Agricultural Integrated Pest Management
This page serves as a portal to departments that directly relate to agricultural IPM. They are grouped into 4 main categories: Disease, Weeds, Insects, and Pesticide Education. Each category contains information about related research projects, specialists, and training programs.

Invasive Plants
Mangold Lab: Invasive Plant Ecology and Management works with researchers, Extension agents, public land managers, and land owners to develop, gather, and share information on invasive plant management that is based on our best understanding of ecology.
Cropland Weeds
The Cropland Weed Ecology and Management Laboratory focuses on assessing the ecological underpinnings of sustainable cropping systems and using this information to help producers improve the economic and environmental sustainability of their farming enterprise.

Field Crops Pathology
The Extension Plant Pathology program at Montana State University focuses on diseases of economic importance in Montana as well as issues faced in the home landscape.
MSU Extension Plant Pathology provides plant and pest identification through the Schutter Diagnostic Lab, as well as seed testing services for pulse crops, provided by the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Laboratory.
Potato, Sugarbeet, and Pulse Pathology
The Extension Potato, Sugarbeet, and Pulse Pathology is dedicated to providing information, education, and research about complex plant disease issues to Montana farmers and specialists. They focus on diseases affecting seed potatoes, sugarbeets, peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

Pestweb is designed to provide for a rapid response to developing and expanding pest problems. Its purpose is to serve as a “real time” monitoring system to help producers track the distribution of key crop pests throughout the states of Montana and North Dakota in order to help guide scouting efforts and aid in the implementation of integrated management practices.
Pesticide Education

Pesticide Education Program
The MSU Extension Pesticide Education Program (PEP) is an educational program promoting the proper use of pesticides to protect public health and the environment. This includes coordinating the Montana Private Applicator Training Program, as well as providing educational resources regarding pesticide use, pest management, reading the label, pesticide law, health, safety, and the environment. PEP supports all applicators, businesses and homeowners by combining educational resources and knowledge from scientists, governmental agencies and the public.
Further Information
For an overview of the MSU Extension IPM family of departments, see our Resources page. Please direct general inquiries to the Schutter Diagnostic Lab.