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Power Point Presentation

Faculty Senate Meeting (Leon Johnson 346) 04.05.2023

3:15 pm – 4:30 pm





Thomson, Jennifer



Ellis, Colter

Chair Elect


Amendola, Roberta

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Caton, Gary



Coffey, Jerry-Webex

Emeritus Faculty


Cowan, Susanne



Downs, Doug



Flory, Dan

LS/History & Philosophy


Fuller, Kate

AG/Agriculture Economics


Gedeon, Tomas

LS/Math Sciences


Goosey, Hayes

Extension/On campus


Izurieta, Clemente

EN/Computer Science


Janzen, Gesine



Johnson, Jerry

LS/Political Science


Kalonde, Gilbert



Maher, Rob

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


McCalla, Stephanie

Chemical and Biological Engineering


McDermott, Tim

AG/Land Resources


McKelvey, Hannah



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


McWethy, David

LS/Earth Sciences


Neufeldt, Sharon



Orendorff, Karie

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Posbergh, Chris

AG/ Animal and Range


Rebane, Aleks



Rognlie, Juli

Gallatin College


Stoneback, Sarah



Stowers, Steve-Webex

 AG/Micro Cell Biology


Thorsen, Maggie

LS/Sociology and Anthropology


Tillack, Peter

LS/Modern Languages


Walach, Michael

AG/Agricultural Education


Walter, Mat

 Extension/Off campus






Ruff, Julie

Nursing/On campus






Anderson, Ryan-Webex

Chemical/Biological Engineering


Babbitt, Randy-Webex



Blackler, Kristin



Brody, Michael

Faculty Affairs


Caires, Matt

Dean of Students


Crosby, Hillary-Anne-Webex



Dormanen, Rose-Webex



Fastnow, Chris

Planning and Analysis


Gallagher, Justin-Webex

Agricultural Economics & Economics


Grenier, Heather



Lachapelle, Paul

Political Science


Lachowiec, Jennifer-Webex

Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology


McCoski, Sarah

Animal and Range Sciences


Ogilvie, Craig-Webex

Graduate School


Provost Mokwa



Reidy, Michael

History and Philosophy


Reyes, Albert

Graduate Students


Ross, Sunshine



Sobek, Durward

Provost Office


Swinford, Steve

Provost Office



I.             Call to Order

a.       Meeting called to order at 3:15


II.            Approval of FS Minutes from March 22, 2023

a.       Tomas seconds. Minutes were approved.

b.       Jerry Johnson motions to suspend the agenda for public comment. Doug Downs Seconds.


III.             FYI items

a.       MSU’s Annual Sustainability Summit – April 10-11

b.       Outreach Seed Grant Proposals – Deadline April 14, 2023.

The program goal is to promote engagement activities that involve faculty, students and staff in partnership with local and regional constituents to address the needs of citizens in Montana and beyond.

c.       Save the Date: 100th Day of Student Recognition May 5, 2023


IV.            Information Items

a.       Yes, for Streamline - Presentation- Heather Grenier, Sunshine Ross,

Vanessa Palmer from HRDC

i.         Kristin Blackler-Vote your conscience when it comes time. 

ii.       Sunshine Ross 

A.      May election

B.       Ballots come by mail

C.       Would like to further expand our service area

D.      Important dates and ballot language on slide presentation

E.       Questions

1.       Bozeman, Four Corners, Belgrade will get ballots

2.       Livingston?

Ø  April through October

3.       Three Forks/Manhattan could be new areas

4.       Service to the airport?

Ø  Would need another funding source. 

Ø  It is in our future plans

5.       Kristin Blackler is on the board if you have questions


b.       Proposed Survey Policy – Christine Fastnow Proposed Policy - Institutional Survey Policy

i.         Not proposed yet. Going to keep working on it.

ii.       Questions

         A. Need to clarify language to be     sure it is not imposing on teaching in the classroom.


V.            Old Business

a.       Hate Speech Resolution – Proposal from the last meeting

The faculty of Montana State University (MSU) recognize recent threats towards the Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) and Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) student organizations at MSU. The themes and rhetoric used in these threats endanger the safety and well-being of our MSU community by inciting hatred, and potential violence, against members of our community.

The faculty of MSU reaffirm our commitment to “a learning and working environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based upon race, color, religion, national origin, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, gender, age, political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.” (

The existence of such speech should not be ignored, as ignoring the presence of this type of speech on campus 1) could be seen as a tacit endorsement of hateful rhetoric, 2) isolates those experiencing these threats, 3) slows down the passing of critical information between targeted groups, and 4) is detrimental to the mental health of targeted members of our community.

The Faculty Senate of Montana State University, speaking on behalf of faculty at MSU, denounces threatening and hateful speech in all its forms. We resolve to confront this speech on campus by 1) supporting efforts to increase communication between administration, faculty, and other groups on campus about acts of hate speech at MSU, 2) continuing to support members of targeted groups by connecting them to campus and community resources, and 3) working to ensure the safety of all members of the MSU community in the face of violence and threats of violence 4) reaffirming our commitment to equity and justice. We uphold the ideals set forth in MSU’s Strategic Plan (Transformational Learning, Goal 1.1: Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in undergraduate education) and Diversity and Inclusion Framework (Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations). We stand in solidarity with all groups targeted by hate speech and aim to cultivate an inclusive learning community for all people.



"Hate Speech and Hate Crime", American Library Association, December 12, 2017. (Accessed March 15, 2023)


Suggested Amendment:

The faculty of Montana State University (MSU) recognize that hate speech and threats occur on the MSU campus in such forms as emails, fliers, and verbal statements targeting members of our MSU community. This includes recent threatening and hate filled emails sent to members of the student group Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) that targeted members of the LGBTQ+ and Black/Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) community at MSU. A threat was also made on campus targeting members of the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) student organization. The faculty at MSU reaffirm our commitment to “a learning and working environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based upon race, color, religion, national origin, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, gender, age, political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.” (hereinafter Protected Classes)

The themes and rhetoric used in hate speech threaten the safety and well-being of our MSU community by inciting hatred, and potentially violence, against members of our community. Hate speech is “any form of expression through

which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of [a Protected Class]” (American Library Association, 2017). When hate speech is “based upon an individual’s [Protected Class]” and “has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a reasonable person’s participation in a University Program or Activity”, this conduct can cross the line into a form of discriminatory harassment that violates MSU’s “Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy” and goes against the student code of conduct and                   MSU                                    employee                                   policies (

The existence of such speech should not be ignored, as ignoring the presence of hate speech on campus 1) could be seen as a tacit endorsement of hateful rhetoric, 2) isolates those experiencing hate speech, 3) slows down the passing of critical information between targeted groups, and 4) is detrimental to the mental health of targeted members of our community.

The Faculty Senate of Montana State University, speaking on behalf of faculty at MSU, denounces threatening and hateful speech in all its forms. We resolve to confront this speech on campus by 1) supporting efforts to increase communication between administration, faculty, and other groups on campus about acts of hate speech at MSU, 2) continuing to support members of targeted groups by connecting them to campus and community resources, and 3) working to ensure the safety of all members of the MSU community in the face of violence and threats of violence 4) reaffirming our commitment to equity and justice. We uphold the ideals set forth in MSU’s Strategic Plan (Transformational Learning, Goal 1.1: Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in undergraduate education) and Diversity and Inclusion Framework (Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations). We stand in solidarity with all groups targeted by hate speech and aim to cultivate an inclusive learning community for all people.


b.       Maggie Thorson moves to amend. Second- Gary Caton Amend to second proposed version that was out on 4/5/23. None opposed. Amended

c.       Question

i.      What is MSU doing for these students, especially suicidal ideation. 

1.       Dean of Students: 

Ø  CARE program

Ø  Counseling and Psychological Services

2.       Can we meet the increased need?

Ø  They are not turning anyone away

3.       Can we call on public to answer questions?

Ø  Yes.

ii.      What is the student’s perception of the services Dean Caires mentioned?

1.       Students feel that these services do not fit our need. They are a band aide. Do not address the threat. Students have to go from one office to the next and relive everything. 

iii.      This resolution is a starting point for the conversation.

1.       Increasing communication

2.       How can we continue to support minority groups?

3.       Want to put action behind the commitment 

iv.      Do we have any info about who is sending these threats?

1.       Investigation is ongoing

2.       Threats are send anonymously

Ø  That does not negate the effect they have on students

v.      What do we do in the short term? Students ae scared and are leaving the university. Need a short term solution ASAP.

vi.      Need to have the backbone to back up the resolution. Students and public, we see you. We hear you. 

vii.      Is there a plan to update the Diversity framework in the strategic plan? Chris Fastnow: The diversity and inclusion council is working to refresh the framework, which is embedded whole cloth in the strategic plan, and there are some stand alone diversity and inclusion metrics about student access and equitable outcomes in the strategic plan, which will not be changing because our commitment to them remains steadfast.

viii.      What is the “inclusion” part of Diversity and Inclusion?

1.       Diversity council will need to speak to that. 

ix.      What is the plan to get this resolution read publicly?

1.       It will be on the FS Website. 

x.      How do we put these words into action?

1.       Working groups?

2.       Critically reflecting on current policy.

xi.      Working group should include students.

1.       Senders of threats understand the symbolism.

Ø  Please remove the mention of the president of Young Americans for Liberty

d.       Tomas Gedeon moves to approve the amended resolution. Mat Waltner seconds. None opposed. The amended resolution is approved. 


VI.            New Business -First Reading on Faculty Handbook/RTP Revisions

a.       RTP Role and Scope

b.       RTP Standards

c.       RTP Definitions

d.       Chris Posbergh moves to approve. Hayes Goosey seconds. 

i.         University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee provided feedback on proposed revisions. Jennifer read this into record:

• The “sustained effectiveness” definition is an improvement. Proposed language strikes a good balance of providing general guidance and direction without being overly proscriptive. The word

“consistent” was noted as being a good adjective because it allows for reviewers to do an overall assessment with the flexibility to assess 1-2 semesters of below-par performance in the context of other semesters.

• The group did not express any concerns over the proposed changes to the “review period” definition, and appreciated the ability to allow credit towards tenure/promotion for prior service at another institution.

• With respect to organization, it was suggested that areas of responsibility (teaching, scholarship, service, integration) be grouped together and preceding definitions of standards (effectiveness, etc.)

• It was suggested that “sustained effectiveness” defined be sub-bullets under“effectiveness.”

• In the definition of “academic unit”, it was suggested to replace “in which” with “where” so that he second sentence reads, “Primary academic units are the units where a faculty member’s tenurable position resides….”

·         Each of the three policy documents to be considered independently


VII.             Undergraduate Courses-New Courses – First Read

a.       AHMT 240 : Clinical Chemistry

b.       ENSC 311 : Fundamentals of Environmental Data Analysis

c.       HSTR 360 : Cold War Europe

d.       PHOT 301 : Photography: Global Histories and Perspectives

e.       HSTR 476 : Oral History: Theory and Practice


VIII.            Undergraduate Courses-New Courses – Second Read

a.       AHMT 202 : Medical Lab Clinical Procedures I

b.       AHMT 204 : Medical Lab Clinical Procedures II

c.       AHMT 298 : Medical Lab Externship

d.       SPNS 301 : Oral and Written Expression in cultural Contexts

e.       SPNS 303 : Spanish Oral & Written Expression II


IX.            Undergraduate Courses-Course Changes – First Read

a.       ETME 202 : Mechanical Engineering Technology Computer Applications

i.      Change from 1 credit to 3

ii.       Added learning outcomes


X.             Undergraduate Courses-Inactivations – First Read

a.       BIOB 477 : Genome Science and Gene Expression

b.       BIOM 460 : Infectious Diseases Ecology and Spillover

i.      Instructor has left MSU, no available faculty.

c.       BMKT 241 : Sales

i.      Neither Business, or Gallatin College are teaching this

course. Business says it belongs to Gallatin College. Gallatin says they've never taught it.

d.       ECIV 332 : Engineering Hydraulics

i.      Course has been replaced with ECIV 333.

e.       ENGL 490R : Undergraduate Research

i.      ENGL is not an OCHE approved rubric. WRIT 490R and LIT 490R already exist.

f.        RBPF 129 : Manufactured Home Weather

i.      Program was put into moratorium.

g.       WRIT 091 : Sp: College Writing Co-Req

i.      We are no longer offering this course.


XI.            Undergraduate Programs/Certificates – First Read

a.       AVET-AAS : Aviation Electronics Technology

b.       CARP-CAS : Carpentry

c.       HADP-CAS : Healthcare Administrative Professional


XII.             Undergraduate Programs/Certificates – Second Read

a.       ITCS-AAS : Information Technology Cybersecurity

b.       ITNT-AAS : Information Technology Network Technology


XIII.             Graduate Courses-New Courses – First Read

a.       HIST 509 : Oral History: Theory and Practice

b.       EDCI 519 : Addressing Equity in Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

c.       PHSX 579 : Special Relativity for Teachers


XIV.             Graduate Courses-Course Changes – First Read

a.       BIOH 586 :AP Biology for Teachers

i.      Title change from BIOH 586 : A Big Ideas Approach for AP Biology Teachers

b.       CHMY 526 : Solution NMR Spectroscopy: practical applications to the structural determination of small molecules

i.      Title change from Adv Protein NMR Spectroscopy

c.       EIND 511 : Advanced Human Factors

i.      Title change from Design for Quality of Life

d.       HDCO 598 : Internship

i.      Credit change from 2-12 to 1-12


XV.             Graduate Courses-Inactivations – First Read

a.        CSCI 541 : Computer Graphics

i.      The course has not been taught for several years. No current faculty have the expertise to teach it.

b.       DGED 524 : Cellular Mechanotransduction

i.      Per Craig Ogilvie: As a disciplinary course it should not be managed by the graduate school, learning outcomes, instructor etc. These should be in a dept. MIE already has an EMEC 424 and an EMEC 524 which are co-convened.

c.       MB 560 : Infectious Disease Ecology & Spillover

i.      Instructor no longer with MSU.

d.       NEUR 528 : Molecular Basis of Neurological Diseases

i.      Instructor no longer with MSU.


XVI.             Graduate Programs/Certificates – First Read

a.       -CERT : Nonprofit Leadership and Administration


XVII.            Updates

a.       Sustainability Initiative – Progress Report

i.         80 or so more to go. 

ii.       Please get your spreadsheet in 


XVIII.             Senators’ Open Conversation

a.       Fall 2021-Climate resolution was passed. What is being done? CSAC is to put out a report, not doing that. Language on CSAC is changing. Who is doing that? Why are all working group meetings private? 

i.         Some have public comment

ii.       Some you can  be invited to

iii.     Summit is a good place to get a two-way conversation going. 

b.       In reference to hate speech: What do I do for myself, for my son? 

i.         As faculty, we have the responsibility to reach out to our students so they know we care. 

ii.       Go to administration with your concerns.

A.      What is the next step? How can we start the process now? Want the students here today to know that we are going to do something. How do we get the work done now. 

1.       I wish you knew how much your faculty care about each of you. 

2.       It starts with the faculty. Opening an ear. 

3.       Four bullet points on page three of resolution. Are those points sufficient? Are there efforts in place?

4.       Working group with senators and students outside of the Faculty senate meeting

5.       Goals, assessment, etc. 

6.       We could do a special session like we did during COVID. 


XIX.             Public Comment

a.       Participants were invited to sign in prior to public comment. The names of those who did not sign their names and did not state their names prior to their public comment are not reported in these minutes. Participants were also invited to forward their comments in writing to Jennifer Thomson, Faculty Senate Chair, via her university email or

i.         Jackson Sledge 

ii.       Alexandra Lin

iii.     Tara Vensteland

iv.     Gabe Barnard

v.       Matthew Schafer

vi.     Faculty

vii.    Austin

viii.  Tara?

ix.      V

x.       Marla?

xi.      Paul Lachapelle

xii.    Last name Hula

xiii.  Cole Burdic?

xiv.  Wyatt Clark

xv.    Emma Poole

xvi.  Becks

xvii. Oz Smith

xviii.                Payton-ASMSU Speaker

xix.  Lucas-ASMSU President


XX.            Adjourn

a.       Chris Posbergh moves to adjourn. Doug Downs seconds. Meeting adjourned at 5:20pm