January 2024


TO: 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) High School Seniors in Teton County

RE:  Applications for Boe Brothers Foundation and Anne Wiprud Memorial Scholarships

Dear Senior,

Enclosed you will find applications and instructions for both the Boe Brothers Foundation and Anne Wiprud Memorial scholarships. 

 Application packets (consisting of the completed application form, a cover letter, and the required letters of reference) should be postmarked by or delivered to the Teton County-MSU Extension office no later than close of business on Friday, March 29, 2024.  Note that the letters of reference should each be sealed in an envelope by the reference writer, so this part of the packet must be hand delivered or mailed, but the cover letter and application forms may be submitted electronically, if desired, by attaching documents in an email to teton@montana.edu.

View Boe Brothers Foundation and Anne Wiprud scholarship application forms online.  

The Boe Brothers scholarships are $10,000 and $5,000 for students enrolled full-time at Montana State University (MSU)-Bozeman, plus a $2,000 scholarship for other institutions of higher education. The Anne Wiprud Scholarships have typically been in the amount of $400. Requests for deferment (e.g., for high school seniors who will be deferring the start of college for 1 year) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Request a deferment for scholarships.  

Because Teton County-MSU Extension agents and local FFA advisors are involved in administering these scholarships, neither Extension agents nor FFA advisors write letters of reference for applicants for these scholarships.  Local/regional scholarship judges are selected based on their ability to be fair and unbiased.

We encourage 4-H members to review other 4-H scholarship opportunities.  View 4-H Foundation scholarships. We want to stress to parents and students that while the senior year in high school seems like the most important time to apply for scholarships, there are many scholarships opportunities after the completion of the freshman year of college. We encourage all college students to inquire at their colleges about additional scholarship opportunities.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Teton County-MSU Extension office.  We would be glad to assist you.

The Teton County-MSU Extension Team

Jenn, Shelby Jamie, and JoAnn


Please note that any time there is a potential conflict of interest (e.g., a parent of an applicant is an FFA advisor or Extension agent) that person is prohibited from any involvement in any part of the application or selection process or subsequent petitions to the committee for deferment considerations.