







  • Scholarship rubric


  • Review bylaws and operating policy committee
  • Appoint Budget and investment policy committees
  • Nomination committee for youth members, board members
  • Horse Judging team travel for national competition


Next Meeting (Quarterly):  September 17, 2024

12 Month Rolling Calendar of Meeting Minutes


Call to Order

Members present: Michelle Leardini, Sara Graft, Seth Juhl, Farrah McGregor, Rachel Grimshaw, Leann Murphy, Liz Jennings, Allison McMaster, Mary Christiaens, Brook Gerard, Jill Mackey

Members absent: Kathleen Bernhardt

Other attendees: Janet Smith, Ginger Murphy, Lisa Jassen

Agents Present: Rose Malisani


CORRECTION: Statement change to “Montana Expo Park Facility Fee for the Livestock show increased significantly.”  CORRECTION: Farrah McGregor absent.  CORRECTION: Chamber of Congress is Chamber of Commerce  LeAnn moved to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Rachel Seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Correspondence reviewed. Liz will review the Foundation Correspondence Folder and correspondence box.


Leann reported that the ambassadors are currently doing a food drive as a service project and hosting project days.  The food drive will benefit the Great Falls Food Bank.  Leaders Banquet April 28th.  RSVPs mailed out.


Mary reported in checking 38055.90. Total Stockman Checking & Savings 59,579.94.  Mary reported a total assets of $788,872.82  Net income $28571.21 since Oct 1, 2023.


312 active club members, 70 active volunteers, 4 applications for the Agent position.  Leaders Council basket fundraiser.  Baskets will be auctioned off.  Kids are currently registering for camp. 


  • Operating Policy Task Schedule Annual Plan of Work: Timeline has been completed per Liz & Janet.
  • Scholarship Committee: Rachel reported meeting with Farrah, Ginger, and herself.  Previous recipients awarded $500 Jessica Banks, Victoria Kirby and Baylee Herman.  First time recipients, awarded $500 Cayden Short, Keyona Yeager, Blake Leardini, Macy Herman, Elizabeth Doyon, and Emilia Doyon.  First time recipients awarded $500 + $500 Dear Scholarship Hudson Rohrer, $500 + $1000 Sandborn Scholarship to Clayton Jassen.  Keira Roth turned in late and incomplete, no award. 


Livestock Leaders Proposal: Show is Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  Rental is $400/day, $200 for ½ day Thursday & Sunday. Total fee is $1200.  Currently Foundation supports $240 for the event Facility fee.  Livestock asking for support of $1200 instead of $240.  Sara motioned to approve the $1200 for facility cost.  Rachel seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024  6:00 pm

Rachel moved to adjourn the meeting. Seth seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sara Graft, Acting Secretary for Kathleen Bernhardt



Members present: Michelle Leardini, Sara Graft, Seth Juhl, Farrah McGregor, Rachel Grimshaw, Leann Murphy

Members absent: Liz Jennings, Kathleen Bernhardt, Mary Christiaens, Brook Gerard, Allison McMaster

Other attendees: Fran Gossack, Janet Smith, Jill Mackey

Agents Present: Katrin Finch


 Janet moved to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Seth Seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


No correspondence.


Leann reported that the ambassadors are currently doing a food drive as a service project and hosting project days.  The food drive will benefit the Great Falls Food Bank.  Leaders Banquet planning is in progress, nothing definitive at this time shared.


Janet reported a total assets of $744,347.02.  Net income $10,553.31 since Oct 1, 2023.  Leader’s Council have approved their budget.  Liz has set an appointment with Brad and the  finance committee on 2/27.  A report will be issued at the next Foundation Meeting.


Katrin Finch reported that Amy Gould contacted Katrin and described a memorial coming to the Foundation in honor of her husband.  Further information will be explored at the next Finance Committee meeting.


  • Budget: Proposed budget was presented for review.  Seth moved to approve the budget. Janet seconded.  MOTION CARRIED.
  • Operating Policy Task Schedule Annual Plan of Work has been tabled.


  • Scholarships: A Scholarship Committee needs to be formed.  Rachel Grimshaw, has volunteered.  Email will be sent out
  • Livestock Leaders Sponsorship Proposal:  $8000 last year was received by sponsorship.  State Fair Expo Park facility increased fee from $240 to $900. The Foundation has historically supported the facility fee.  Livestock Leaders looking to increase support from the Foundation from $240 to cover the cost increase.  The initial request was for $1000 this year.  A committee will be formed to discuss further before April 16th.  A final amount will be investigated by the Livestock Leaders for the committee meeting.
  • Chamber of Congress Fee Increase:  Rachel motioned to approve the increase of $25.00 to the Chamber of Commerce.  Seth seconded.  MOTION CARRIED.
  • Position for Foundation Secretary Appointment:  Michelle appoints Sara Graft to fill in as Secretary for the remainder of the Foundation meetings in April, June, and September.



Tuesday, April 16, 2024  6:00 pm


Seth moved to adjourn the meeting. Leann seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully Submitted,

Sara Graft, Acting Secretary for Kathleen Bernhardt


Annual Meeting

Call to Order

Members present: Liz Jennings, Michelle Leardini, Allison McMaster, Mary Christiaens, Kathleen Bernhardt, Rachel Grimshaw, Sara Graft, Farrah McGregor, Brook Gerard

Members absent: None

Other attendees:  Fran Gossack,, Leann Murphy, Seth Juhl, Janet Smith

Agents Present: Allyssa Peak


For the year Oct 22-Sept 23, Mary reported amounts of:

                $1782533.78 at Charles Schwab

                $468236.07 at DA Davidson

                $36140.34 Checking and Savings accounts at Stockman Bank

                $682910.24 Total Assets

Liz will meet with Investment Committee about investing $48957.50 which is from a US Treasury Bond that matured 8/28/23.

Brook moved by unanimous ballot to accept Leann Murphy and Seth Juhl as foundation youth representatives for 2023-2024. Rachel seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

No current officers or board members were terming out. Brook moved to approve all officers for another year. Allison seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

No other business for annual meeting. Allison moved to adjourn meeting. Rachel seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bernhardt


Quarterly Meeting


Members present: Liz Jennings, Michelle Leardini, Allison McMaster, Mary Christiaens, Kathleen Bernhardt, Rachel Grimshaw, Sara Graft, Brook Gerard, Farrah McGregor, Leann Murphy, Seth Juhl

Members absent: None

Other attendees:  Fran Gossack, Janet Smith

Agents Present: Allyssa Peak


Brook moved to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Allison Seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


A letter was received stating the Amazon Smile program will be ending. DA Davidson sent a notice stating 1099 tax documents would be received. A thank you note was received for a scholarship received.


Leann reported that Achievement night went well in addition to the Project Fair held prior to the night. Ambassadors are planning a service project and hosting project days. There are 6 ambassadors for the upcoming year.


Mary reported that total assets of $682988.55.


Allyssa reported that an expense of $1500 to MSU State office for project books will be coming soon. Five thousand membership cards have been purchased.




 Video Report:

Brook reported that both she and Allison do currently not have time needed to commit to this project. She advocated having Eric Dunn burn the footage to a CD for safe keeping. Brook is also trying to get the questions and any notes taken from Annette Chandler. Brook said the video could be a service project or independent study for a member interested in audio/visual or film.

Investment Committee Report:

The Farm Bureau annuity has matured and moved to DA Davidson.

Cloud Services Update:

The Pinion account for cloud services has been closed. Lisa is currently using the desktop version of QuickBooks for bookkeeping at a rate of $2.95 per month. Brook moved to give a $250 bonus to Lisa Jassen for her work with updating accounts and software changes. Rachel seconded. MOTION CARRIED

Operating Policy Task Schedule:

Some adjustments were made to Annual Plan of Work. The plan will be finalized and presented to the board in Feb for adoption.



Proposed budget was presented for review. The budget will be finalized and approved at the Feb 2024 meeting. The Leaders Council contribution from the dairy booth will be $10000-$15000 and will be determined at their January 2024 meeting.

Brook suggested a line item in the budget to host 4H leaders and volunteer’s recognition dinner. After some discussion on possible locations and caterers, Brook moved to add $2000 to the budget for this annual event. Allison seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

Scholarship application will be out early 2024 and due back to the office by end of March.



February 20, 2024 - - 6:00 pm


Rachel moved to adjourn the meeting. Sara seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bernhardt, Secretary



Members present: Liz Jennings, Michelle Leardini, Allison McMaster, Mary Christiaens, Kathleen Bernhardt, Rachel Grimshaw

Members present via WebEx: Brook Gerard, Farrah McGregor

Members absent: Sara Graft, Elizabeth Doyon, Emilia Doyon

Other attendees:  Fran Gossack, Ginger Murphy, Leann Murphy

Agents Present: Allyssa Peak


After a few spelling corrections, Rachel moved to accept the minutes. Allison Seconded. MOTION CARRIED.




Mary reported that we have the following amounts:

                                DAD: $501483.97

                                FB Financial Services: $46542.50

                                Charles Schwab: $183.800.17

                                Checking: $17821.59

                                Savings: $21329.79

                                Total Assets: $770978.02




Allyssa reported that she has taken over Horse and Livestock so is now over all 4H projects.

Leader Training due by 9/30/23 on Zsweep.

Upcoming expenditures include: Reimbursement for fall training for ambassadors and teen leaders.


Video Report: Allison contacted Eric Dunn and she and Brook will meet with him next month to review footage. There are hopes to interview a few more individuals so video can be completed. Will reach out to Kathy Dunn, Sheryl Knowles, Janet Smith and Shirley Marxer, if she has not already been interviewed.  Brook suggested using the video as a promotional use as history of foundation, what the foundation does, what 4H has meant to individuals and as a way to encourage support of 4H. Brook recommended a short version suitable for social media and a longer version for at events.

Tax Committee Report: Liz reported taxes have been filed with Kate Durbin with Douglas Wilson and Associates. Continue to get letters from IRS that they are still looking into 2021 taxes for filing late. We also had to reverify nonprofit status with MT Secretary of State. Received the certificate this past week.

Investment Committee:  Liz reported that the Farm Bureau funds were transferred to Stockman Bank Wealth Fund in a money market account. Treasurer spreadsheets need to be updated to reflect this transfer.


Operating Policy Task Schedule: A task schedule has been created to ensure that items written in the bylaws are being completed on time. Liz will review the bylaws again to make sure the table is complete. The table can also be used to incorporate necessary items into the meeting agenda.

Achievement Night/Sponsorship Thank You Event: A project fair will be held before achievement night. It will be held at the Family Living Center at the Expo Park on Oct 22 at 2 pm. A potluck dinner and awards will be at 4 pm. A sponsorship thank you event will be held on a different day, maybe in Jan. The event will be catered and be held to honor sponsors and leaders.

Budget Committee: Janet and Belinda will be asked to serve on the committee with Mary and Liz. Fran agreed to help if she is in town when they meet.

Horse Judging Request: Ginger and Leann Murphy presented a request for reimbursement for attendance by 4 youth and 1 chaperone to attend the 4H and FFA Horse Judging Contest being held in Billings Oct 17 as part of NILE. The opportunity would give the youth training on horse judging which they could develop and potentially use well into the future.

Brook moved to approve this request at $425. Allison seconded. MOTION CARRIED.


Next Meeting (Annual and Quarterly):

November 21 - - 6:00 pm Annual Meeting

                                  6:15 pm Quarterly Meeting

Please bring a dish to share for a potluck.

Rachel moved to adjourn the meeting, Mary seconded. MOTION CARRIED



Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bernhardt, Secretary




Minutes from the last meeting

  • Brooke moved to accept
  • Rachel Seconded



Treasurers Report

  • Rec Lab reimbursement checks issued
  • Other undefined reimbursements
  • Chamber Membership check was written this week
  • Other checks coming'
    • 4-H Congress reimbursements
  • Horse Leaders have funds in their account and are moving $10,000 to a CD or investment account to hopefully earn 4%

DA Davidson (Brad)

  • FIB funds were directly transferred to DA Davidson - $72,000
  • Janet and Belinda recommended that we transfer the balance of funds at Farm Bureau to DA Davidson to hopefully earn 4% CD rate with the excess cash
  • Should make bookkeeping easier


4-H Ambassador report


Agent Report - Alyssa

  • Allyssa will not be in the office until after baby comes
  • Allyssa will be out in the beginning of June vs. the previously planned leave at the end of June
  • Restructuring of agent duties following Allyssa's maternity leave
    • Allyssa will take over 4-H Horse and Livestock
    • Rose will focus on agriculture and horticulture
    • No major impacts expected with transition

4-H History Video - Brooke

  • Working on vision statement
  • Working on story board for review and procuring footage of Dottie from Eric Dunn
  • Hoping to have a draft of vision statement and story board

Scholarship Committee - Michelle

  • Acceptance vote will be completed by email as there was no quorum on the call
  • Scholarship Selection Committee met on April 12th, 2023 - Mary, Melissa, Michelle and Sara
    • Boadle, Tylee
    • Herman, Baylee
    • Hoerner, Haley
    • Lewis, James
    • Banks, Ryan
    • Banks-McDowell, Jessica
    • Juhl, Elizabeth
    • Kirby, Victoria
    • Boadle, Tylee
    • Herman, Baylee
    • Hoerner, Haley
    • Lewis, James
    • Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship – First Time Applicants
    • Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship – Non-First Time Applicants
    • Fred Sanborn Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
    • Fred Sanborn Memorial Scholarship winner - James Lewis
    • 7 remaining applicants for the Cascade County 4-H Foundation Scholarship - Committee decided to divide the $5,500 equally between all 7 applicants.


  • Status of 2022 tax return is unknown
  • Letter from IRS showed that CC 4-H Foundation owed $1900 for 2021 taxes. Belinda checked with AZ and they are checking into it. AZ recommended to wait 60 days to see if abatement is approved .
  • Need to address tax situation and consider a change of accounting firms.
    • Reach out to the individuals with knowledge to understand where we are, what we need and what we need to do moving forward.
      • Suggestions:
        • Loucks & Glassey
        • Dave Dieffenbach CPA
        • Who does State 4-H Foundation use?  Allyssa checking on.
      • Need to resolve abatement
      • Consider transition out of AZ
      • Identify new accounting firm. 
    • Committee - Belinda, Liz, Farrah and Rachel G


Next meeting is September 19th, 2023.

Motion to adjourn by Brook Gerard, Seconded by Rachel Grimshaw. Motion passed.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.