Minutes waiting to be approved by Faculty Senate
Options for Low Cost Course Materials
Faculty Senate Meeting
Harrison 123
February 19, 2025
Senators |
Represents |
Attended |
McCalla, Stephanie |
Chair |
X |
Maher, Rob |
Chair-Elect |
X |
Aytes, Kregg |
Business |
X |
Barrett, Campbell |
Extension/Off-campus |
R |
Bartkowiak, Ania |
EHHD/Counseling |
X |
Boles, Jennifer |
AR/Film & Photography |
R |
Brennan, Alison |
R |
Brown, Lisa |
Gallatin College |
X |
Coffey, Jerry |
Emeritus Faculty |
R |
Cowan, Susanne |
AR/Architecture |
R |
Creel, Scott |
LS/Ecology |
X |
Downs, Doug |
LS/English |
X |
D’Urso, Brian |
LS/Physics |
R |
Hammersla, Marg |
Nursing/On campus |
X |
Janzen, Gesine |
AR/Art |
X |
Kalonde, Gilbert |
EHHD/Education |
X |
Knight, Kelly |
LS/Sociology & Anthropology |
R |
Kunze, Anja |
EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering |
X |
Little, Jeannie |
AR/Music |
R |
McCalla, Scott |
LS/Math Sciences |
X |
McDermott, Tim |
AG/Land Resources |
X |
McKelvey, Hannah |
Library |
X |
McPhee, Kevin |
AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology |
X |
McWethy, David |
LS/Earth Sciences |
R |
Meyer, James |
LS/History & Philosophy |
R |
Stowers, Steve |
AG/Micro Cell Biology |
X |
Swensen, Isaac |
AG/Agricultural Economics |
X |
Tomayko, Emily |
R |
Verhille, Christine |
LS/Ecology |
X |
Walach, Michael |
AG/Agricultural Education |
X |
Alternates |
Represents |
Attended |
Li, Hua |
LS/Modern Languages |
X |
Miller, Carrie |
Nursing/On campus |
R |
Represents |
Attended |
Anderson, Ryan |
Chemical & Biological Engineering |
X |
Beck, Carina |
X |
Babcock, Michael |
X |
Ellis, Colter |
Faculty Affairs |
X |
Mokwa, Robert |
Office of the Provost |
X |
Reyes, Albert |
Grad Student |
R |
Rossmann, Doralyn |
Library |
X |
I. Call to Order
a. Meeting was called to order at 3:17pm
II. Approval of FS Minutes from February 5, 2025
a. Scott McCalla moves to approve. Doug Downs seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.
III. FYI Items
a. The Office of Research and Economic Development is hosting a Celebration Research and Creativity, April 21st, 3:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m., Inspiration Hall, Norm Asbjornson Hall.
i. Consider nominating an Everyday Hero of MSU’s research enterprise – supports research but rarely recognized. To be honored at April 21st event. https://www.montana.edu/research/ed-hero_nomination.html
b. Legislative week in review: a resource compiling educationally related happenings in the MT State Legislature: https://mus.edu/che/grc/index.html
c. Reminder: Outreach and Engagement Seed grants due April 4, 2025. These are not funded by indirects and are therefore still being accepted.
i. https://www.montana.edu/outreachengagementcouncil/celebratingengagement.html
IV. Informational Updates
a. Dr. Ryan Anderson: Persistence to Degree Course Materials
i. Flyer will be emailed to you so you can distribute to your colleagues
ii. Questions
1. How do you get the books we need in the library?
a. See if we have it in the library from the website. If you don’t find it, ask the library, and see what they can find. They might suggest an alternative.
b. Ask the Library link on the website, or you can email Doralyn directly.
2. How much money has this program saved students?
a. $4.2M/year
3. You have to tell the students to look at the library for textbooks. They don’t think about the library having their required textbooks.
b. Graduate Council
V. Ice-Breaker and Discussion
a. How have the changes to federal programs and funding impacted you?
i. The uncertainty is waring.
ii. Will people in uncertain positions leave MSU for the private sector?
1. Same worry about Grad Students.
iii. Where will we be with teacher education for public school teachers? DOE impact.
VI. Undergraduate Courses and Programs
a. Courses – First Reading
i. ETME 322: Introduction to Building Energy Systems
ii. AGED 222: An Introduction to Agritourism
iii. AHMS 170: Intro to Mental Illness and Addiction Behaviors
iv. AHMS 195: Selfcare for Caregivers
v. AHMS 202: Behavioral Health Clinical Procedures
vi. BIOH 365: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for Health Professions
vii. BIOH 366: Human Anatomy and Physiology I for Health Professions Lab
viii. BIOH 370: Human Anatomy and Physiology II for Health Professions
ix. BIOH 371: Human Anatomy and Physiology II for Health Professions Lab
x. EGEN 110US: Foundations in Engineering & Computing Mindset
xi. GDSN 365: Professional Development & Practice
xii. GEO 402: Molecular Paleontology
xiii. HSTA 300: Writing for History
xiv. SPNS 334: Women Writers of Latin America
b. Courses – Second Reading
i. CJLE 105: Police Patrol Procedures
ii. CJLE 106: Basic Police Firearms Training
iii. CJLE 130: Practical Scenarios for Law Enforcement
iv. CJLE 140: Patrol Operations
v. CJLE 150: Life Saving Skills
vi. CJLE 160: Communications for Public Safety
vii. CJLE 170: Montana Criminal Code
viii. CJLE 180: Health and Wellness in Everyday Policing
ix. CJLE 209: Criminal Investigation
x. CJLE 212: Defensive Tactics
xi. CJLE 298: Internship
xii. CJUS 231: Criminal Evidence and Procedure
c. Course Changes – First Reading
i. COMX 101US: First-Year Experience: Place and Identity
1. Rubric change from US
2. Title change from US 101US: First Year Seminar
ii. HDFS 315: Communication and Marketing in Community Education
1. All new learning outcomes
d. Program Changes – First Reading
i. HMHR-BS: BS in Hospitality Management: Sustainable Hospitality
1. BS in Hospitality Management
ii. HMLM-BS: BS in Hospitality Management: Hospitality Business Option
1. Not a new program. Option existed in the original program.
iii. SCNS-MED: School Counseling
1. Adding an online option
VII. Graduate Courses and Programs
a. Course Changes – First Reading
i. CSCI 547: Advanced Machine Learning
1. Title change from Machine Learning
2. The title change is to disambiguate this course from CSCI 447 that has the same title (Machine Learning).
ii. FILM 575: Special Professional Project and Paper
1. Number change to 575 as that is the number for Professional Project/Paper
2. Title change to reflect Project and Paper
b. Course Inactivations – First Reading
i. BIOH 542: Survey of Current Cell Signaling
1. Instructor no longer at MSU
ii. HDCO 523: Theory and Practice of Addiction
1. Duplicative with AC 501
iii. HDCO 556: Sexuality Counseling
1. Course is no longer needed due to accreditation standards
iv. HDCO 590: Master's Thesis
1. Counseling is a clinical program so doesn't offer thesis options
v. IMID 501: Exper Immunology/Pathology
1. Course no longer offered
vi. IMID 505: Gene Regulation in Human Development, Disease, and Immunity
1. Course no longer offered
vii. IMID 589: Graduate Consultation
1. Not needed for programs in MCB
viii. IMID 590: Master's Thesis
1. IMID grad program no longer offered
ix. IMID 690: Doctoral Thesis
1. IMID grad program no longer offered
x. MB 535: Genomic Analysis Lab
1. Course no longer offered
c. Program Changes – First Reading
i. CRBT CERT: Professional Certificate in Crop Breeding and Biotechnology
1. Title change from Certificate in Crop Breeding and Biotechnology
d. FYI Notification
i. SCNS-MED: School Counseling
1. Adding an online option
VIII. Senators’ Open Conversation
a. None
IX. Public Comment
a. None
X. Adjourn
a. Tim McDermott moves to adjourn. Michael Walach seconds. Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm