Is Your Market Animal On Track for the Fair

To find out, you'll want to attend upcoming Beef, Swine and Lamb/Goat workshops provided by our own 4-H livestock superintendents. If you are taking a market animalbelow.

Agent Notes

Jenn gives you the inside scoop on the Fair and Shelby talks about camp developments. See below.

Thank you, Clubs!

This year all clubs and committees paid their dues and 1% fees BEFORE the deadline.Honoring deadlines makes the work of the Extension office much easier to manage and we appreciate your help!

Teton Treasures

Our new feature recognizing good works and generosity we treasure. See below.

2023 Teton County 4-H Fair, "Critters and Crafts"

Find out where you need to be, and when, at this year's Fair. Be sure to note the Fair Schedule, Livestock Members' Duty roster and Club Rotation chart.

Congratulations, Seniors!

Photos of this year's Graduates and their younger selves below.

The Next 31

May 1-June 15

  • Register for State 4-H Congress (July 11-14, 2023)

May 7

  • Beef LQA, Sunday, 2-4:00 p.m., Weatherbeater Arena or North Montana Feeders

May 13

  • Swine LQA, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to noon, Pearson's House

May 15

  • Camp counselor meeting, Monday 6:30 p.m., Fairfield Public Library

May 21

  • Second Lamb/Goat LQA, Sunday,3:00 p.m., location to be determined

May 24

  • Fair Registration Deadline, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m., Extension office

Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA)

Recall that livestock projects require attendance at an approved Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) educational eventduring the first year of the project and every other year thereafter.We are excited to let you know about three opportunities to satisfy your LQA requirement and/or get credit for 1 to 3 of the required 7 learning activities in your livestock Project book. (You can attend the workshop just to learn and get credit for project activities, even if you don't need LQA this year!See the table on page 3 to find out how many activities you will get credit for.)

Beef Workshop/Livestock Quality Assurance Event:

Ashle Morris and Chelsee Yeager, in collaboration with Cody Yeager, are providing a Beef-specific workshop and LQA event.Save the date - it's scheduled for Sunday, May 7th from 2 to 4 p.m.The location will be either the Weatherbeater Arena (in case of rain or muddy conditions) or North Montana Feeders on Hwy 89 north of Choteau.Please RSVP to Ashle (406-699-3210) or Chelsee (406-868-2625), and they will keep you posted as to the location.

At either location, it is optional to bring your steer for a weight check!Cody Yeager will be present to provide feed advice in case your steer's weight is off-target. This is a great time to share information with others who love raising market beef and get tips on showing!

Swine Workshop/Livestock Quality Assurance Event:

Ryan and Kelly DeBruycker and Kaare and Heidi Pearson are collaborating to provide a Swine-specific workshop and LQA event. Save the date - it's scheduled for Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to noon at Kaare & Heidi Pearson’s house:560 Hwy 431, Fairfield, MT 59436.Lunch will be provided after the workshop.Please RSVP to Heidi Pearson at 406-231-2117, so they can plan accurately for food.

Additional Lamb Workshop/Livestock Quality Assurance Event:

Our first Lamb Workshop already took place at Snyder Ranch on March 17. If you missed that one, here's a second opportunity to get credit for LQA or project activities. About 10 of 13 lamb project members are in their first year of lamb project, so we encourage you all to attend for the chance to weigh your lamb and continue learning about health concerns and lamb handling. Goat project members are also welcome. Brent Roeder is putting on this lamb workshop. Save the date - it's scheduled for Sunday, May 21, at 3 p.m., location to be determined. Please RSVP to the Extension office (, or Jenn's cell: 406-868-4570) and we will notify you when Brent picks the location.

Virtual LQA Option

If you cannot attend your species-specific event, there will be an alternative method for satisfying the LQA requirement.Colorado State University (CSU) is including us in their virtual LQA program, which consists of a workbook and an online quiz(80% proficiency required, but multiple attempts allowed.)This will satisfy members' LQA requirements but will NOT count towards the 7 activities in the beef project books.The link to the workbook and quizzes for CSU's virtual LQA will come out in mid-May - but we highly recommend attending your species-specific in-person livestock workshop if you can.

Agent Notes

A Note From Jenn

Hello 4-H Families!

We're getting super excited about the 2023 Teton County 4-H Fair.This year's Fair theme is "Critters and Crafts".Something NEW this year - we want to create an opportunity for a few of our amazing Pavilion exhibitors to be highlighted at the livestock auction on Saturday, June 24, at the Weatherbeater.This is completely voluntary and will only happen if we have interested participants.As such, we're asking 4-H members to indicate during Fair registration whether they have a Pavilion project that they would like to be offered at auction, if their project is selected by a judging panel.Just complete the portion of the registration form asking which Pavilion project should be considered.Of course, tangible items such as quilts, leatherwork, visual art projects, etc., are most suited for auction.

Also, we're inviting all 4-H clubs/members, particularly those involved in cooking or baking projects during the year, to contribute a fresh baked good(such as cookies, cake, or bread) to the Buyer Appreciation Meat and Greet reception on Saturday, June 24, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Weatherbeater.All 4-H members who want to do so should contact the office so we can help prepare a mini-story board highlighting the baker(s) and their club. This will be displayed by the baked item for all to see and appreciate.

Looking forward to a fun Fair!

A Note From Shelby

I am very excited to be a part of Teton County’s 4-H camp for the 2023 season.I had the opportunity to take part in a national 4-H Camp training where I learned about implementing positive youth development strategies that range from trauma informed practices to social skill development. I am looking forward to sharing the knowledge that I learned with the 2023 team. The dynamic team of counselors are a fun group of talented young leaders who will work diligently to make the summer’s program one full of engaging workshops and fun activities.With the guidance and leadership of Marla Holmquist, all of the great Teton County 4-H Camp traditions will continue.One essential part of this important legacy is to share and pass the experiences on to the next generation of camp participants and leaders.We are looking forward to 4-H families joining us for camp at Camp Rotary near Neihart. This will be a great chance to learn more about what makes 4-H camp special.Not only that, but this will be a great opportunity for meeting new friends and having fun.Please contact the Teton County Extension office at 406-466-2491 or email to learn more about how your whole family can participate.

Teton Treasures

This month, the Teton Extension team would like to give a shout out to Justin Paulson, Gene Christensen/Old West Lumber, and the members of the 4-H Livestock Committee and Weatherbeater Board for collaborating on a Weatherbeater improvement project.With a contribution from the Livestock Committee and the blessing of the Weatherbeater Board, Justin researched new windows for the kitchen area and they were purchased at wholesale cost from Old West Lumber.Justin installed the new windows and boy do they look great. Now it's possible to clearly see folks standing in line for concessions!Stay tuned - the kitchen spiff up continues with window trim, paint, and other details ongoing before Fair.

Volunteer Training

THANK YOU to the 9 volunteers who have completed the Clover Academy Leader Training! This means there are still 41 people who need to complete their training. The training consists of four fifteen-minute online modules. You can watch them all at once or separately.All returning volunteers will have until September 30, 2023 to complete the training and will not be allowed to enroll for the 2023-2024 4-H year until the orientation is completed.All new volunteers must complete the orientation before becoming active in ZSuite. Be sure to press the 'Mark Complete' button after every module. It may take the system a moment to refresh and let you proceed. Often just hitting the refresh button is enough, but sometimes it will require you to log out and log back in before it will refresh.

2023 Teton County 4-H Fair Schedule

2023 4-H Fair Livestock Member Set Up and Clean Up Duties

2023 4-H Club Rotations

Record Books Due August 15, 2023

Record books are due to your club leader by August 15 so they can be checked for completion. Your local club leader may set individual club deadlines. Guidelines for what is considered a complete record book, forms and other information are on our webpage.

You can complete your record book in ZSuite or on paper. A complete record book must be submitted in order for 4-H members to exhibit, show or sell at next year's fair.

Record Book Help

If you would like help with your 4-H record book the Extension office will be available after school until 4:45 p.m. on Thursdays, through May. Bring your record book forms with you. There will be some available at the office if needed.

2023 Camp Fee Schedule      4-H Camp July 25-27
Registration Date
4-H Member
Non-4-H Member


May 25, 2023

May 26-June 10
June 11-17
June 18-30

There will be an optional camp t-shirt available to comapers for an additional $14.
4-H Camp Counselors:  $25 registration fee and t-shirt provided.
Adult Volunteers:  No fee and t-shirt provided.

Congratulations Seniors!

4-H is about more than the ribbons and awards.  It's about the People, expreiences, the life-long skills, the memories, the county fairs.  It's about being a role model, giving back and making the best better.

Gage Banner, Nolan Forseth, Dakota Gibson, Dallas Grossman, Golden Holmquist, Presley Holmquist, Maili Miller, Alexis Morris, Shea Ostberg, Addie Pearson, Trever Serverinsen, Jersey Somerfeld and Maggie Toeckes.

Eager Eagles 4-H Club March Minutes

President Addie Pearson called the meeting to order on March 13, 2023, at 6:45 p.m. Nolan Forseth lead the pledges and Secretary Waverly Konen did roll call and read the minutes. Nolan Forseth made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Nolan DeBruycker seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The treasurer, Ayden DeBruycker, informed us that we have $799.96 in our checking account and $213.18 in our savings account.

Our next cooking meeting is Friday, March 24, 2023, at the Konen home.

Nolan DeBruycker, who is in shooting sports, told us he made it in the top five in many of that last shooting competitions he participated in.

Livia Skinner informed us that at the February horse meeting they practiced loping.There was a livestock meeting in January and the committee is still choosing and contacting the superintendents for each animal at the fair.

The Cloverbuds next meeting will be held March 14 at Logan Clark’s home.

Our Show Rite feed tags earned the club $84.00. We were reminded to continue to save Show Rite feed tags as a fundraiser for our club this year, as well.

The members of the Eager Eagles 4-H club who are participating in demonstrations are Nolan DeBruycker, Ayden DeBruycker, and Annika Konen.

We took a picture of the 4-H club with the check from Montana Farmers Union as a thank you. We are sending it to them for a grant they gave us. Because we are sending a thank you to them, we will receive an extra $50.

We also wrote a thank you to the Fairfield Junior Women's Club for giving back the money ($60) we spent to have two tables for our bake sale at the Christmas stroll.

Swine possession date is April 3, 2023, and Lamb and Goat possession date is April 17, 2023. Packets have been sent out by the Extension Office to those members. There will be Livestock LQA information sent directly to livestock members.

There is record book help available at the Extension Office on Thursday after school until 4:45.

Check the March newsletter on the Extension website if you are interested in lamb or pig sales.

After Nolan DeBruycker motioned to adjourn the meeting, Nolan Forseth seconded the motion. The club voted, and President Addie Pearson adjourned the meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 10, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in New Life Church.

Old Agency 4-H Club March Minutes

On March 11, 2023, the Old Agency 4-H club had a meeting in the Pavilion. The American pledge was led by Ella Cornelius and the 4-H pledge was led by Noah Chambers. There was no roll call question and there were 18 members present. Addison Christensen read the secretary’s report, while Kale Gunderson moved and Claira Duty seconded it. Natalie Hodgskiss read the treasurer's report in which the club’s balance is $3,630.78. The treasurer's report was moved by Seeley Neal and seconded by Josyln Chambers.

Old Business

The sign-up date to be a 4-H camp counselor was January 31, but if you are interested contact the Extension Office as soon as possible.

There are some International 4-H members who are coming from abroad. If you would like to host them, contact the Extension Office.

Communications Day was on March 18.

New Business

The Extension Office is helping kids with their record books on Thursdays after school, until 4:45 p.m., if you are interested.

The swine possession date was April 3.

Lamb and goat possession date was April 17. If you are looking for a goat, contact Dawn Kelly.

If you have an animal, please do not forget to submit the market animal agreement form, 3 photos of your animal, your breeder information, and the livestock fee before your animal’s possession date. Fees for the animals are $120 for beef, $100 for swine, and $80 for lambs and goats.

The Morels have offered to butcher any buddy animals, but in order to make it on their list, please contact them as soon as you can.

This year, the LQA for livestock is different. Jenn Swanson has brought a proposal to the council to “Allow in-person attendance at approved local, relevant, high quality, educational events to substitute for 1 or more of the annual project activities.” The policy stated is referring to any market animal project. If they attend an LQA workshop, market animal projectmembers will get credit for 1-3 project book activities. These members are encouraged to attend workshops to possibly gain more hands on experience.

The club is in charge of this year’s Fireworks Fundraiser Sloppy Joe Meal.

Kale Gunderson moved to adjourn the meeting and Ledger Martin seconded it.

Meeting adjourned.

After the meeting, the club cleaned the Pavilion.



Montana State 4-H Congress 2023

The 4-H Network: Connecting Across Montana

  • Registration will open May 1​
  • Registration Deadline is June 15​
  • Event MSU Bozeman Tuesday July 11- Friday July 14​
  • Pre-Congress and Officer Selection Sunday July 9 - Tuesday 11​
  • State Contests Wednesday July 12

Montana 4-H Congress provides youth from across the state an opportunity to come together on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman for four days and participate in an event like no other. Congress offers both youth and adults a venue in which to learn, be challenged, and most of all, have a great time with their peers. Montana 4-Hers have been attending an event like Congress for decades. Congress has become an important tradition and is the signature event for the Montana 4-H Program.


Host International 4-H Youth

Call to Action! Consider hosting the following 4-H youth:

• 2 Norwegian Delegates for approximately 4 weeks, mid- to end of June

• 13 Japanese Delegates for approximately 4 weeks, mid- to end of July

• 2 Japanese Delegates for the Academic Year Program (AYP) beginning in August (lasting approximately August through June)

Experience cultural exchanges firsthand and broaden your global experience.

First come, first serve!

More information contact Christine Sommers-Austin at

Contact/Resources (Clip and Keep)

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2023    June 19-25
2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2023   July 24-29



MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier
Jenn Swanson


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717