allow others to view your club information
  • Inclusion on the RSO listserv hosted by OSE
  • Ability to participate in Catapalooza and the bi-annual Involvement Fair to recruit members
  • Use of the Office of Student Engagement flyer posting service
  • Access to training and leadership development by OSE
  • Eligibility to apply for student organization funding (available through the student activity fee) through OSE and the RSO Funding Board
  • Use of SUB advertising space: Includes banners, posters, table tents, and information tables. All of these items must be reserved through Conference Services.
  • Use of the OSE SUB Union Marketplace TV advertising space
  • Support from OSE staff for event planning, club travel, organization management and more!

Classifications of Student Organizations at MSU

OSE uses a classification system to assist students in finding organizations of interest. Organizations self-select their classification. Please note the classification of student organizations is used only to assist others in finding organizations and does not define the sole purpose of the organization.

  • Club Sport: An organization whose purpose is to encourage participation and engage its members in competitive, extramural sports
  • Cultural: An organization whose membership is to provide social and cultural awareness of various groups or to serve as a social support for international students (e.g. Chinese Culture Club)
  • Departmental: An organization representing a specific academic area or college (e.g. Engineering Club)
  • Fraternity: A social, fraternal organization composed of all male members. An organization in this classification must be a member of Interfraternity Council
  • Honorary: An organization whose membership is based on academic achievements
  • Military: An organization whose membership is based on associations with the U.S. military (e.g. Veteran Student Association)
  • Professional/Career: An organization representing a specific profession or career (e.g. Business Club)
  • Recreational: An organization whose main purpose is to provide a space for recreational activities such as dance, hula-hooping, etc. (e.g. Salsa Club)
  • Religious/Spiritual: An organization whose purpose is religious instruction and fellowship
  • Self-Help: An organization who strives to provide support or a shared interest in the areas of mental or physical health, addictions or other issues that may impact an individual
  • Service: An organization whose chief function is to provide community service to the community
  • Social/Political: An organization associated with a political party, advancing a political candidate or addressing any social issue (e.g. College Democrats or Students for Progress)
  • Sorority: A social, fraternal organization composed of all female members. An organization in this classification must be a member of Panhellenic
  • Special Interest: An organization whose purpose is to provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss and share information and/or participate in activities regarding a specific, non-academic related topic of interest (e.g. Book Club, Cribbage Club). You may also classify your group as this if you don’t fit into any of the other categories
  • Student Government: Associated Students of Montana State University (ASMSU)

The purpose of registered student organizations at MSU is to compliment and add value to student academics and to enhance the overall educational experience of students. Registration of an organization does not constitute the University’s intention or responsibility to sponsor, endorse, or otherwise support particular Student Organizations. Consequently, the fact that a Student Organization has access to University facilities should not be construed, nor may a particular Student Organization represent, that Montana State University sponsors, endorses, or otherwise supports the organization or any of its views, philosophies, or activities.

Student Organizations, including social sororities and fraternities as well as residence hall organizations, must comply with the criteria listed below to be eligible to use facilities at Montana State University-Bozeman under applicable regulations.

With the understanding that Montana State University is committed to a philosophy of non-discrimination under guidelines including, but not limited to, the Civil Rights Act, '504, Title IX, and the Montana Human Rights Act, and to the opportunity for individuals to assemble and associate under the First Amendment, the following guidelines will be followed by registered student organizations, its leaders and members:

  1. Are aware of University regulations and policies regarding student organizations and the use of facilities at MSU, and comply with these stated regulations and policies. This includes complying with all alcohol, non-discrimination and facilities use policies.
  2. Agree to read and abide by the policies in the Registered Student Organization Manual (this document) published by OSE.
  3. Agree to show sponsorship (example: “This event sponsored by student organization name”) on ALL publicity for each event sponsored by our student organization. Becoming a registered student organization does NOT indicate or imply sponsorship by OSE or MSU.
  4. Agree to uphold the policy that 100% of your student organization membership MUST be currently enrolled students at MSU-Bozeman and ONLY students can hold officer positions. Club Sports must be 100% students.
  5. Agree your organization does not deny membership, voting rights or officer positions on the race, color, religion, national origin, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran’s status, sex, age, political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Except an organization may restrict membership based on the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, such as fraternities and sororities, in regard to gender, for membership criteria.
  6. Club Sports: 
    1. Understand that schools can maintain separate teams for members of each sex if selection for teams is based on competitive skills or if the sport in question involves physical contact. Contact sports are considered to be boxing, wrestling, rugby, ice hockey, football, basketball, and other sports involving bodily contact. However, if opportunities to participate in sports activities have previously been denied to one sex, members of that sex must be allowed to try out for whichever team is the only one offering the activity.
    2.  Membership must be 100% students.
  8. Submit all revisions, such as alterations to organizational name or purpose, change in leadership or advisor, to the Office of Student Engagement in a timely fashion.
  9. Understand that with any activity there are inherent risks and organizations are responsible for managing this risk in a reasonable manner.
  10. Club funds are to be deposited and managed in a club bank account. Club funds may only be used by club leaders and advisors to further the mission of the club and are not to be used for personal purposes. Alleged violations of any of the aforementioned procedure may result in your student organization or individual leaders/members being reported to the Dean of Students’ office and/or MSU Campus Police.
  11. Do not seek to accomplish organization objectives, goals, purposes or activities through the use of violence. 
  12. Agree to abide by the MSU Student Code of Conduct section 622.00 regarding Harrassment, Hazing, and Bystanding. 
  13. Agree to not engage in activities that present a danger to property, personnel, students, community members and/or orderly function of the university.
  14. Agree to comply with federal or state laws, and university policies.
  15. Must not engage in activities that interfere with the normal activities of the university or with the rights of others.

Responsibility and Compliance

Please note, being a registered student organization is considered a privilege, not a right, as are any and all benefits associated with being a registered student organization. If policies and procedures are not followed, or if there are difficulties which arise as a result of the activities, statements, or actions of the organization and/or any of its members, OSE reserves the right to place that student organization on probation for a minimum of one year. Furthermore, OSE reserves the right to refuse funding to any registered group which applies if that group is not in compliance with these policies. Group recognition as a student organization depends not only on initial compliance with the foregoing requirements, but also on continued compliance. Eligible organizations are permitted to register and maintain registration unless the university finds that the organization has failed to meet any of the listed policies/responsibilities stated above.

Probation Process

If OSE becomes aware of an organization that does not meet any of the above qualifiers, they will:

  1. Notify the club leadership AND advisor of the infraction via email. Depending upon the severity, a meeting may be necessary to address the issue. 
  2. The student organization has up to 10 business days (unless an immediate threat to others or property, immediate change is needed) to take corrective steps and comply with the stated procedure.
  3. If the student organization does not meet the deadline to comply, their registration status will go into probation status for up to one calendar year. All privileges of the registered student organizations will be revoked.
  4. Depending on the severity of the infraction, our office will report the incident to the MSU Dean of Students office.
  5. Denial of access shall remain in effect until the organization has provided adequate assurance and evidence that it is in full compliance with the above requirements.
  6. Any infraction of procedure will result in a warning in the organization file. Three warnings in one academic year constitute revoking of RSO status for that year, regardless if the organization took corrective steps.

The Office of Student Engagement requires each RSO to have a faculty or staff advisor who is employed at least half-time by the University. This also includes graduate students. Advisors are mutually agreed upon by the student organization student leadership in conjunction with the faculty/staff/graduate student. Student Organization Advisors play a vital role in assuring that the organization experiences are meaningful to students. Student Organization Advisors also play a crucial role in managing institutional risk and liability. Consistently, the most successful organizations are those in which the Advisor takes an active interest and plays an active role in the group.

A Student Organization Advisor is a resource for the organization and can offer support and guidance in several broad areas:

  • Helping with the growth and development of students within the organization
  • Serving as a source of information and continuity to the organization as members transition
  • Serving as a liaison between the University and the organization
  • Advising the organization regarding program/event content and purpose  

Advisor Agreement

All advisors agree, upon signing the Registered Student Organization application, to the following

  1. I am a full or part-time faculty or staff member at Montana State University-Bozeman and I will notify the student organization immediately if my employment status changes.
  2. I have read and understand the Registered Student Organization Policies and Manual.
  3. I will assist the student organization in developing realistic goals for the academic year in order to contribute to the educational and personal development of the students involved.
  4. I am familiar with the student organizations' constitution and all other governing documents to allow me to advise effectively.
  5. I will attend executive officer, general meetings, and organization events as often as possible.
  6. I will assist the organization in keeping their financial and organizational records current and accurate.
  7. I will assist in the orientation of new members and with the leadership transition process each year.
  8. I will be available to answer policy-related questions and to guide the group and its officers to follow established policies and protocols.
  9. I will encourage opportunities within the organization that will contribute to the students’ development and education.
  10. I will read and incorporate informational email updates from the Office of Student Engagement regarding the role of an advisor.
  11. I will be well informed of all plans and activities of the organization and attend formal activities as often as possible.
  12. I will assist the organization in managing risk and liability, on- and off-campus.
  13. I will serve as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) as defined in the Clery Act. As a CSA, I will annually complete the Clery Training requirements as well as complete and submit a complete and submit a CSA Crime Statistic Report when necessary.
  14. I have taken the online Title IX Training, required of all MSU employees.                    

Advisor Duties

Listed below are different roles which, at one time or another, may be filled by an advisor. Find an advisor who meets the needs of your group.

An advisor should:

  • Be well informed of all plans and activities of the organization, and attend formal activities, as available
  • Assist the organization in managing risk and liability, on- and off-campus
  • Assist the organization in keeping their financial and organizational records current, and be aware of the expenditure of student time, abilities, duties, and finances within the program
  • Assist in the orientation of new members and with the leadership transition process each year
  • Answer policy-related questions, guide the group and its officers to follow established policies and protocols, and explain the consequences for choosing to operate outside of these parameters
  • Assist the student organization in developing realistic goals for the academic year. This will contribute to the educational and personal development of the students involved.
  • Be familiar with the student organization’s constitution and all other governing documents
  • Attend executive officer, general meetings, and organization events when possible
  • Be a student advocate
  • Be an educator/trainer of organizational skills and leadership (i.e. ensure training happens, workshops, etc.)
  • Be a liaison between the RSO and the University
  • Be a sounding board
  • Be a source of continuity between years
  • Be informed of issues that affect the group
  • Double-check event/program details and provide programming advice (i.e. legal issues, contract negotiation, etc.)
  • Be well informed of all plans and activities of the group
  • Frequently consult with the organization officers

The Montana State University (MSU) name, logos, and team name ("Bobcats") and logos are registered and protected trademarks of Montana State University which may not be used without the express permission of Montana State University. This policy helps to ensure immediate recognition, the maintenance of appropriateness, and the prevention of commercial use without compensation to the University.

Read the full trademark and licensing guide.

View the full policy regarding use of University Name and Logos.

Advertising Checklist

Use the Advertising Checklist to learn about avenues to advertise on and off-campus for your club, event or program.

Club Graphics

OSE hires student graphic designers to produce graphics for OSE events and programs. Our graphic designers are also available to clubs, giving student organizations the opportunity to promote their activities and missions throughout campus and the community. Visit the Club Graphics page to learn more! 

Office of Student Engagement Poster Policy

All Registered Student Organizations have access to the free poster delivery service through the Office of Student Engagement. To ensure distribution, the Student Organization must:

  • Include this information on all posters. If this information is not shown on posters, we will not distribute them.
    • Name of group that is sponsoring the event, i.e. “Sponsored by the Recycling Club.”
    • Contact information of group (phone or email minimum, website if available)
    • What the event is and reason/description
    • Time of event or program
    • Date of event or program
    • Exception: If a student would like to start a group and does not have the minimum of 10 members to start (or re-start an inactive group) a new student organization, OSE will make 50 copies of a flyer (must be designed by student organization) and distribute. This will only be done one time by OSE per academic year.
  • We only distribute posters for currently Registered Student Organizations.
  • Events with alcohol or at establishments that serve alcohol:
    • In order to post in the residence halls, your event must not mention alcohol nor be held at an establishment that serves alcohol.
    • Events where alcohol is served must include a responsible or non-use message (i.e., "IF YOU DRINK, DON’T DRIVE").
  • To avoid your organization printing posters that do not meet the requirements, please submit an original for us to approve FIRST, then make the copies.
  • Club must make own copies. OSE is not responsible for printing costs.
  • Posters must not be larger than 11” x 17”.
  • Submit the correct number of posters (40):
    • 35 for all academic buildings and SUB
    • Residence Life has their own poster policies and may accept digital posters or graphics. Read more on Residence Life solicitation policies.
  • Submit the posters by the set deadline to OSE.
  • Advertise appropriately:
    • Avoid lewd, sexually explicit or obscene advertising as stated in MSU Policies and Procedures.
    • Advertising of drinking games is prohibited as stated in MSU Policies and Procedures.
    • Reference to alcohol in advertising to be distributed on-campus must not dominate the space of the event advertised and should be accompanied by a non-use message such as “Know when to say when.”
    • The acceptance of the poster is at the discretion of the Office of Student Engagement. 
  • Organizations are not allowed to post posters outside of established bulletin boards or other advertising areas. No posting on buildings, light posts, trees, cars, bikes, etc.

Digital Signage 

Strand Union TV

The OSE secured space in the SUB Union Marketplace for digital signage (TV). This space will be reserved for OSE events/programs and REGISTERED Student Organizations. Keep in mind the following policies:

  • JPEG or PNG only files will be accepted. Landscape ONLY!
  • Minimum dimensions: 1600 x 725 px
  • Submissions can be submitted by filling out the SUB Digital Signage Submission Form.
  • Submission does not guarantee approval. Approval is at the sole discretion of the OSE.
  • If approved, please allow 3 working days for the OSE to include the submission in the signage rotation.
  • Submissions making any mention of, or inference to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco either implied or explicit, will not be approved.
  • Posters which contain nudity, foul language, or a message degrading to others, either implicitly or explicitly, based on race, gender, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation or otherwise in violation of the University non-discrimination policies will not be approved.
  • Submissions will remain on the digital display for a maximum of 7 days or 1 day after the event.
  • Submissions for reoccurring events and meetings can only be submitted once a semester.
  • If your club sponsoring an event, please make sure the logo and contact information is on the graphic.

ASMSU TV (outside SUB 221)

This space will be reserved for advertising events/programs. Keep in mind the following policies:

  • JPEG or PNG only files will be accepted. Portrait ONLY!
  • Max. dimensions: 11x17 inches
  • Submissions can be submitted by filling out the ASMSU Digital Signage Submission Form.
  • Submission does not guarantee approval. Approval is at the sole discretion of the OSE.
  • If approved, please allow three working days for the OSE to include the submission in the signage rotation.
  • Submissions making any mention of, or inference to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco either implied or explicit, will not be approved.
  • Posters which contain nudity, foul language, or a message degrading to others, either implicitly or explicitly, based on race, gender, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation or otherwise in violation of the University non-discrimination policies will not be approved.
  • Submissions will remain on the digital display for a maximum of 7 days or 1 day after the event.
  • Submissions for reoccurring events and meetings can only be submitted once a semester.

SUB Mailbox Policy

Mailboxes are available for your Registered Student Organization (RSO) to utilize. These mailboxes are located on the basement floor of the SUB, in the hallway by the Financial Aid entrance and by the door to the Leadership Institute. They are managed by the Office of Student Engagement. The proper mailing address for the RSOs is as follows: 

RSO Name
SUB Box Number
c/o Office of Student Engagement
PO Box 174200
Bozeman, MT 59717

Policies & Guidelines

  • Mailboxes will be assigned on an academic year-basis and can be requested during the RSO registration process.
  • Newly approved organizations may request a mailbox, however, there are a limited number of mailboxes available. A mailbox request will be granted dependent on availability.
  • RSOs must re-apply (via the RSO registration process) by September 30th each year in order to retain your current mailbox.
  • RSO mail must be checked weekly.
  • For RSOs who receive funding, all reimbursement checks will NOT be placed into the assigned mailbox. Instead, a club officer will need to pick up the check in the Office of Student Engagement (SUB 222) or sign up for direct deposit through the OSE.
  • OSE staff cannot be held responsible for misdirected mail that is not properly addressed to an RSO.
  • Any incoming mail should be properly addressed to the RSO or be in care of the organization (see example above).
  • If it comes to our attention that your RSO mailbox is not being checked and emptied regularly, OSE will give your organization one warning. If it continues to happen, OSE reserves the right to revoke your SUB mailbox privileges.

Club Locker Policy

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) manages 30 lockers on the third floor landing on the north side of the SUB as well as 18 lockers on the east side thirst floor landing for Registered Student Organizations (RSO).

Policies & Guidelines

  • RSO Locker space shall be used for RSO-related items/business only. No personal use by individual club members. If your organization wishes to share with another club, you must notify OSE of the other occupant.
  • Combination locks will be provided to each club assigned a locker. Clubs must use the lock assigned and not replace with another lock nor may they add additional locks. The combination will be given upon assignment of locker space. If a combination is forgotten, only club leaders and/or advisor will be eligible to request the combination from OSE. If a lock is malfunctioning, please contact OSE immediately.
  • Hazardous or flammable materials may not be stored in the lockers.
  • Under no circumstances may a group sublet their locker to another group. If your organization no longer wishes to use your space, OSE will maintain a waiting list to reassign that locker space.
  • Storage spaces will not be over-filled and must be able to freely close.
  • No items may be stored on top of or beside lockers. If items are left in these locations, they will be turned into the SUB Lost and Found.
  • No perishables shall be stored in storage spaces.
  • You may not place or attach anything to the outside of the locker.
  • Your organization will be financially responsible for any damages determined not to be the result of wear from regular and appropriate usage of the locker.
  • The SUB and OSE are not responsible for damage or loss of property. Please keep your storage space locked and only give the combination to trusted individuals within your club.
  • If your student organization is placed on probation with OSE for any reason, your locker space privilege will also be revoked.

Building Hours

Please check the SUB website for building hours to access your locker space.

Consequences for Misuse

  • If the OSE suspects or receives a report your organization is either not using the locker space (excluding summer break) or using it inappropriately, they reserve the right to enter the locker. They will first attempt to give notice to your club. 
  • Locker assignments are subject to termination at any time by reason of improper use as outlined above. Groups not actively using their locker will lose their space.

Registered Student Organizations are encouraged to plan events and programs throughout the year to engage the campus and community in their mission. With any event comes inherent risk and liability. Montana State University-Bozeman is not responsible for bodily injury or personal property of students, faculty, staff and/or others who participate in activities sponsored by faculty/staff and/or student clubs, organizations, fraternities, or sororities. Students, faculty and staff who engage in these activities do so at their own risk and should assure that they have the appropriate disability and/or health insurance, training, and protective equipment, where applicable.


INSURING OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAMS                                                         

If your organization plans to sponsor an off-campus event, and the off-campus facility to be used requests event insurance, your Student Organization may qualify for coverage under the University’s liability and property insurance coverage. In order to qualify for this coverage, your Student Organization must be registered with OSE. 

In order to obtain coverage for your off-campus event or program, your Student Organization Advisor will need to submit a Certificate of Insurance Request Form at least ten days prior to the event. Questions with regard to insurance coverage may be directed to the MSU Safety & Risk Management office at 994-6888 or A copy of the issued certificate of insurance will be sent to the Advisor and the Office of Student Engagement. It will be your responsibility to forward the issued certificate to the certificate holder (facility owner, etc.).

MSU is committed to identifying, preventing, and eliminating physical and/or programmatic barriers that interfere with participants’ access and benefit from University programs, facilities and resources. We strive for equal and full participation in all facilities, services, programs and events and encourages student groups to offer barrier free access to all their events and activities by taking proactive measures to provide disability related modifications.

Here is a list of assistive equipment and accommodations available upon request in the SUB. If you plan to host an event in another location, please inquire what accommodations are available.

  • FM Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) for use with telecoil equipped hearing aids available at the Ask-US desk in the SUB
  • Ramp for a stage
  • Wheelchair may be checked out from Disability Services
  • Table risers are available, vary by building
  • Publications available in alternative formats by request
  • Automatic door openers available at entrances and exits into the SUB and restrooms. Campus accessibility map can be found on the Disability Services webpage.
  • Elevators
  • TTY phone available in Disability Services
  • ASL interpreters may be booked through Disability Services. Charges will apply.

Registered Student Organizations have the privilege of utilizing campus space to conduct meetings and hold events. Please treat all space with respect and follow all policies set forth by each campus unit who manages the space. Misuse of space or not following policy can result in revoking of space privileges AND revoking of registered student organization status. The following are possible spaces and how to reserve:

Strand Union Building (SUB) & Inspiration Hall

Conference Services, 211 SUB, 994-3081, 
*Please see Strand Union Policies included in this manual regarding SUB space.

Danforth Chapel

Conference Services, 211 SUB, 994-3081, 
*Please see Strand Union Policies included in this manual.

Academic Classrooms, Norm Asbjornson Hall, Romney Gym

MSU Registrars Office, 101 Montana Hall, 994-2601

Please use the Room Request form (follow this link) on the Registrar’s website.

Outdoor Spaces

Fill out the Outdoor Program Request
Contact: Office of Student Engagement, 222 SUB, 994-6902 

  • Centennial Mall
  • Romney Oval/Flagpole Area
  • Hannon Lawn
  • Lewis and Clark Field
  • Quads
  • SUB Mall (area outside Bookstore entrance of SUB)
  • South side of SUB (near bus loop)
  • Wally Byam Park
  • Any campus parking lots (if using for an activity)
  • Any area outside Dining Halls, Residence Halls or Academic Buildings

Marga Hosaeus Fitness Center & Intramural Fields

The following spaces are managed by Recreational Sports & Fitness:

  • Group Fitness Room # 1
  • Group Fitness Room # 2
  • Shroyer Gymnasium
  • Shroyer Running Track
  • Climbing Wall
  • Shroyer Locker Rooms
  • HFC Locker Rooms
  • Cardio/Circuit/Weight Area
  • Racquetball Courts
  • 7th & Kagy Fields
  • Lambert & Roskie Fields

Non-Club Sports: Fill out the Fitness Center Reservation Form to reserve space
Club Sports: Email Allie Bogard

NOTE: When using campus athletic facilities, membership must be 100% students. If non-students participate, those individuals must purchase a Special Use Pass through Intramurals.

Other Outdoor Facilities

These spaces are managed by Sports Facilities. Call 406-994-7117 to schedule.

  • Outdoor Tennis Courts
  • Track and Field Complex

Bobcat Tennis Center

Visit the Bobcat Tennis Center's website to reserve. 

Strand Union Building

All spaces in the Strand Union Building (SUB) are managed and reserved through Conference & Event Services, SUB 211, by calling 406-994-3081. Additional information on the SUB meeting and event spaces can be found on the Conference Services website.

Strand Union Policies

A portion of the Strand Union Policies are listed below but please read through the complete listing of policies in the Strand Union Policy Manual.

  • No room rental fees shall be charged to Registered Student Organizations, some exceptions may apply.
  • Groups will be allowed to make reservations on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • All building users are encouraged to anticipate room needs well in advance of their event and are further encouraged to make definite room reservations for legitimate room needs as far in advance as policies allow. Every effort will be made to explore all alternatives with conflicting groups.
  • Regular room reservations will be accepted for the current academic calendar year. Reservations for the following academic year (which includes the Fall, Spring and following Summer sessions) are taken beginning on April 1st.
  • The sponsored event must have some relationship to the organization's stated purpose. Organization members must be directly involved in the planning and direction of the event and in attendance at the event in order to be exempted from room rental charges. When room use is obviously being sponsored by an organization for purposes of avoiding room rental rate, the organization will be charged the full rental charge.
  • Cancellation of room reservations:
    • Due to the heavy use of the Strand Union Building and the many requests for reservations, it is important that meeting room space be managed as efficiently as possible for maximum usage with the number of cancellations and no-shows kept to an absolute minimum. All cancellations must be in writing, preferably by electronic correspondence and made through the Conference & Event Services Office. All groups and organizations will be charged a cancellation fee for failing to comply unless the user can show that the cause of the late cancellation was for reasons beyond the user’s control.
    • Cancellation fees vary based on the space and are listed at the bottom of all reservation confirmations.
  • Five or more cancellations and/or two or more no-shows within one academic year may result in the loss of room privileges for the remainder of the academic year as well as the following academic year.
  • Challenge for space: A Strand Union space which is “Tentatively reserved” may be challenged by a group with a viable offer on the tentatively held space. At the time a “Tentatively Reserved” space is challenged, the group with the “Tentative Reservation” must either confirm or release the room. If the group that ultimately “Holds” the space fails to utilize the space, they will be charged a cancellation fee equal to the full rental rate for that space.
  • The Union does not permit outside food to be brought into the building by groups (this includes pre-purchased food from grocery stores or take-out from local restaurants). An exception to this rule allows for Registered Student Organizations meeting in the SUB after 5:00pm with a gathering of less than 40 people. Groups with an anticipated attendance of greater than 40 people are required to utilize University Culinary Services (see “University Food Service Policy” in this Handbook). Outside beverage service is not allowed for any groups. Individual sack lunches will be allowed. Violations will result in a warning letter for a first offense, and a loss of reservation privileges for six months (excluding June-August) for the second offense.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the Strand Union unless arrangements have been made with Strand Union to serve such beverages at a catered food event. All requests to serve alcoholic beverages in the Strand Union must be submitted to University Catering using the Events with Alcohol Request Form. All requests for alcohol must be made at least two weeks prior to the date of the event to allow for approval and ordering of alcohol/security staff. All events with alcohol are required to have security present which is coordinated through the Conference & Event Services Office. Conference & Event Services will determine the appropriate number of security staff for each event and applicable charges will apply and are the group’s responsibility to pay. Be sure to inquire as to the number of security assigned to be aware of the total billing.
  • Study groups are encouraged to use a section of the Union Market except between the hours of 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., or one of the many lounges, and will not be allowed to reserve meeting space for such purposes.

Audio Visual Equipment

The Union shall make available equipment and services which complement the Union's multi-service facility concept. Audio-visual equipment and services are available to all users of Union facilities. Their use can be arranged through Conference & Event Services.

  • Equipment charges will be assessed to all users and are necessary to maintain and periodically upgrade and/or replace old equipment.
  • The person who reserves the equipment will be responsible for its proper operation and care during the reservation period. Damages to equipment will be charged to the person or organization that had the equipment reserved during the time it was damaged.
  • No equipment is to leave the building. Audio-visual equipment is to be used only in conjunction with meetings scheduled in the Strand Union.
  • Equipment rental charges will be established and changed when necessary by the Strand Union Director.


The Union has strict policies in regards to hanging items in the meeting and event rooms. Please see below for some of the policies and if you have questions contact Conference & Event Services.

  • Check with the Conference & Event Services office before hanging any items.
  • No items can be hung on curtains, windows or electronic screens.
  • No tape or adhesive can be used to hang any items on walls.
  • T-pins must be used to hang items on portable walls.
  • All items must be hung from the top header board above the wood trim that is approximately 8-10 feet from the floor in the Ballrooms.
  • No items can be hung from the ceiling in Ballroom A (20 ft. ceiling).

Reserving Space in the Strand Union 

If you are planning a large event, please contact Conference Services directly to discuss and plan the event. For smaller meeting room requests, email the following information to Conference Services:

  • Organization name
  • Contact person
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Name of event/activity (i.e. Chemistry Club Weekly Meetings)
  • Date/s
  • Timeframe
  • Number of people attending

PLEASE NOTE: The more information provided the better. Please include a copy of the group's Registered Student Organization Letter for the current school year. Any group not registered for the academic year with the Student Engagement Office by September 30th will lose any reservations made earlier in the year after September 30th.

Once reservations have been made you will receive an email confirmation with dates, times and room numbers. Conference & Event Services will also follow up with questions regarding any set-up and audio visual needs.

Advertising Space in the Strand Union  

In addition to event space, the Strand Union has several locations available for clubs to reserve advertising space. Please see Conference and Event Services for advertising space availability and rules, as well as space dimensions.

  • Information Tables (4 available spaces)
  • Poster Case (4 available spaces)
  • Table Tents (2 available spaces)
  • Banner Space (2 available spaces)

Strand Union Building Merchandise Sales

The Strand Union recognizes the need for student organizations to raise money to support their organizations. One method of fund raising is merchandise sales. The Strand Union will accommodate sales which conform to the following policies:

  • Registered student organizations will be allowed to use designated Strand Union facilities for selling approved merchandise. Registered Student Organizations must also follow the fundraising guidelines in the Student Organizations Handbook. There is a $5.00 per day fee for merchandise sales.
  • A "Sales Request" form must be completed and approval must be granted by the Union Director prior to a reservation being confirmed. These forms are available at the Conference Services office.
  • Sales of merchandise will only be allowed at a reserved location within the Union (most commonly, information tables).
  • Items to be sold must be owned or on consignment to the organization holding the space reservation. The group holding the reservation must also be the party staffing the space or table.
  • The Strand Union reserves the right to limit merchandise sales subject to the following restrictions: 
    • Any fundraising activity or merchandise sale that is in direct competition with activities or services of the Strand Union and its tenants
    • Food (other than that sold by the Strand Union and University Culinary Services) and those items the Union allows the Bookstore to sell
    • Firearms and/or ammunitions
    • Items judged to be dangerous
    • Items judged to be offensive or legally questionable

PLEASE NOTE: If items using the MSU name or logo are sold to raise funds, your club must first obtain a license from the MSU Licensing Director to use the name and/or logo. This usually requires payment of a fee. Student Organizations may contact MSU Communications Licensing Director.

Distribution or Sale of Literature and/or Solicitation of Signatures (Petitions)  

The Strand Union provides space in the Union for the distribution of literature and/or solicitation of signatures (petitions) by registered student organizations. Distribution or solicitation is permitted for noncommercial handbills, leaflets, petitions, and similar materials in designated areas of the Strand Union. The literature distribution or solicitation of signatures (petitions) policy is designed to maintain the free flow of traffic within the building and to prevent such activities from interfering with the orderly administration of University affairs.

Please speak with the Office of Student Engagement and Conference and Event Services in regards to additional policies and requirements that must be followed when wanting to reserve a table in the Strand Union for the above.

For the purposes of protecting public health, all food sold and provided on campus must be supplied byMSU Culinary Services. Under no circumstance may food be sold or catered by any vendor or organization other than MSU Culinary Services. Food may not be served on campus by a commercial or domestic source to be used as a promotional tool for a commercial entity.

  • Temporary Event Vendor Application (TEVA) must be completed and submitted to the Sanitarian for review. Once approved, a Food Permit will be issued. Food Safety Online Training, with completion of a quiz, may be requested, for each individual handling food. This applies to prepackaged food items as well. TEVA must be submitted 1 week prior to date of event.
  • Donations from off campus sources will not be approved for use. Please be aware that due to noncompetition clauses in the contracts with our food suppliers and concerns about chain of custody with food products, MSU Culinary Services requires food served at MSU sanctioned events to be acquired from an on campus source.
  • Although MSU Culinary Services cannot donate food products, MSU Culinary Services may, on occasion, jointly sponsor an event if budget is available. MSU Culinary Services may authorize the service of off-campus food for a jointly sponsored event.
  • No food from off-campus sources may be served in the Strand Union, for affiliated or non-affiliated group events, donated or otherwise.
  • University Catering has created a special catering menu for ASMSU and registered student organizations with student group prices! If what you are looking for isn't on the student group menu, your club can automatically receive 10% off their regular menu. Contact catering at for more details.


  • Groups are encouraged to utilize existing food venues after hours. Student Organizations meeting in the SUB after 5:00pm with a gathering of less than 40 people may order outside food, provided it is only offered to members of the group, and not to the public. (must be sourced from a licensed Montana food operation, i.e. Dominos, Jimmy Johns, etc.). If it is an open to the public event, no matter the size, you must order from University Catering.
  • ASMSU and registered student organizations may be allowed to use off-campus food donated from a local retailer/grocer (TEVA category #1 foods ONLY) upon pre-approval. This same consideration may be extended to non-profit organizations on a case by case basis. Donated food cannot be requested or obtained from a MSU contracted food vendor, or their competitors (Coke, Pepsi, Sysco, FSA, Ghost Town Coffee, etc).
  • Individual solicitations of off-campus food vendors for delivery of food for personal consumption on campus are not prohibited under these rules.

As an MSU student and registered student organization, compliance to the MSU-Bozeman Alcohol/Drug Policy is mandatory.

Below are sections of the policy that directly apply to student organizations:

340.00 ASMSU, Departmental and Other Registered Student Organizations

  1. ASMSU, registered student organizations or any organized student group assembled independently or on behalf of Montana State University or ASMSU, whether or not they are registered are subject to university policies and state law governing the service or consumption of alcohol at its events.
  2. Any event held on University property that involves the service of alcohol must approved under Section 890.00, Facilities Use Manual.
  3. Organizational or ASMSU funds shall not be used to purchase alcohol.
  4. Incident reports involving Montana State University students may be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office. MSU disciplinary action will be considered and imposed as appropriate.
  5. Any off-campus events organized and/or sponsored by a student organization or ASMSU which is open to the public and at which alcohol will be served shall be subject to the requirements of this policy. The Event Sponsor is responsible for assuring the event is in compliance.

500.00 Illegal Drugs

Use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of any illegal drugs on University property or at University sponsored activities is prohibited and may be grounds for suspension or expulsion of students and the suspension or dismissal of faculty members, administrators and other University employees. 

The fundamental purpose of the University is to maintain an environment that supports and encourages the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. That environment is damaged by illegal drug use. Therefore, all members of the academic community, students, faculty members, administrators, and other University employees, share the responsibility for protecting the environment by exemplifying high standards of professional and personal conduct.

510.00 Prescription Drug Abuse

The non-medical use of prescription drugs is not allowed on the University campus. Students’ use of these drugs inappropriately such as to “get high”, cram of exams, or use to enhance sports performance is a violation of this policy. Prescription drugs, when mixed with alcohol, are particularly dangerous and potentially lethal. This is especially true of opiates, such as OxyContin, Vicodin or other pain killers. Harmful effects of prescription drug abuse include:

  • Mental health: increased irritability, agitation, anger, apathy, depression, paranoia (delusions and Hallucinations), violence, and dependence.
  • Physical health: drastic changes in sleep patterns, sudden weight loss or gain, stunted growth, and dependence.

520.00 Medical Marijuana

Although Montana state law permits the use of medical marijuana, i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued medical marijuana cards, federal laws prohibit marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation at educational institutions and on the premises of other recipients of federal funds. The use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is therefore not allowed in any Montana State University housing or any other Montana State University property; nor is it allowed at any University-sponsored event or activity off campus.

Club funds are to be deposited and managed in a club bank account. Club funds may only be used by club leaders and advisors to further the mission of the club and are not to be used for personal purposes. Alleged violations of any of the aforementioned policy may result in your student organization or individual leaders/members being reported to the Dean of Students’ office and/or MSU Campus Police.

Student Organization Funding

All registered groups are eligible to APPLY for financial support for programs, special events, field trips, conferences, etc. which they will sponsor, or in which they will participate. Funds are available through the Student Organization Fee. All requests for funding must be submitted and used within the academic year in which the program, special event, field trip, conference, etc. will occur. 

Please review the Funding Policy and Guidelines.

Fundraising taking place in the Strand Union Building must also follow the Strand Union Building policies.

Student Organization Bank Account

In order to request and receive funding, your student organization MUST first have a bank account. Reimbursement checks WILL NOT be made out to individuals, only to the organization name.

We do not endorse any one financial institution, however, these two banks are either on the MSU campus or nearby. Feel free to explore other options on your own.

First Interstate Bank

SUB 268, 406-586-0757

What is required to open an account for a Student Organization with First Interstate:

  • Tax Identification Number/Entity Identification Number (EIN) obtained from the IRS
  • MSU Office of Student Engagement recognition letter
  • Two organization representatives must be signers, one of whom MUST be an advisor
  • Minutes from a recent meeting stating who the current officers are, that a bank account at First Interstate will be opened, and who the authorized signers on the account will be
  • All signers information is required before the account can be opened
    • Name, date of birth, social security number, physical address, and two forms of identification
  • Initial deposit of $100.00 
  • Please allow at least 30-45 minutes for the account opening process

First Security Bank

670 S. 19th Ave, 406-585-3900

What is required to open an account for a Student Organization with First Security:

  • Tax Identification Number/Entity Identification Number (EIN) obtained from the IRS
  • 1-800-829-4933 or (SS-4 form required)
  • Minutes from a recent meeting stating a bank account at First Security will be opened, and identifying who the authorized signer(s) on the account will be.
  • Only need one authorized signer who can be a student. Signers' information is required before the account can be opened:
    • Name, date of birth, social security number, physical address, and photo ID
  • Initial deposit of $100.00 
  • Please allow at least 30-45 minutes for the account opening process

Lost EIN

For help accessing a lost EIN: visit the IRS Lost or Misplaced EIN page.