Livestock Leaders Meeting Agenda & Minutes
- Agent Report
- Leaders Council
Small Animal 101
Sponsorship Committee Report
Marketing Committee Report
Show Judge Committee Report
Carcass Judge Committee Report
Butcher Committee Report
Junior Leader Committee Report
Beef Weigh In Thank You
Meats ID Request Update
Show Agenda
Round Robin
Junior Leader Events
Peewee/Old Goat
60% Attendance Requirements
LQA Requirement Update
Barn Layout
Form Sale, Special Projects, Buyer Dinner Committee
Small Animal Weigh In vs Carcass
March 8: Dairy/Goat/Sheep 101
April 12: Swine Work Day
April ?: Showmanship Clinic
Current 4-H Year Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Present: Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Emmrich, Brittney Calvert, Jenn Volkmar, Cody Loch, Lisa Jassen, Ginger Murphy, Brenda Byrnes, Desi Roth, Tristen Short, Bill Ogg, Todd Standley, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Reece Hastings, Jenn Volkmar, Shea Berner, Liz Jennings, Brenda Canine, Brett Keaster, Shawn Hystead, Michaela Hystead. Regan Jassen, Michelle Leardini, Farrah McGregor, Aimee Hachigan-Gould, Falicia Short
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Brook Gerard. Introductions of everyone in attendance. Name, Club and livestock project specialty.
Amendments to the minutes - Cody Loch, Lisa Jassen, and Liz Jennings were noted twice. Liz moves to accept the minutes with the note changes. 2nd Brittney. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
Stockmans Bank Checking $17,893.75, DAD $9,379.47, total assets $27,273.22. P&L received sponsorships for $3100, reissued livestock checks for a 4-H kid that didn’t deposit their check, intent to enter fees received for $275. Bookkeeping services and beef breeding award expenses were also note for $ 967 total expenses. Sponsorship check received at Foundation that will be transferred this week.
- Agent Report: MAGGIE finished. Tristan and Tayor were 2nd place in Poultry judging. Citizenship was attended by several kids in Helena. Organizational leaders need to remind members they have to choose both a level for their project and the name of the project. Leaders need to make sure to do the Clover Academies. Website is updated with committee bylaws, newsletters, Z-Suites, expenditure forms, and travel authorizations. Z-Suite calendar is being used to keep 4-H events up for all to see. Project day February 8th. JD applications are available online.
- Leaders Council: Full slate of officers and by law reviews. Brook reported on livestock project days.
- Breeding Project 101: Very well attended and there were lots of questions. Please continue to ask questions about our new book.
- Swine 101: There were about 40 kids. Western Feed Corrall helped cover the feed portion.
- Beef Weigh In: Held on 2 days due to weather. About 17 were not weighed.
- Junior Livestock Leaders: Meet last Sunday and selected buckles for all categories
- KMON/Winter Fair: Tristan participated in poultry judging at KMON. There were not any 4-H kids for meats id and there were 50 FFA kids. Getting attendance for 4-H is difficult due to being during the week. We need to offer education days. A project day at the Extension office might generate more interest. The Winter Fair was cold. Beef show was about half of normal. Inside shows had low attendance as well.
Old Business:
- Marketing Committee Report: Met with Tim Lee and reviewed the 10 minute and did some cropping. It will now be 7-8 minutes. Tim will look to add some meat cutting videos to add for the butcher portion and create an additional video of the interview with Brenda about the ins and outs of purchasing projects. Adding a slide at the end with contact info so that interest people can contact the committee or office for more information. Need to add more open and closing information to make it complete. We’ve spent about $1100 of the $2300 so he will come back this year to take more footage. There will be chapters to the video so buyers can watch a specific part of the video they are interested in. Do we need a show and sale website? To use for marketing, posting QR codes, registrations, and other sale info to provide an additional touch point with buyers. We will have to loop MSU, John Holly, into the website conversation to ensure we meet all the requirements. The Great Falls Chamber Ag Committee voted to give us $1000 sponsorship. Cascade County 4-H Facebook page is currently under review by MSU so it is archived at the moment. We need to put a QR code in the catalog that goes to the marketing video.
- Show Judge Committee Report: Met and discussed all judges that were presented. Jarred and Wendy Boardman from Wyoming are being recommended. Their fee is approximately $1000 plus hotel. One will judge the market and the other will judge showmanship. Todd moves to approve the recommendation of the committee Felicia 2nd. M/S/C
- Carcass Judge Committee Report: Reviewed the collective names and data provided by the carcass ultrasound technicians. Bob Patacini is our recommendation, his cost is $1500 plus two nights in a hotel. Brenda makes a motion to approve Bob Patacini from Missoula and obtain a contract before our next meeting. Todd 2nd. M/S/C
- Butcher Committee Report: Cody talked to Mark. Beef can come on the same day as the beef. The beef will be dry lotted and charge us $250 to feed all of them. He will process the beef as soon as they are finished with small animals. Kill fee $130 and processing fee $1.25/lb. We need to be very specific with the buyers that we will not transport beef if the processing fees have not been paid to the butchers. In order to be in compliance with the USDA, carcasses need to be wrapped in plastic to be moved back to Great Falls. There will be an additional $125 charge for the beef to be wrapped to transport. The committee is recommending the beef be completely processed in Columbia Falls at Glacier Processing Co-Op. The committee will talk to beef buyers and butchers to have full transparency in the reason for this decision. We will transport the beef to Great Falls in boxes and have a meeting point for buyers to pick up their beef. Brenda moves that we slaughter, cut and wrap all beef at the Glacier Processing Co-Op for this year. Brittney 2nd. M/S/C
New Business
- Division Chairs
- Beef: Lisa Jassen & Shawn Hystead
- Swine: Brittney Calvert & Sandy Harshaw-Irvin
- Meat Goat: Heather Lewis
- Dairy: Michelle Leardini
- Sheep: Heather Lewis & Hailee Hart??
- Rabbit: Desi Roth & Katrina Emmerich
- Poultry: Felicia Short & Marie Powell
- Breeding: Brenda Byrns & Jill Mackey
- Sponsorship Drive: Brittany Calvert and Kory Hastings called everyone from last year's list and have commitments for $5300. They will keep working on new sponsors.
- Show Purchases: We need different stools for the crows nest. Uline has 4 stools for $250, they will be stored at the Extension office and available for use for other livestock events. Buy permanent banners for the buyers table, we will need to purchase $75 each. Bill moves to purchase stools for $250 for the crows nest and up to $100 for banners. Liz 2nd. M/S/C
- Catalog Committee: Volunteers for the committee: Brittney, Farrah, Lisa.
- Show Agenda:
- Wednesday July 9th Expo Park available at noon.
- noon-6pm - Set up
- 6pm - 10pm - animal move in
- Thursday July 10th
- 8am Carcass Ultrasound (tentative vs after the market show) Or Weigh In
- 8am Dairy
- 10am Breeding Classes
- 12pm Weigh In
- 4pm - 8pm Small Animal Show
- 8pm-10pm Weigh In
- Friday July 11th
- 8am Judges Meeting
- 9am Market (proposal pig, beef, sheep, goat)
- 2pm-4pm Sale Set up
- 4:30pm Buyer Preview
- 4:30pm Buyer Meal
- 5:30pm Family Meal
- 6pm-10pm Sale
- Saturday July 12th
- 8am - 2pm Showmanship (tentative carcass after each species finishes)
- Additional Awards
- Round Robin
- Peewee & Old Goat Showmanship
- Sunday July 13th
- 6am load out
- Wednesday July 9th Expo Park available at noon.
- Additional show notes: Buyer photos are the responsibility of the families. We will have a photographer available for Grand and Reserve Photos. Award prizes after each class instead of at the end of the show. Jr Leaders will plan games and dance
Upcoming Events
February 8: Small Animal 101
February 25: Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leader Meeting
March 8: Dairy/Goat/Sheep 101
Desi moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Reece M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Call to Order
Present: Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Emmrich, Michelle Leardini, Jill Mackey, Brittney Calvert, Falicia Short, Hailee Hart, Jenn Volkmar, Aimee Hachigian-Gould, Cody Loch, Lisa Jassen, Ginger Murphy, Cody Lock, Leah Mackey, Marie Powell, Liz Jennings, Brenda Byrnes, Desi Roth, Leann Murphy, Tristen Short, Bill Ogg, Brett Keaster, Farrah McGregor, Liz Jennings, Reagan Jassen, Avery Leardini, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Reece Hastings, Kinlee Loch, Anabelle Calvert, Kendra (online), Michaela Hystead, Lisa Jassen, Alena Standley
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Jill motioned to approve the meeting minutes with the addition of Liz to the budget meeting and . Page 1 7 Bar Heart award was clarified later as only being completion of the book and interview. 2nd by Liz. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
as of dad bank total assets
P/L sponsorships were received from foundation $3100, investments, transfer of funds fo
income xxx, payments xxxx Total 4999.21
One returned thank you note from Stockmans Bank
- Agent Report: Jenn Volkmar – Shooting Sports is very active. 365 members in Z-Suites with 800 projects. Project day is December 14th. Ambassadors will start in January along with fair meetings. Fair of lights , Citizenship signup
- Leaders Council: Jill represented Livestock leaders. Two officers were elected, and they are still looking for a Vice President.
- Beef 101: Reece thought we did good for our first one. Day one was books and day two live animals. Need to develop a rotation system to keep the kids more engaged instead of just talking. There were a lot of new kids. Hold earlier in the year because there were kids asking where to get steers. Jill's biggest take away from both days is that whatever you do in the project needs to fit the family needs and we need to continue to reinforce that so families understand there isn’t just one way to do it. Heather, we need to develop a resource list of places to buy steers for new families to the project. Kids are buying steers before 4-H enrollment is open for the project. Lisa - need to have more adults to present and advise on the project.
- Rule Book & Breeding Project Book: Rule book and Breeding Project books are published and will be available online.
- Junior Livestock Leaders: Met on Sunday at Timeless Seeds, Christmas in July was decided and worked on a catalog cover. Next is Sunday January 26th 2:30pm Timeless Seeds in Ulm. We will be deciding on prizes and buckles. Getting everything aligned to order by Feb 15th
Old Business:
- Marketing Update: Brook is connecting Brett and Farrah with the video editor to continue working on the marketing video.
New Business
- Carcass Contest Ultrasound vs Physical: How do we pay for the increase in fees? $800
cost right now for the rail carcass contest plus the cost of gas and hotel to Kalispell.
- Pros & Cons Aimee: ultrasounds are difficult to orient and not as easy to interpret as it sounds. Playing field is leveled by doing them all at the same time by the same technician. Beef is trickier to determine the size of the ribeye because every beef is different. What if we did both to see how they would compare.
- What is our ultimate goal of the Carcass Contest? Judith Basin & Madison County clip animals and give data to buyers for the sale. Ultrasound would allow us to have all 40 beef in the sale.
- Ginger ultrasound in the home county had results that were less than expected for grand champion carcasses. There is a risk of a machine going down and not getting complete results.
- Farrah risk is either way with rail or ultrasound is not perfect but it does help solve a problem that we are looking to allow 8 more beef. Offer another learning experience for carcass grading.
- Brittney: Sidney ultrasound their beef and it goes fast, clipping does not affect showmanship or show. Buyer decides where the animals go for the butcher and the leaders are not responsible for finding butchers.
- Tristen: The carcass facility was chaotic this year. He didn’t get enough time to look at the specifics of the carcass. It would be better to have a project day where there was time to discuss what they are looking at.
- Beef of Merit does apply to Carcass
- We do not have any kids going to carcass judging.
- We need to develop a committee to interview the three available judges.
- Bill Ogg: if we want to do a trial hybrid we should start with smaller animals. Better to ultrasound than nothing and with the right equipment and technician the results will be very accurate.
- Judges Available:
- Megan Vaanmen Hotel room, mileage, $50-100 supplies + cost per animal
- Ellen Kittleman mileage, lodging plus per animal feel - has done hill county.
- Bob Patacini 509-378-8014. $1500 plus the cost of the hotel.
- Brenda moved we move the 2025 carcass contest to ultrasound only. Farrah 2nd One Nay. Motion Carries Heather, Brenda, Brett, Brook will form the committee.
- Slaughter Facility
- Glacier Processing: Brook spoke with Mark, they are willing to work in the additional beef if we can give them hard numbers so they can have adequate staff. They are completely only USDA inspected facility and they have concerns about how we haul carcasses back to Great Falls being in compliance with USDA standards. They are working on a better way to load out carcasses. He recommended we have all beef slaughtered and packaged at the same facility because Mark & Ron are uncomfortable with the way Cascade County has hauled carcasses in the past. We have a reservation with Glacier Processing for all small animals and 32 + beef.
- Bear Paw Meats: Carla can take 20 steers and would slaughter, cut, and wrap. She could just kill and chill. Down the road maybe could take up to 40.
- Jill: We need to consider what the buyers and families are wanting. If we are not going to choose a processor today, per the rule book we will need a motion to extend the deadline to choose a processing facility.
- Aimee: We only chose a USDA slaughter facility due to the rail carcasses. Why can’t we allow the buyers to pick the slaughter facility and the butcher.
- Farrah: We don’t want to open the door to families transporting meat to buyers for the liability.
- Ginger: Butchers are not great at communication
- Brittney: If we solve the issue of carcass transport will Glacier take all of the Beef? Brook: Yes
- Brenda: Are there extra costs associated with USDA mandatory transport? Brook will verify with Mark and Glacier Co-Op will be responsible
- Lisa: We will disappoint local butchers if we suddenly take away the option for them to process for our county sale.
- Brittney makes a motion to extend the date to select a slaughter facility to the next leaders meeting on January 28th. Felicia 2nd. M/S/C
- Cody, Michaela, Farrah, Heather, Tristen - committee to speak with local processors
- Beef Carcass Reparations: Two buyers are looking for reparations after the carcass issues from last year. Kindred Plumbing has asked for replacement of 6 packages of two rib eye steaks. The Fox family asked for $3311 for missing beef and fees paid. MSU legal is ok with us moving forward with the amends as long as we are ok with offering it to everyone. Brooks' proposal is that we refund the Fox family’s 2.5% processing fee and replace the ribeyes for Kindred Plumbing. We offer each of the buyers 2.5% back from 2024 or pay for $225 kill fee at 2025 livestock show and sale.
- Farrah asked to add a 3rd option to do nothing. Along with disclaimer that no response is considered an understanding of no further action is needed. and no further compensation will be considered.
- Discussion: Insurance policy for general liability doesn’t exist to cover this issue? MSU legal is willing to allow us to finalize with the buyers because the letter MSU legal sent the buyers did not have a deadline. We are trying to give good will and good faith with the letter to the buyers and would bring an end to an unfortunate situation. We have a good sale and extending the letter to all buyers is goodwill on the part of the leaders. Tracy Mosley and Cody Stone said we can move forward with reparations.
- Aimee moved to request a letter Cody Stone, CEO of MSU Extension, a letter to allow us to move forward. 2nd Lisa. Favor 7, opposed 8. Motion fails.
- Brittney accept the letter with the amendments as listed legal disclaimer, doing nothing and heavy on thankfulness and light on apologetic with approval by msu legal. 2nd Sandy. M/S/C
- County Show Judge; Send to committee Ginger, Heather, Michaela, Brook. May need to be voted via email so we can get one booked before the next meeting.
- Beef Weigh In: January 12th, with the backup date of the 19th 1-5pm at Western Livestock Auction.
- Breeding Project 101: Breeding project rewrite to be presented
- Swine 101: Will be organized by Brittney Calvert, she will try to make it hands on with a live portion in April when hogs available.
Upcoming Events
December 14th Breeding Project 101
January 11th Swine 101
January 12th Beef Weigh In, 19th backup day
January 28th Cascade County Livestock Leaders Meeting
Brenda moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Brittney M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Call to Order
Present: Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Emmrich, Michelle Leardini, Jill Rearden, Brittney Calvert, Falicia Short, Hailee Hart, Jenn Volkmar, Aimee Hachigian-Gould, Cody Loch, Jill Skinner, Lisa Jassen, Ginger Murphy, Cody Lock, Leann Murphy, Leah Mackey, Marie Powell, Liz Jennings
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Lisa motioned to approve the meeting minutes with the addition of Ginger Murphy being in attendance, 2nd by Cody. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report: by Lisa
As of 09/24/24 Checking balance $17,456.66, DAD $9,278.55. Total assets of $26,735.21. P&L from October 2023-October 2024, net income of $7,745. Budget Meeting: Lisa, Brittney, Brook met to review the budget. The amount of scholarship was reduced to meet the actuals being received, poultry leg bands were moved to supplies with ear tags, intent to enter was move to under program category. Increased the cost of awards to account for the addition of breeding project awards. Motion to approve the meeting with the change of moving the two project days line items together, Britteny, second by Falicia. MSC
- Agent Report: Jenn Volkmar – Achievement night was Sunday. Mountain View Co-Op asked us to remind kids that they have a 4-H program. Project day will be November 9th new family, clover buds, and livestock. Z-suites registration will go out November 1st. Ear tags are on order. Western Feed Corral will be donation them this year so we will not have that expense.
Old Business:
- Achievement night: The MC was very good and it flowed well. The slide show was nice to be able to read and listen. Attendance could have been better. There were not a lot of livestock awards to accept awards. The seating was tight. Display the awards and not give them in boxes to be able to see what awards are being received. Poultry and Rabbit were not included showmanship awards. The dinner was nice. How do we get more kids there. Maybe explore another evening besides Sunday.
- Breeding Project Rewrite Update: Jill made additions based upon the comments received. We will provide a link to the P&L for kids to explore as part of their project. Over the next year we can develop addendums based upon species to help with the more species-specificproject parts. Jill is working on a grant for a couple Chrome Books so we can support kids that do not have computers at home to complete their projects digitally. Jill motioned to pick option one or option two with keeping 7 Bar Heart award separate from all.
- Option 1: Book, Interview, and Video & keep county show the same as previous years.
- Option 2: Book, Interview, Supreme Female or Video, Pen, Poster for High Point Awards.
- 7 Bar Heart Award: Book, Interview, Video – independent award
- Anonymous voting: 12 for option 2 and 2 for option 1. We will change the breeding projects to High Point for this year and will keep the 7 Bar Heart award separate with own criteria.
- Rule Change Update:
- Jill Reardon went through the rule book to fix duplications and formatting issues. Rule change forms have been completed for any issues that were not duplications of information or formatting.
1. |
Aimee Hachigian Gould Carcass Contest & Butchers |
Add to page 14 to replace bullet points 1-3. |
Aimee moves to approve this rule as presented. Cody 2nd. M/S/C |
2. |
Rabbits page 14 # 3 |
Rabbits intended to show must be tattooed in the left ear. |
Katrina moves to accept the rabbit changes as presented. Marie 2nd. M/S/C |
3. |
Intent Date |
Creating generic intent to enter dates 1st Monday January: Beef 3rd Monday April: Swine 2nd Monday May: Sheep and Goats 70 days prior to show Meat pens
Brittney moves to accept the generic intent to enter dates as written. Jill 2nd M/S/C |
4. |
Rabbit weigh change to rule 9 |
Each animal must weight 3.-6 lbs |
Katrina moves to approve Falicia 2nd. M/S/C |
5. |
Page 8 Beef, replacement animal. |
Removal of the last paragraph that a beef can later be intented. |
Marie motion to approve as written. Brittney 2nd. M/S/C |
Poultry page 8 |
Page 10 #4, remove mandatory veterinary inspection and add that a vet will be consulted at check-in if an animal seems to be ill. |
Marie moves to approve as written. Falicia 2nd. M/S/C |
7. |
Pag 6 Ear tags |
Page 6 – remove all small animal details under small animals and move to the poultry & rabbit section |
Marie moves to approve as written. Brittney 2nd. M/S/C |
8. |
Addition to Poultry Meat Pen |
Meat Pen section: Clarification to add two meat pens are permitted to be sold if no other livestock animals are being sold |
Marie moves to approve as written. 2nd Ginger M/S/C |
9. |
Page 13 # 1 |
Page 13 #1 move to 14 All poultry must be owned or in possession by May 1st with the exception of meat peans intended for the livestock show and sale. |
Marie moves to approve as written. Katrina 2nd. M/S/C |
10 |
Page 14 #2 Add: leg bands required to show at county show. |
Mariemoves to approved as written. Katrina 2nd. M/S/C |
11 |
Maximum Limits of: Beef: 30 Sheep: 30 Swine: 70 Goats: 30 |
The processing facilities limit the number of animals they can handle due to space and staff. Livestock leaders will work every year to accommodate all members projects through the butchering process. If accommodations can’t be made by November 30 of the 4-H year then kids with tow animals will be asked to pick their sale project or choose another option. |
Brook moves to approve as written. Brittney 2nd
One Nay
Motion Passes
12. |
Hip Height |
Weight will replace hip height for market judging |
Liz moves to approve as written. Cody 2nd. 1 nay Motion passes
13. |
Jr Leaders |
Addition of Jr Leader to the rule book .
Jr. Leaders are available to all 4-H youth age 13 and above. The purpose of this committee is to provide leadership opportunities within the Livestock Leaders Committee. The Jr. Leaders assist with project days, help plan the livestock show in relation to themes, prizes and additional activities. They are also available as mentors to younger 4-H members and their families for livestock projects throughout the year.
Meetings are in the months of November, January, March, May, June
Jr. Leaders are welcome to attend the regularly scheduled Livestock Leaders meetings. |
Heather moves to approve with the change that meetings will be in the designate months with date decided upon with Jr. Leader Availability. 2nd Brittney M/S/C |
Buyer Video: Brett Kester and Farrah McGregor on committee. There was a comment about the butcher featured that we should remove from the video.
Livestock Judging: We don’t have anyone at our county level currently that is consistent. We are looking for a mentor to lead this. We have an annual subscription to but are looking for a parent or person to help lead.
Beef 101: November 9th: 9-noon will cover Record Books, & Budgets, Activities needed, costs, interview requirements, show examples, Project Book Activities, Healthy Animals and Medications, Marketing tips, Recording health records & Invite to Sunday Activities at the Hastings Ranch, Marketing tip sheet from McGregor Boys. Sunday Hastings Ranch 12:30-?? Will be covering animal selection, shelter/pen space, feed program/watering, halter breaking, livestock judging
Education Days:
November 9th & 10th Beef 101
December Breeding Project 101
January Swine 101
February Small Animal 101
March Lamb & Goat 101
April Fitting and Showmanship
There is Leaders training on November 16th and is in Shelby. Registration is on Z-Suites.
Rose is putting on a series of seminars about calving and nutrition.
Brittney moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Ginger M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Call to Order
Present: Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Enmrich, Michelle Leardini, Desi Roth, Jill Rearden, Brittney Calvert, Micheala Hystead, Falicia Short, Farrah McGregor, Hailee Hart, Jenn Volkmar, Aimee Hachigian-Gould, Cody Loch, Marie Powell, Jill Skinner
The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m. by Brook Gerard. Brook apologise to the group if anyone felt like the agenda was not sufficient
Brittneyy motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Falicia. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
as of 09/24/24 Checking balance $17,456.66, DAD $9,278.55. Total assets of $26,735.21.
- Agent Report : Jenn Volkmar - New year begins next week. She received phone calls this week about youth that would like to join livestock clubs. Green Clover raffle tickets are available until 10/11. 10/7 - 10/11 will be the drawing and it is random. Achievement night is 10/27 with time TBD. National theme for 4-H week this year is “Beyond Ready”. 10/1 Jenn will be speaking on the radio about 4-H. Reminder email was sent this week looking for volunteers for the Montana Barrel Horse finals this weekend, three hour shift workers needed Saturday and Sunday.
Old Business:
- Election of Officers
- President - Brook Gerard
- Secretary - Heather Lewis
- Michaela moves to accept nominations as stands. Brittney seconds. Aimee does not accept the nomination of the President. Motion passes. One abstention.
- Breeding Project Awards: Book judging and interviews were performed by Matt McKamey and Kendra Lane reviewed books and interviewed 4-H kids. There is $700 left in the prize budget and an additional $400 is needed to award prizes for 4 overall species grand and reserve champions, 9 individual species by age (senior, intermediate, jr) grand and reserve champion prizes. Jill moves to add $400 to the prize budget to order Breeding Project Prizes, Hailee second. M/S/C
- Breeding Project Rewrite: MSU approval process for a statewide breeding project is
a multi-year process. We are welcome to use it as a trail for our county.
- Breeding project Workbook Proposal: Aimee will only allow the scholarship that 7 Bar Heart sponsors to apply to the Breeding Book and Interview portion of the Breeding project contest. They do not want a pen display to be mandatory to win the overall breeding project due to biosecurity and animals that may be breeding in the pasture over the summer and cannot be removed.
- Draft will be emailed out to Livestock Leaders interested in reviewing and comments are due back in two weeks.
- Meeting Date Change: When the Agent is gone we may need to reschedule to the 5th tuesday.
Should we include August as a possible meeting month for a show debrief and
December as optional. Brenda moves to begin Livestock Leaders meetings begging at 6pm unless other circumstances require. 2nd Jill Skinner. M/S/C- Aimee moves that Livestock leaders add a scheduled August meeting. 2nd Desi. M/S/C
- Survey/Rule Change Update:
- Jill Reardon went through the rule book to fix duplications and formatting issues. Rule change forms have been completed for any issues that were not duplication of information or formatting.
1. | Title Page 2023-2024 Cascade County 4-H Livestock Rule Book | 2024 - 2025 Cascade County 4-H | Move Jill 2nd Falicia |
2. | Edit Table of Contents | Jill has permission to change table of contents after all edits have been made | Move Jill 2nd Brittney |
Change the committee to current committee members | Brook Heather Jill Liz Jenn JOdy |
Move Montana 4-H Code of Conduct to beginning of the document with Montana 4-H animal code of conduct. | |||
Pages 1-5 | |||
Pages 5 - XXX beginning of Cascade County 4-H Rule Book | Make bold heading | ||
3. | Addition of Division Chair Definition Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Rabbit, Poultry |
A division chair is a volunteer from the livestock leader committee. Division chairs
are species specific and there is one chari for each species. Their duties consist
of: 1. Finding a round robin judge for species 2. Ensure kids and animals make it to weigh-in, Show ring, auction, load out, and clean up. 3. Work with the executive committee to update the class list. 4. Cleaning of pens 5. Solve problems within and up channels if appropriate. 6. Handle complaints |
Katrin moves to accept the county show division chairs as written. Ginger 2nd. M/S/C |
4. | Ear Tags (page 6) | Moving ear tags to the intent to enter section to provide further clarification. Separating out the tag requirements by species. |
Michaela moves that beef ear tags are allowed to be in either ear. 2nd Falicia. Jill moves to move the Rar tag (2023) section into individual bullet points. 2nd Falicia. |
6. | Record Book Interview Judging | Record Book Review | Katrina moves to change all Record Book Interview Judging to Record Book Review in the entirety of the book. 2nd Brittney. M/S/C |
7. | Jill moves that page 7 Each Record book Must contain can be reorganized into bullet
points with clarification of requirements. 2nd Katrina. M/S/C |
Aimee Hachigian Gould rule change involves the carcass contest and the use of USDA and State facility | To be reviewed with all other carcass contest and butcher rule changes as a whole at the October meeting. | ||
Large Animal Limits | Removal of carcass data statement due to it being in an above paragraph about carcass.
Strike small animal definitions and move to its own heading. Additional showmanship animals moved to the showmanship section. |
8. | Intent to enter and Show entry | Move to next meeting for rewording | |
9. | Showmanship | Combine large and small because age doesn’t change for either. Duplications were deleted and organized by species. | Jill moves to condense the large and small animal rewrite and allow rewrite into showmanship
section. 2nd Brittney. M/S/C |
Additional rule changes are due to Jenn Volkmar by October 15th.
New Business
- Livestock 101 - move to species specific starting with Beef November and make it mandatory for 4-H member with their parents. Make a PDF record book example for new families to review.
- The October meeting will be moved to October 29 due to the extension office being closed.
Brittney moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Katrina M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 by Brook Gerard, President
Present: Rose Malisani, Brittney Calvert, Cody Loch, Brett Keaster, Jill Mackey, Desi Roth, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Elizabeth Jennings, Katrina Emrich, Ginger Murphy, Michelle Leardini, Heather Lewis, Allyssa Peak, Nichole Hruska, Bryanna Richards.
No Minutes: we didn't get the minutes from the last meeting turned in for the meeting.
Treasurers Report:
Read by Liz Jennings: Loss on the sale, but we need a year-to-year comparison from Lisa if possible. Part of the Profit and Loss info is from last year’s sales because of how the bills fall, so this is not the best picture. We will get just the 2023 numbers from Lisa for the Oct meeting.
No Correspondence
Agent Report: Rose is still helping and will be available through November. Allyssa is responsible for the Policies and Procedures and the livestock leaders make the rest happen.
Old Business:
- Breeding Project Books- Judging will be Sept 12th and 13th by Amy Hachigian-Gould, Matt McKamey and Kris Jorgenson. We need to feed the judges so Desi made a motion to use the card to buy food up to $100, Jill 2nd M/S/C. There are 17 books and 16 members to interview. WebEx interviews will be scheduled for Sept 17th and or 24th.
New Business:
- Rules Changes- must be in by Sept 18th, Monday. In order to vote on rules you must attend in Oct and in Nov. and be signed up as a leader in z suites and have gotten your leader training completed.
- Nomination committee is looking for a Vice President and a Treasurer for a 2 year term each.
- Sale Review. Went through "the good, the bad and the ugly" from the show and sale from the emails and suggestions received. We went over weigh-in, the Auction, the barn layout, new ideas, the judge, the agenda, the sales catalog, the food, the awards, the breeding projects, the small animal aspect and our general administration of the show. We just had discussions on all the things so we can make notes and or rule changes and do things better each year.
- Rate of gain contest. It was brought to our attention that the Rate of Gain contest had a miscalculation and Leann Murphy should have gotten first place, Tristen Short was 2nd and Keira Roth was 3rd. Liz moved that we give Leann her $50 and the other members keep what they already got awarded, Desi 2nd M/S/C
- We are looking for people to be on the budget committee for next year.
- We are looking into a "one fee" for projects instead of intents, and show fees etc...
- We are looking into another Chamber Buyers Education event. They loved it and want one earlier so businesses can get it in their budgets for the new year.
Jill made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Brittney 2nd M/S/C
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Harshaw-Irvin for Secretary
Call To Order
Present: Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Enmrich, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Lisa Jassen, Rose Malisani, Ginger Murphy, Leann Murphy, Michelle Leardini, Liz Jennings, Brett Keaster, Cody Loch, Kinlee Loch, Michaela Hystead, Desi Roth, Jill Rearden, Reese Hasting, Austyn & Justine Marchion, Aimee Hachigan-Gould, Melanie Paul
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Sandy motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Michelle. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
as of 6/2/24 Checking balance $12,844.31, DAD $9,261.27. Total assets of $22,105.58. Swine, sheep, and goat intent to enter fees were received totaling $535. Coginito forms fees were paid For May and June, $15 per month.
- May Weigh In: Ginger and Leann ran the weigh in. There were a lot of kid that came, food was good, and good information provided by WRS
- Agent Report: New agent will start July 1.
Old Business:
- 60% Attendance Update: Ulm Pishkun has one member that is a senior that is short of the attendance rule. It has been recommended that she do a demonstration on June 25th at book judging to meet the requirement.
New Business
- 2024 Livestock Show and Sale
- Facility: Brook emailed Susan the barn layout with the only change being the photos being further away from the show ring. There has been a new sound system put in and it works well.
- Sponsorship Update: We have $5400 of the $7000 in sponsorships to date. The newest sponsors will get their ad copy to Brook ASAP.
- Electronic buyers form: Lisa is working with Erin Morris to make sure this is ready and there will be a QR code for buyer registration.
- ZSuites:
- Awards: Everything is ordered and there are two payments pending. Buckles from Sheridan may arrive after the show.
- Catalog Information: Leann is putting the catalog together. It will be ready for a proof on Thursday and to be sent to print on Monday. Rose requested that Livestock leaders proof the catalog before sending to print, she will be at 4-H camp and unavailable.
- Record Book Judging: June 25, 5 for judges, 5:30 for kids. We need all the judges we need.
- Division Chairs - Round Robin Judges need to be emailed to Rose. Breeding Project
Judges need to be selected and emailed to Brook or Rose.
- Show: Brook Gerard and Rose Malisani
- Beef: Cody Loch and Lisa Jassen
- Sheep: Heather Lewis
- Swine: Brittany Calvert
- Goat: Michelle Leardini
- Rabbit: Desi Roth
- Poultry: Marie Powell & Felicia Short
- Breeding Projects: Jill Mackey
- Transporters are confirmed, Beau and Travis. Baylee Herman will be the ring steward. We need a veterinarian - Brook will work on finding one.
- Ginger will confirm the shavings delivery with North 40. We have 300 bags being donated.
New Business:
- Marketing Project Day will be rescheduled for the fall in November.
- An all 4-H Dance has been planned for Saturday after awards at the livestock pavilion at 8pm. Brook has a flyer that she will send to the extension office.
- Buyers Education: Chamber of Commerce is a little scattered right now. Brett has been in touch with Lori Wickett. She volunteered to put together a short video that can be shared with potential buyers to further promote the sale. The end goal would be to create a small documentary that highlights the entire 4-H project process. Brett and Lori are in the brainstorm stage, they have not received bids but believe it will cost $5,000-6,000. The Ag committee meetings are the first Thursday of every month. Brett is planning to go and ask for a sponsorship.
- Banners need to be purchased - cost will be $350 - $375, Brenda Byrnes will be invoiced.
Micheala moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Cody M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 7:41pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Enmrich, Cody Loch, Liz Jennings, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Lisa Jassen, Rose Malisani, Ginger Murphy, Leann Murphy, Desi Roth, Jill Mackey, Aimee Hachigan-Gould
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Jill motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Cody. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
As of 5/6/24 Checking balance $12,926.53, DAD $9,255.38.
Intent to enter and leg band fees were received. Livestock was paid for.
- LQA - good turn out and went well.
- Breeding Project Rewrite - Brook, Jill and Brittany met and will send the changes to Rose so we can approve for changes in 2024.
- Agent report - sheep and goat intent to enter is due 5/8/24. The late intent will be open until the 15th of May. May 17th are the interviews for the 4-H Agent position. Breeding project declarations are due along with intent to enter for specific species. There were not swine breeding intents.
Old Business:
- Weigh In - 10am - 1pm, Ginger and Leann will work the weigh-in portion. Western Ranch supply will offer lunch for all that attend and is open to all 4-H but is official daily rate of gain weigh in for Cascade County.
- 60% Attendance Requirement - one 4-H kid will present at the June Livestock Leaders meeting. There are a couple of kids that haven’t met this requirement yet.
- 2024 Livestock Show facility - confirm with Alena Standly her layout for the Golden Triangle and match her layout to reduce cost. We received $1200 from 4-H Foundation to cover the facility fees.
- Sponsorship - $3700 has been received. We are $4000 short from last year but have not received sponsorships from some key sponsors that have donated in the past. The committee will be making a second round of calls. 7 Bar Heart has mailed the $100 Beef Scholarship.
- Beef Butcher Kill Fee - In the past there was $125 kill fee for beef, this year the kill fee is $35 more than previous years. The fees for sheep, goats, and swine have increased to $70.
- Electronic Buyer Forms - Lisa and Book are working on this in Cognito forms. Stockmens bank will clerk the sale. Lisa will ask Kyle to bring hard paper cards for the buyer numbers.
- ZSuites - Rose put together the entry form and built it on the one she built last year. There are options for vet inspection, shirts, market pen, breeding pen, dairy classes, rabbit breed age, and tattoo; poultry meat pen, poultry, supreme breeding female, Breeding project display, breeding project pen, showmanship, ear tag number, brand inspection, scrapies tag number, Shavings will be removed from the entry form since they are donated. The shirts will be $10. Registration will be open as soon as possible and will close June 21st and late entry 28th. Catalog entry will close on May 31st. May 16th there will be an email sent to the 4-H kids with the catalog lot number and the catalog entry form link.
- Awards - The budget needs to be increased to $5,715. Desi moved to increase the prize budget to $5715, Lisa 2nd. MSC
- Buyer Education - Brett and Brenda have been working with Lorie Wicket to create a short video regarding becoming a buyer at the livestock show that can be used on social media and to email chamber members. They need some pictures to use for the buyers education video series.
- Buyer Dinner Update - Meeting with them to finalize the menu on Thursday at 2:30. Should be under budget and will verify the need for a down payment.
- Catalog Information - Catalog form is done; Brook added a place for extra pictures to go in the online catalog created by Frontier. Due the 31st of May so we can have it out by June 15th. Five hundred catalogs have been printed in the past, 280 copies are mailed to previous buyers and 220 are available for kids to pick up at book judging. The cost this year is $1,403.25.
- Hemptana Donation Update - They will donate at least 300 bags and the kids will be allowed to take the rest home.
Sandy moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Liz. M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Emrich, Cody Loch, Michelle Leardini, Brittany Calvert, Liz Jennings, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Lisa Jassen, Rose Malisani, Ginger Murphy, Leann Murphy, Jill Mackey, Aimee Hachigian-Gould
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Sandy motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Liz. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
As of 3/27 Checking balance $12,726.53, DAD $9249.87.
Sponsorship received from the foundation of $1790, checks were ordered and Cognito Forms renewed totalling $49.89.
- Agent Report: Katrin has resigned her position with Extension. Rose is the only agent currently. There have only been two applicants for the 4-H position. There are 311 active 4-H members and 70 volunteers. All intent to enter and breeding project declarations are posted on ZSuites events. Market and breeding swine are due on April 17. Market sheep and goat along with breeding sheep and goat are due May 8. 4-H will be moving to the Family Living Center instead of the Harvest building for the Montana State Fair. May project day is cancelled. Cascade 4-H Leaders Council will have a fundraiser, more information to come. The Great Falls Chamber of Commerce’s Ag Banquet is this weekend.
- March Project Day featured introduction to livestock judging with Courtnee Clairmont teaching. Report is that it was good and presentation was well done.
- 2024-2025 Breeding Project Book is in the works of being updated. The committee has not met since February but should meet sometime in April.
Old Business:
- April 13 Project Day will feature livestock quality assurance. The following people have volunteered to teach the stations:
- Shelter: Sandy Harshaw-Irvin
- Water Quality: Seth Juhl
- Nutrition: Keira Roth
- Injections: Liz Jennings
- May 11 feeding clinic along with rate of gain weigh-in. Rose and Heather are working with Western Ranch Supply.
- 60% Club Attendance was reported that there are a couple of clubs that have not submitted their attendance. Jody will add kids that have attended other 4-H events to the spreadsheet. Rose went to the Chesnut Valley 4-H Club to help clear up some of the questions surrounding the attendance rule.
- 2024 Livestock Show and Sale
- Facility: We will receive a contract in May. Rose and Brook met with Susan. As of now, we will only have a barn rent fee. The moving of the bleacher was well received by ExpoPark and we will not be charged. They will also meet with Alena Standley to make sure our layouts are similar to minimize fees.
- Sponsorship: 90% people have been called. Rose sent an email updating sponsorships have been received. The sponsorship team would like to use social media to reach new potential sponsors. The committee will create a graphic for Rose to use.
- Shavings: 280 bags have been used historically. $7.75 per bag delivered from Western Ranch Supply. Western Feed Corral is having trouble with supply. North 40 will sponsor up to 300 bags of Hemptana at no charge. We will take the shavings fee off the intent to enter fee and there will be no charge to 4-H kids. Lisa motion to accept the sponsorship from North 40 for Hemptana bedding. Jill 2nd. M/S/C Brook will work with the North 40 marketing department to get a full-page ad in the catalog for their sponsorship.
- Electronic buyers forms: Cognito forms will be used to electronically register buyers.
- Cognito forms use for Livestock registration has been suggested. Rose would like to keep using Zsuites. Rose and Brook will continue this conversation.
- Junior Leaders
- Selected buckles and prizes for all categories. Rose will send Heather the projects enrolled to Heather so prizes can be ordered. Brook, Rose, and Heather will meet to order buckles. Leis for grand and reserve, maybe tie dye shirts.
- Junior Leaders decided to not have scheduled games at the show. There may be spontaneous games.
- Cram clinic will not be offered this year.
- Buyer Education: there should have an update before the May meeting.
- Record book judging: June 25th starting at 5:30pm. Liz motioned to spend up to $100 on food and water for the judges. Sandy 2nd. M/S/C
- Livestock judging team software is $300/year through $300 fee gives access to everything. 4-H members enrolled in livestock judging projects should have access to a county account for practice. Jill motioned to spend $300 on an annual license for the livestock judging team to have access to To be voted on renewal annually and share the fee with Horse. Ginger 2nd. M/S/C
New Business
Leann moved to adjourn the meeting. 2ndby Liz M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Katrina Enmrich, Cody Loch, Michelle Leardini, Brittany Calvert, Michaela Hystad, Liz Jennings, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Rose Malisani, Aimee Hachigan-Gould, Jocelynn Baker, Makayla Baker, Grace Lewis, Madelyn Bailey, Molly Lewis, Kipton Lewis, Shealyn Berner, Reagan Jassen, Lisa Jassen, Marie Powell, Brenda Byrnes, Desi Roth
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
One correction to the minutes, Jacob Schott, Sandy motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Brittnany. M/S/C
Stockmans bank balance 10,986.42, DAD 9,243.98, total assets 20230.40. Sponsorship and intent to enter fees
Foundation investment committee met with Brad Thurber to move our DAD account to a higher yield account. He suggested a money market that is averaging 5%, and if it begins to drop below 5% he will renew the conversation with the committee.
- Agent Report
- Intent to enter info has been sent in an email. The intent to enter will be in Zsuites.
Everyone is encouraged to enter a spare animal. There will not be any exceptions to
add animals after the intent date. The job opening for a new 4-H Agent is posted.
Rose and Katrin are splitting the roles of that agent for now. Rose asked every leader
to share one goal per person for the livestock program.
- Cody: to help as many kids as possible in the beef project to have animals make weight and have a successful project.
- Brittany: to make sure sale goes well with all 80 kids.
- Brook: as many kids as possible having a successful livestock project and create memories
- Heather: to continue to promote the goat project
- Rose: good working group with the leader, parents, kids that is successful and give kids the education and to be comfortable talking to adults.
- Kipton: to have a pig that doesn’t fight with other kids
- Mom Lewis: give confidence to kid so they can look people in the eye and speak confidently
- Molly: teach my hog to drive.
- Madelyn: to be able to load my hog on and off the trailer easily
- Grace: to be confident in showing my steer and help younger kids have a good experience.
- Makayla: hope weigh ins go smoothly and that hog will have a good finished look.
- Joclyn: to try to have pig load on and off the trailer easily
- Liz: to be helpful to new families and facilitate communication.
- Sandy: to keep the show running smoothly and have everyone happy.
- Michelle: to attract more kids to the dairy project, both goat and dairy cattle
- Katrina: to keep learning how this group works and help new families learn about the swine project.
- Aimee more opportunity for cloverbuds in livestock projects, getting used to having animals around, and talking to judges. Breeding projects need to have better goals that don’t surround prizes and that are based upon meat/the products produced by the animals they raise. Get back to having a meats ID team. Ulm VFD is building a community center that could be used to hold meats ID trainings.
- Desi: more opportunities for workshops that aren’t on the weekends.
- Marie: mentorship of young kids and families. Being supportive in each other in every part of the project and show.
- Brenda: to continue to see kids from the early roles and switch to the role of a Jr. Leader by leading clinics or helping at the show.
- Shae: to help younger kids and new families that don’t have the knowledge that the experienced older kids have. Helping teach kids about round robin.
- Intent to enter info has been sent in an email. The intent to enter will be in Zsuites.
Everyone is encouraged to enter a spare animal. There will not be any exceptions to
add animals after the intent date. The job opening for a new 4-H Agent is posted.
Rose and Katrin are splitting the roles of that agent for now. Rose asked every leader
to share one goal per person for the livestock program.
- February Project Day
- Soap making was good. Three kids came.
- Rabbit and poultry project day was good. There were alot of kids for rabbits. Talked about showmanship, grooming, and showing. Poultry did not have a large showing. Worked on showmanship, etiquette, and questions.
- 2024-2025 Breeding Project Book
- A small committee met and Rose has created a draft of a new book. The committee is reviewing the revisions and will report on the decisions/changes.
- Project Day: March 9th, Intro to livestock Judging, 22 kids are signed up. Rose is
hoping that the senior level LQA can do a scenario ( that is more unique and uses
the knowledge they hours long) learned as a Junior. Online LQA makeup? Other counties
have used it and it seems to work well.
- April 13th LQA:
- Shelter - Sandy
- Water Quality - Brittany
- Nutrition - Keira Roth
- Injections - Liz if she not working
- Heather will ask Farrah if there is a better day for Marketing
- May 11th other ideas - feeding clinic along with weigh in? Rose and Heather
- April 13th LQA:
- 2024 Livestock Show and Sale
- Agenda, Brook Gerard: Rose made one change to the agenda that Beef Carcass grading will be July 17th and steers will be picked up on July 24. Brittany moves to approve the show agenda as presented. Cody second, MSC.
- Logo, Heather Lewis: voted on yellow design
- Facility, Brook Gerard: Susan Shannon meeting is being worked on. Rose and Brook will meet with her and report back.
- Buyers Meal: Voted on Paniolo (new Hawaiian cafe in Great Falls) to cater the meal. We will order a la carte off their catering menu: Chicken, Pork, Macaroni Salad, and Hawaiian rolls.
- Butcher: Cody Loch, Michaela Hystead, and BrookGerard toured Tizer meats. Fully remodeled and making a completely different operation. 30 buffalo take up 30% of his cooler space. They did the Lewis and Clark County fair last year and there are good reports from people in Lewis and Clark county. He has an automated rail that lays the beef on the pallets straight off the rail. He only kills and chills.
- Steer Transport: Travis Standly will transport steers to Helena.
- Sponsorship Update: Jill has two helpers. Letters have been mailed and they have made one round of calls. Leveque, Hogulands, Cascade Farmer Mutual, Farmers Union have been received.
- Judges: Carcass judges - Rose has arranged.
- Shavings: Ginger is working with a couple of suppliers and a particle sponsorship.
- Photographer: Clancy Olson is confirmed as the photographer for the cost of gas.
- Electronic Check Out: Lisa is working to make sure electronic checkout works well and that registration goes smoothly.
- Division Chairs
- Show: Brook Gerard and Rose Malisani
- Beef: Cody Loch and Lisa Jassen
- Sheep: Heather Lewis
- Swine: Brittany Calvert
- Goat: Michelle Leardini
- Rabbit: Desi Roth
- Poultry: Marie Powell & Felicia Short
- Breeding Projects: Jill Mackey
- Livestock Judging Team: Using Judging Pro and is asking if the leaders will pay for the $500 subscription for used practice. Courtney Clairmont has been working with a small group over zoom and some in person meetings. Decision to vote on specifics of subscription to be moved to next meeting.
- Buyers Education: Brenda Byrnes is working with the GF Chamber, they are interested in helping us with another education. Brenda and Brett have been talking about having this earlier and possibly in May. Brenda will present to the Chamber this week. Look at incentivizing current buyers bringing new buyers to the show, ie. a drawing for a kill fee.
- 60% Attendance Update & Concerns: The Extension office has provided a spreadsheet for each club to track attendance. The reason for the rule is that kids who attend club meetings are more successful in the project and their record books when they attend club meetings. The rule is on page 7 and reads, “All 4-H members enrolled in livestock projects must attend 60% (or club bylaw minimum) of their club meetings to be eligible to show and sell at the Cascade County 4-H Livestock Show and Sale. Absences may be marked as excused at club Organizational Leader discretion or if members are attending another 4-H event. Unexcused absences may be made up by attending a 4-H livestock education event. Attendance will be tracked using a Google Sheet created by the Extension Office. Club secretaries and/or Organizational Leaders will enter club meeting attendance into the Google Sheet. The Extension Office or a Livestock Leader will enter educational event attendance into the Google Sheet.”
This rule can be fulfilled by also attending a 4-H project day or a leaders meeting. Rose will take the responsibility as the Extension Agent to contact families that are not meeting this requirement or are at risk of not making the 60% requirement. Livestock leaders are encouraged to reach out to clubs that are struggling and encourage them to attend meetings and project days. The requirement is hard on some families that are very committed on the weekends. Weeknight meetings or project days would be appreciated to help fulfill the requirement. Livestock leaders will help give kids more opportunities to make presentations for credit for meetings. April, May, June livestock leaders will allow presentations at 5:30pm for the first 7 kids. Deadline to have 60% of meeting requirements fulfilled is June 11th.
- Waiting list: The rule change proposal to not have a wait list was tabled and did not make it to vote because we weren’t sure we had butchers for that many animals. The cap for hogs at 75, we could wait for the intent to enter to be submitted to see if we still have 80 hogs. There is kill & chill space and butcher space for 80 animals. Rose’s proposal is that we wait and see what the intent to enter numbers. Everyone needs to make sure to intent their animals so that if they are on the waiting list they still have the opportunity to show if there are other animals that die or hogs/animals that can’t make it to the show.
Upcoming Events
- May 11 Small Animal Weigh in
- Third Saturday of every month is the Small Animal Weigh-In Series at Western Feed Corral
Brittany moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Liz M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Ginger Murphy, Katrina Emrich, Cody Loch, Michelle Leardini, Allyssa Peak, Brittany Calvert, Michaela Hystad, Liz Jennings, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Meanie Paul, Katrin Finch, Rose Malisani, Jill Mackey, Aimee Hachigian-Gould
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Michaela motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Sandy. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report
Stockmens bank balance $10,782.65, DAD 9238.10, total asset $20,020.75, Sponsorships and intent to enter fees were received. Remaining prizes were paid for. Foundation has not met to move our funds in the DAD account, there is a meeting with Brad on February 26th.
Notice from Stockmens Bank that fraud is on the rise and to beware of scammers. 7-Heart received a thank you letter from Bailee Herman for their sponsorship for her beef project.
- Agent Report: Today is Allyssa’s last day. Rose will take over until the new 4-H agent is hired. Office is closed Feb 19th.
- Beef Weigh In: Lots of people showed up with heavy calves. We moved quicker with a new system of loading and unloading. Done weighing at 3:30.
- January Project Day: Was cancelled and has been rescheduled for this weekend.
- Jacob Shott Memorial: Letters went out about a month ago, awards went to Jaden Paul $2,000, Dakota Hystad $500, Lyle Grossman $500.
- Jr. Leaders Meeting: Came up with 4 theme ideas. I emailed the theme options out on Sunday night for all to vote. We have 4 votes for Hawaiian, 2 votes for dessert, 2 for “Blue Mountain” theme and 1 for minimalistic mountain theme. We decided on buckles for Grand Champion prizes and came up with Reserve prize ideas. Reserve ideas are backpack with leather engraved plaque, engraved water bottles, same acrylic trophies as last year with Bluetooth speakers, steel engraved plaques (like buckles) on other items.
Old Business:
- March 10th Project Day - Marketing with Hal and Rial McGregor
- April 13th - LQA, mandatory for all first-time juniors and first year seniors.
New Business:
2024 Livestock Show and Sale
- Agenda: Clubs liked the idea of having adult showmanship. We can have grand and reserve
seniors from each species be the judge and hold adult showmanship after round robin
when we are getting all prizes and such ready for awards.
-Addition of a club meeting/activity time slot at the end of Saturday. - Auctioneer: Kyle Schobe is confirmed
- Logo Ideas - Hawaiian will be the theme
- Facility - Rose and Brook are working with Alena and Susan to reduce fees with setup. We will as 4-H Foundation if they can help us pay for the facility fee.
- Electronic Checkout for Buyers - Lisa is working with Stockmens and it should be ready for the sale.
- Buyers Meal: Smoked bid $1800 for cowboy cocktails for 200 people. Nosh Catering would need donated meat to make a $2500 budget work. Armando’s Catering will get back to us. Add to list: Donnie @ Clark and Lewie’s, Cafe Rio taco bar.
- Butcher: Tizer Meats will take beef. He has a simple loadout for carcasses and it will take less labor than previous year. This year will be a trail before moving all of our animals to their facility. Flathead Meat Co-Op will take hogs, lambs, and goats.
- Carcass: Rose will look for a beef carcass judge near Helena and reach out to the small animal judge for Kalispell.
- Transportation: Beau will hall small animals. Aimee will ask Brandon and Andrew Gould. Other ideas are Chad Rearden, Calvine Rohr, Travis Standley, or Carsen Davidson
- Sponsorship: First round of letters went out. Donna Juhl and Kayla Grossman are helping Jill. They will be calling the sponsors in a week or so once the letters have time to arrive. They would like to utilize 4-H members to help make these calls. They will be asking for larger sponsorships to cover specific large expenses and the sponsors will be recognized for that.
- Judges: Marc King for large animals, Jackie Sutton for small animals, Rose is contacting carcass judges.
- Division Chairs:
- Show: Brook Gerard & Rose Malisani
- Beef: Lisa & Cody
- Sheep: Heather Lewis
- Swine: Brittany Calvert
- Goat: Michelle Leardini
- Rabbit: OPEN
- Poultry: Desi Roth
- Breeding Project: OPEN
- Breeding Project Working Group: Rose is revising the breeding project book per the discussion at the meeting. We are creating more concise questions for the project interviews that set the kids up for success. Final changes will come next fall.
Upcoming Events:
February 10th - Project Day
March 5th - Livestock Leaders
Desi moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Jill. M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Ginger Murphy, Lisa Jassen, Jill Mackey, Leah Mackey,,
Katrina Emrich, Cody Loch, Michelle Leardini, Allyssa Peak, Brittany Calvert, Michaela
Hystad, Liz
Jennings, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Meghan Johnson, Meanie Paul
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Jill motioned to approve the meeting minutes as posted, 2nd by Michelle. M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report
Sponsorship and intent to enter fees have been received. Monies were spent on breeding
project awards, insurance, and ear tags. Ending balance for $10,773.92 checking and
DA Davidson $9,232.41. It has been recommended that we move the DA Davidson account
under the same management as the other 4-H accounts with Foundation funds so that
it can work better for us. Liz will have a further update after they meet this month.
Lisa moved to allow the foundation
investment committee and Brad Thurber to manage the livestock DA Davidson account
with an emphasis on conservative growth. 2nd by Cody. M/S/C
Agent Report
Office will be closed January 15th.
November Project Day
Went well. There were many kids and there was lots of positive feedback. Jill built species specific PowerPoints that can be used in the future as well.
Jacob Shott Memorial:
Winner has been decided but hasn’t been decided. Five kids interviewed.
Rabbit and Poultry Workshop
Very good and interactive. Kids learned about ducks,
chickens, and turkeys.
Jr. Leaders Meeting
14th or 21st of January depending on schedules. It will be at the extension office or online. Trying to coordinate with the 4-H Ambassador meeting.
Beef weigh in January 14th
Barbara Jo will be at Western Livestock to weigh in the steers.
1-5pm. Lisa & Cody 1-3pm and Jill & Leah 3-5pm.
Old Business:
Brook, Lisa, and Brenda created a budget. We need to get donations and sponsorships
equal to $15,000 this year to make the budget work the best. We need people that can
make sponsorship calls and take the lead on the sponsorship committee. We are trying
to work
with the Golden Triangle Jackpot with the setup so that we can reduce the setup fees.
This year we are trying to align the inflows and what costs they cover in our budget.
Items that are over $500 will have a category going forward so that we can better
understand our inflows & outflows. Jill moved to approve the budget as presented and
add that if an expense if over $500 it gets its own line item in the budget. 2nd by
Lisa. M/S/C
Project Days:
- January 13th - Dairy Goat Soap Making
- February 10th - Desi & Marie
- March 10th - Break Even Point & Marketing - Brenda Byrnes & Hal & Rial McGregor
- April 13th - LQA
New Business:
2024 Livestock Show and Sale
- Proposed Agenda Review: Change weigh in times to allow for only haltered animals at
end of the night. Potluck meal after weigh-in and family 4-H fun event/game, livestock judging etc. Bring agenda recommendations or revisions to February meeting. - Jr. Leaders Logo Ideas: will be presented at February Meeting
- Electronic Checkout for Buyers: Stockman bank will manage and work with Lisa to implement.
- Cognito Forms Entry Forms: The advantage will be the Livestock Leaders can run the
reports and class lists. We will put a form together and do a test run. It will also ensure we charge correctly for all the fees after the issues we had with ZSuite. - Buyers Education: No response from the Chamber Commerce on the proposed November
buyer’s education. We need someone to take the lead on this and try to set it up for a future date. - Butchers: Cody and Brook have been working with butchers to find one butcher to take
the beef and leave all the small animals at Vandevanter. There isn’t one butcher that can
take all the beef at this point. Cody is still working on it. Butchers will get Brook cut and wrap prices in March. - Transportation: Depends on butchers and where animals are going.
- Judges:
- Livestock: Marc King
- Rabbit/Poultry: Martin Townsend?
- Carcass: Depends on location of butchers
- Division Chairs:
- Show: Brook Gerard & Allyssa Peak
- Beef:
- Sheep: Heather Lewis
- Swine: Brittany Calvert
- Goat: Michelle Leardini
- Rabbit:
- Poultry:
- Breeding Project:
Upcoming Events:
- January 3 Beef Intent to Enter due
- January 9 Leaders Council
- January 10 Late Beef Intent to Enter
- January 13 Goat Milk Soap Project Day
- January 14 Beef Weigh in
Katrina moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Ginger M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
Heather Lewis, Brook Gerard, Ginger Murphy, Lisa Jassen, Michela, Jill Mackey, Leah Mackey, Sandy Harshaw, Katrina Enmrich, Cody Loch, Michelle Leardini, Marie Powell, Addison Powell, Desi Roth, Rose Malisani, Allyssa Peak, Brittany Calvert, Brenda Byrnes, Michaela Hystad, Liz Jennings, Brett Keaster.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Brook Gerard.
Sandy moved to approve the minutes as read with one change to number 10. tto stated we allow overweight animals to participate in rate of gain but under weight animals do not participate in reate of gain. . 2nd by Cody M/S/C
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking and savings combined balance $9,436 and DA Davidson balance is $9,220. No income and ear tags were purchased for $262. Income and expense report for the 2023 show and sale are also attached. Net profit for the 2023 show & sale is $2,370.
Agent Report:
YouthEnrollment by project - Beef Breeding 14, Beef 43, Dairy Cattle 2, Dairy Goat 9, Meat Goat Breeding 4, Meat Goat 13, Poultry Breeding 2, Poulty 11, Poultry Market 5, Rabbit Breeding 1, Rabbit 9, Sheep Breeding 6, Sheep 18, Swine Breeding, Swine Market 83. Extension Office is closed friday Nov 10th for Veterans Day and Nov 23rd for Thanksgiving.
Project Fair:
There was good participation at both acheivement night and the project fair. Leah talked to multiple families about projects. Marie liked having project fair and acheivement night together. Having more hands on for the new families to learn would be helpful..
Western Feed Corral Animal Fair:
Very fun and a lot of people came through the barn. Wasn’t a 4-H event but we supported it with animals and it was appreciated.
Old Business:
- BYLAWS: ADDING - Rule/plicy change suggestions are discussed in Septemenr. The October meeting is used to collaboratively make rule cahnges with the option to vote. motion by brittney, second desi m/s/c
- Breeading project ear tags - motion by Lisa, second Cody m/s/c
- No animal will be replaced after the last intent to enter daye for that species reguardless of circumstances. - motion Lisa, second Jill m/s/c
- Club meeting attendance requirement - motion Desi, second Brittany - one opposition Passed by ⅔ majority
- Weigh-in procedures & vetrinary health inspection - motion Sandy, second Michelle m/s/c
- Light weight animlas will be placed in a feeder class instead of carcass - motion Jill, second Cody - one opposition ⅔ majority passes
- Rate of gain, underweight animals are not eligable - motion Lisa, second Sandy m/s/c
- Breeding project awards are based upon species - motion Brittany, Jill second m/s/c
- Rabbit and poulty can show 5 animlas per species- motion Marie, second Katrina m/s/c
- Poultry broiler date change to May 15 - motion Marie, second Desi m/s/c
- Leg bands may be purchased on your own - motion Marie, second Brittany m/s/c
New Business:
2024 Livestock Show and Sale are the 11th-13th of July.
Butcher - Vandvanters (Flathead Co-op)in Columbia Falls is confirmed & Cody is working on overflow
Online Sale -
Hauling - Beau Sommerfield is confirmed
Auctioneer - Kyle Schob - Lisa will check-in since Cody hasn’t received a response
Carcass Help - Brook called temp agencies in Columbia Falls to get quotes for 5-6 men to help for several hours. July 18th small animals, and 25th large animals loading in Columbia Falls. We will have to budget for this. Will have more details in January.
Jr. Leaders - 13 years and older. Meetings will be November, January, March, May, and July.
Project Days:
2nd Saturday from November to May
November: Livestock Project Financials - Brenda & Jill: Brenda will cover what needs to be in the records and Jill will cover budgeting.
December: MeatRabbit, Meat chickens 10:30-12
January: Dairy goat soap making
February: Rabbit & Poultry Showmanship 10:30-12
March: Marketing with McGregors - have leaders available to help demonstrate
April: LQA 9-12
May: Dairy? Small animal fitting & showmanship
June: ?
Other Events
January: Beef weigh in - January 14th 1pm-5pm Western Livestock
May: Goat, Sheep, Swine weigh in- May 11th 1-4pm Western Ranch
Clinic Planning Ideas:
- Showmanship and fitting - Mari Morriss suggested for clinician
- Feeding
- Breeding
- Bring more ideas & details to January meeting
January meeting will be on the 2nd.
Jill moved to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Cody M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 8:27pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Lewis
Cascade County 4-H Livestock Leaders Secretary
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