Yard and Garden
Montana Frost and Freeze Data
MSU MontGuides - Yard and Garden
Tree Care
The Basics of Pruning Trees and Shrubs |
The Basics of Pruning Trees and Shrubs. Why, when, and what to prune |
Tree Pruning Techniques |
Proper pruning creates more beautiful, healthy trees and can increase the life span and productivity of fruit and shade trees |
Reducing Winter Related Injury in Landscape Trees (pdf) |
Montana can have harsh winter conditions that can sometimes challenge even our hardiest trees and shrubs, especially if steps aren’t taken to set them up for the best success. Last winter was especially tough on many of our landscape trees and shrubs, and we saw significant amounts of winter injury across the state. Follow these tips to set your trees and shrubs up for a more successful winter this year by allowing them to harden off and protecting them from common winter-related injuries. |
Managing Aphids in Landscape Trees and Shrubs (pdf) |
MSU's Extension Horticulture Specialist, Abiya Saeed, takes a look at potential Aphid issues in susceptible trees. |
Blister Mites - MSU Urban Alert |
There have been quite a few samples coming into the Schutter Lab with appleleaf blister mites. These mites are a type of eriophyid mite, which are microscopic and difficult to see with the naked eye. Their hosts are apple, crabapple and pear trees. |
Training Young Apple Trees to the Central Leader System |
The purpose of training and pruning is to maintain desired tree shapes that are capable of early production of large, high-quality crops with balanced vegetative and reproductive growth. |
Jujube Training and Pruning Basics |
Jujube is a new fruit to most of the American population, and there is very limited information about pruning jujubes. Jujube’s shoot structure is different from apples or peaches in that its secondary branches always accompany the primary shoots. |
Pruning the Home Orchard |
Fruit trees are pruned to regulate growth, increase yield, and improve fruit size and quality. Pruning is used to shape trees for ease of management and to repair damage. How you prune your trees affects the way they grow and how much they fruit. |
Old School Solution Found to New Tree Trouble |
Sheep are proving useful in helping new trees gain a better foothold in cutblocks. Cutblocks are areas with clear boundaries that have been approved for harvest. |
Early Tree Care |
Proper early care of young trees is pivotal to the long-term health and success of your orchard as it matures. Young trees are more susceptible to pests, diseases, and competition from other vegetation when they are young. |
Common Tree Care Myths |
The MSU Broadwater County Extension Office takes a look at some tree myths. |
Flowers and Shrubs
Annual Flowers May Solve Many Landscape Problems |
We've got tips on planning, planting, growing and harvesting your annual flower garden. |
Why Planting Wildflowers Makes a Difference |
In this National Geographic article, Christina Nunez shares why planting wildflowers can be a big benefit. |
Trees and Shrubs in Montana |
By learning how to identify trees and shrubs, you will improve your knowledge about Montana and about the growing things near streambeds, mountain slopes-practically everywhere that plants grow. |
Master Gardener Q & A |
Master Gardeners answer the question "Now that the snow has melted, what should I be doing in my yard and garden to ensure I have a good season?" |
Xeriscaping and Other Thoughtful Landscaping Practices to Conserve Water |
Drought conditions and limited water supplies in much of the semi-arid West can reduce water availability for irrigating home landscapes. This makes water conservation an important component of gardening in Montana and beyond. Xeriscaping, a term originally developed by Denver Water (derived from the Greek word “xeros,” which means ‘dry’), is a method of landscaping that incorporates water conservation strategies to minimize water waste and reduce the need for supplemental irrigation. |
Fruits and Vegetables
Tomato Diseases and Disorders |
Here are some things you'll want to be aware of when growing tomatoes in your garden. |
Rhubarb |
Technically a vegetable, rhubarb or “pie plant” can produce for 20 or more years and grows to a size of two feet high and six feet wide. |
Summer Squash |
Growing, harvesting, using and storing summer squash are all covered in this article from MSU Extension Services. |
Grapes |
Learn more about producing and using this wonderful fruit. |
Late Blight in Garden Potatoes |
Late blight of potato is a disease of great concern wherever potatoes are grown. The organism responsible for late blight, Phytopthora infestans, is known as the “plant destroyer. |
Seed Potatoes |
Need to purchase seed potatoes for your garden? |
Articles and Useful Links
Surviving Montana Bugs Below Zero |
How do insects survive the winter? |
The ABC's of Plants for Bees! |
Though it might not seem like it for some of us who are still in the throes of winter and it especially feels like a distant dream as I look outside my window here in Montana, but spring is right around the corner. |
The Difference Between Potting Soil and Potting Mix |
Shopping for a growing medium to use for potted plants can be a confusing experience because the terms “potting soil” and “potting mix” are often used interchangeably. |
Mushrooms in the Lawn |
Mushrooms are the above-ground fruiting bodies of fungi that live in the soil. These fungi feed on decaying organic matter, such as old roots, stumps and thatch. |
Plant Hardiness Zone Map |
This page allows you to find and download state, regional, and national Plant Hardiness Zone Maps at various resolutions. |
Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery |
The Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery is part of the Montana DNRC and is overseen by the Legislature. Our Mission is to provide plants for conservation projects that occur throughout the State of Montana. |
Home Composting |
This MontGuide describes the essential ingredients for effectively composting organic materials such as grass clippings, leaves, and some kitchen food scraps into a high-quality soil conditioner at home. |
Building and Maintaining a Pollinator-Friendly Garden Landscape |
In Montana, we have a plethora of pollinators that call the various ecosystems, agricultural lands, and urban areas across the state home. These pollinators play important roles in the pollination of agricultural crops and other flowering plants that help sustain native plant diversity and ecosystem functions. |
Selecting Garden Seeds |
I’ve started dreaming about sinking my toes into warm garden soil. And with that, garden planning begins! However, when flipping through the catalogs, it can quickly become overwhelming. Here are a few frequently asked questions for garden seed selection which may be helpful to narrow down the options. |
Blister Mites in Apple Leaves - Statewide |
This article takes a closer look at the Blister Mite. |
Social Wasps in Montana (PDF) |
We have several social wasps in Montana. Except for the Western yellowjacket, social wasps are typically not aggressive unless their nest is disturbed. |
Grasshoopers in the Yard and Garden (PDF) |
Grasshopper outbreaks are occurring in several areas in Montana. They are difficult to control due to their migratory nature and voracious feeding on several host plants. |
Saving Bees and Other Pollinators |
This story by ABC news outlines the importance of saving bees and other pollinating insects. |
Flea Beetles in the Garden |
When holes appear on the leaves of garden plants, there is a likely culprit: the flea beetle. The flea beetle is a yearly visitor in Montana and a frequent guest in most places where potatoes, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables are grown. |
Homeowner Guide to Spiders Around the Home and Yard (PDF) |
Valuable information about spiders found in our homes and yards. |
Mitigating Winter Vole Damage |
With heavy snow levels throughout much of Montana this past winter, we have seen and heard many reports of considerable vole damage in yard and garden landscapes. Voles can feed on and cause damage to a variety of plants including turfgrass, trees, and shrubs. |
Visit the MSU Extension MontGuide page to find more information.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Executive Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.