Cat will help you learn more about one of our most common household pets. You will explore all kinds of things about cats-from nutrition to showing, and learn the basics about care and companionship.
Cat, Level 1
This level is for youth who may or may not have a cat of their own. The important thing is you want to learn more about cats and care about animals. If you don’t have a cat, activities in this level will help you decide whether you want a cat in the future. In the project, you will learn about breeds of cats, cost of raising a cat, and how to care for and groom a cat.
Take up to three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.
M Purrr-fect Pals BU8148
Cat, Level 2
After completing level one, you will advance to level two. Besides learning a lot about yourself and practicing important life skills, you will learn about organizations that have information about cats, how to show a cat, how to train a cat, about careers related to cats, how to read and understand a feed label, about external parasites that can affect cats and more.
Take up to three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.
M Climbing Up BU8149
Cat, Level 3
Designed for advanced members, this project offers you a variety of ways to share your knowledge and experience and develop leadership skills. In this level, learn how to develop a business plan, learn about genetics, explore career choices, organize a cat quiz bowl, research cat laws, and learn about diseases, reproduction, behavior and showmanship.
It may take up to three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.