Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes (SUB Ballroom C)


3:10pm – 4:30pm


Please wear a mask.




Watson, Bradford



Brody, Michael



Amendola, Roberta

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Blaker, Amanda-phone

Gallatin College


Brookshire, Jack

AG/Land Resources & Environmental Sciences


Carson, Robert



Caton, Gary



Coffey, Jerry

Emeritus Faculty


Cowan, Susanne



Dale, Catherine

AR/Film & Photography


Dratz, Ed

LS/Chemistry & Biochemistry


Flory, Dan

LS/History & Philosophy


Gedeon, Tomas



Hansen, Andy-phone



Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Hill, Andrew

AG/AgEcon & Econ


Johnson, Jerry

LS/Political Science


McCalla, Stephanie

EN/Chemical Engineering


McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


Miller, Zach-phone

AG/Research Centers


Moyce, Sally

Nursing/On campus


Orendorff, Karie

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Rebane, Aleks



Schmidt, Ed

   AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Stein, Otto

   EN/Civil Engineering


Stoneback, Sarah



Tillack, Peter

   LS/Modern Languages


Thomas, Amy-Phone



Young, Scott-phone








Adams, Dean

Center for Faculty Excellence


Bechtold, Camie

Chief Compliance Officer


Diamond, P.J.

Diversity & Inclusion


Heys, Jeff

EN/Chemical & Biological Engineering


Lubick, Kirk

Research Compliance


Peters, Martha

Provost Office


Sobek, Durward

Provost Office


Swinford, Steve

Provost Office


Thomson, Jennifer

Faculty Affairs


Wold, Eric




I.            Call to Order

a.       Meeting was called to order at 3:11pm

 II.            Attendance Reminder

a.       Scott Young, Amanda Blaker, Andy Hansen, Amy Thomas, and Zach Miller calling in on phone 

III.            Approval of FS Minutes from September 15, 2021

a.       Motion to approve, Tomas Gedeon

b.       Second, Andrew Hill

c.       Discussion: There were two highlighted areas on the minutes that were sent out. Those blanks have been filled in and the minutes and website have been updated. 

d.       Voice Vote: None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.

IV.            FYI items

a.       Next Faculty Senate meeting is in the Procrastinator Theatre

b.       Faculty Excellence Grants due Nov 15

i.      https://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/grantsawards/feg/  

c.       2022 Awards of Excellence, submissions due November 02, 2021

i.      https://www.montana.edu/provost/faculty/awards/index.html  

d.       Box Migration, no longer available in March 2022

i.      https://www.montana.edu/uit/boxtransition/  

e.       Honorary Degree Nominations due Oct 29

i.      https://www.montana.edu/calendar/events/39034 

f.        Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences internal grants

i.      Scholarship & Creativity Grants Program, due October 2, 2021, and March 1, 2022, https://www.montana.edu/research/internal_awards/s_and_c_grants_fy2022.html  

ii.      Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Grant Program, due March 1, 2022, https://www.montana.edu/research/internal_awards/hass_rfp2022.html 

g.       2021 MSU Faculty Symposium in Teaching and Learning Oct 05

i.      https://www.montana.edu/calendar/events.php?id=3904 

h.       Senator Hour, Monday 11-12, and Thursday 10:30-11:30 via WebEx


 V.            Information Updates: 

a.       Committee Requests

          i.      Recreational Sports and Fitness Advisory Board

1.       If you have any nominations, let Bradford and Michael know.

b.       Nomination for University Athletic Committee

i.      Dr. Eric Van Steenburg

ii.      Vote: None opposed. No abstentions. Approved. 

c.       Chosen Name (begins Oct 21, 2021), P J Diamond, Program Manager of DISC and Eric Wold

i.         https://www.montana.edu/registrar/ChosenName.html  

ii.        Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC)

iii.       Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)

iv.       University Information Technology (UIT)

v.        Division of Student Success (DSS)

vi.       Human Resources (HR)

vii.      Project Management Office (PMO)

viii.      When will the project go live? 

1.       October 21, 2021

ix.      Who can request a chosen name?

1.       Any student, faculty, or staff       

x.      How can someone request their chosen name?

1.       An online request form on MyInfo           

xi.      What happens after I submit my request?

1.       All systems will be updated with the new chosen name of either students, or faculty/staff


Chosen Name Project Timeline 2021


xii.      Questions?

1.       Where can I go to find out more?

a.       https://www.montana.edu/uit/chosennameproject/ 

2.       Who can I contact for more information?

a.       chosenname@montana.edu 

b.       Multiple people checking this email 

3.       Andrew Hill: D2L will automatically get updated?

a.       Yes. There are items updated in D2L: Name, student email address.

4.       Sarah Stoneback: How do you know if someone is misrepresenting their name?"

i.      The University does reserve the right to refuse the new chosen name. 

5.       For research, do they use their chosen name or legal name?

a.       Targeting internal MSU systems only 

b.       Would depend on the person. That’s part of Chosen Name. They can choose what name they want 

6.       Example: PJ’s given name is Precious, but professionally she goes by PJ

a.       Everything has been updated to PJ. It is empowering to have control over what name people see so that they know what you want to be called. 

d.       Proposed Research Misconduct Policy, Camie Bechtold and Kirk Lubick

i.        Kirk has worked to update the research misconduct policy

ii.       https://www.montana.edu/legalcounsel/proposed/index.html

iii.      Research Misconduct Background

1.       Federal Regulation since 1985: “Health Research Extension Act”

2.       42 CFR PART 93: Defines the expectations of institutions regarding Research Misconduct and responsibilities of reviewing a research misconduct case.

3.       MSU last revised its Research Misconduct Policy in November 2012.

iv.      Policy Updates


                  Policy Updates 1

                 Policy Updates 2

v.      Have looked at similar policies at other institutions. 

vi.      Non-Regulatory Changes

1.       Clarified and streamlined RM process

2.       Provided more definitions 

3.       Added Responsibilities and Protections/Rights Section

a.       Research Integrity Officer

b.       Respondents

c.       Complainant 

4.       Inclusion of appropriate Dean/Director into Research Misconduct process

5.       Inclusion of Human Resources consultation when respondent is covered by a collective bargaining agreement

6.       Added Standards Section

a.       Burden of Proof (University; Respondents)

b.       Research Records as Evidence

7.       Added Decision Section

8.       Added Appeals Section

a.       VPREDGE

vii.      Questions: 

1.       Tomas Gedeon: What is Research Misconduct?

a.       "Research misconduct" means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Next University Council is in a week. Please give your feedback on their website.

e.       Faculty and Staff MSU organizations

i.      GATHER

1.       https://www.montana.edu/diversity/gather.html 

2.       GATHER, which stands for Gathering All Together Honoring Every Race, is a network for faculty and staff from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups that provides opportunities to develop a sense of community, access mentoring and professional development, intentionally build support, and exchange ideas. All faculty and staff are welcome, regardless of identity. 

ii.      Queer Faculty and Staff Association (QFSA)

1.       https://www.montana.edu/diversity/QFSA.html

2.       QFSA is a network that aims to develop a supportive community for faculty and staff who identify as LGBTQ. QFSA provides opportunities to make connections through social events and helps to create a strong LGBTQ community for faculty and staff members. Events are open to all faculty and staff regardless of identity.

iii.      A Seat at the Table October 18 SUB Ballroom B

1.       http://www.montana.edu/ehhd/a-seat-at-the-table.html  

2.       5-7 people per table. 

3.       Host a table, or join a table

4.       Montana State University is partnering with One Valley Community Foundation to bring you A Seat at the Table, a community-wide event that encourages all to engage in conversations related to housing solutions in the Gallatin Valley.

All are welcome to join this event to participate in a 1-hour conversation between 9am-4pm on Monday, October 18th, 2021, in SUB Ballroom B

Those who are unavailable during this time may register through One Valley Community Foundation to participate in a public table between October 14th through October 31st at https://www.atthetablegv.org/ 

5.       Alison Harmon in EHHD is the point person. You can also reach out to Bradford. 

f.        Course Material Copyright

i.      Online “tutoring” sites have been a source of academic misconduct

ii.      Syllabi, etc. are being uploaded to this site. You have authored these, and they should be copywritten. 

iii.      https://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/teaching/resources/SyllabusLanguage.html#copy  

iv.      Educate students that syllabi and course materials provided are intended for research and educational purposes only and are protected by U.S. copyright laws. This could be a good opportunity to have a discussion with students about ethical responsibilities and the legal principles concerning copyright. 

Include a statement in the course syllabus to this effect.

Add a copyright notice to course materials that is distributed or that students download from Brightspace.

v.      Erin MacDonald-Peck is your contact in the Dean of Student’s office for this. She has the website addresses/contacts to have the content taken down. 

1.       It takes a few days for the content to come down. 

vi.      Question: 

1.       Aleks Rebane: Are the materials that are posted online Intellectual Property/MSU Property?

a.       Provost Mokwa: The BOR policy refers to materials for fully online courses/programs.

b.       We are looking at this policy in JAGS this year. If you have issues, please bring them to senate.

VI.            Undergraduate Courses and Programs

a.       Courses – First Reading

i.         ACT 241 : Introduction to Paddlesports (Spring 2022)

ii.        ACT 242 : Introduction to Ice Climbing (Spring 2022)

1.       CPC had discussion about these being repeated three times for a total of 3 credits. 

iii.       HONR 400 : Death Becomes Us: The Mystery of Mortality and the Need for Meaning (Spring 2022)

1.       Described as one of the best courses Honors have offered (as special topics course)

 iv.        HVC 125 : Environmental Protection Agency 608 Certification (Spring 2022)

 v.         HVC 130 : HVAC-R Electrical (Spring 2022)

 vi.        HVC 140 : HVAC Systems I (Spring 2022)

 vii.       HVC 150 : HVAC Installation and Sheet Metal Fabrication (Spring 2022)

 viii.      HVC 155 : Blueprint Reading and Wiring Schematics (Spring 2022)

1.       Straight forward

b.       Courses – Second Reading

i.          CSCI 109 : C for Engineers and Scientists (Spring 2022)

ii.         EDEC 249 : Infant/Toddler Development and Group Care (Spring 2022)

iii.      EELE 452 : Power System Operation and Control (Spring 2022)

iv.      KIN 210 : Principles of Strength and Conditioning (Spring 2022)

c.       Programs – First Reading

i.      None at this time.

VII.            Graduate Courses and Programs 

a.       Courses – First Reading

i.      CSCI 565 : Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing-INACTIVATION

1.       Haven’t had any interest in this course

b.       Courses – Second Reading

i.      None at this time

c.       Programs – First Reading

i.      PMHC-CERT : Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate

1.       UGC is in support of this

2.       Much needed

3.       Will really help the state of Montana

d.       Programs – Second Reading

i.      001-MENG:    Master of Engineering Civil Engineering

ii.      001-MENG: Master of Engineering Environmental Engineering

iii.      PACC-M:    Master of Professional Accountancy (accelerated version of an existing program)

iv.      PUBL-M: Master of Public Administration-(accelerated version of an existing program)

v.      RGSE-CERT:   Regulatory Science Graduate Certificate

e.       Program Deactivations – Second Reading

i.      AMNU-MN : Associate Degree RN to Master of Nursing (Clinical Nurse Leader)

1.       Final Catalog – 2021-2022

2.       Very low interest and enrollment in the program.

3.       Does not impact any students

4.       Has been through all levels of reviews

f.        Graduate Counsel

i.      Approved the video conferencing policy

1.       Allows a committee and grad student to do their exams through a remote system

2.       Will be posted on the Grad Counsel policy

3.       Example: Technicalities about what happens if connection is broken? How long do you wait until you call off the exam?

ii.      Associate Graduate Faculty

1.       Grad Dean has pointed out that many researchers could be a valuable resource for grad students. 

a.       There are concerns about this

iii.      Course Co-convening Policy

1.       Much more explicit

2.       Separate student learning outcomes for each undergrad and grad

3.       Important policy that we want you to be aware of.

iv.      These will not come to Senate for vote, but Dean Ogilvie is willing to come to Senate to speak on it. 

v.      Each college has a representative on Grad Counsel. Please look at the website


VIII.            MUSFAR Group continue to work with the BOR in terms of how we can continue to keep campus safe with pandemic, but also long-term issues of shared governance across the system. 

a.       Salary equity

b.       Childcare/family care inequities

c.       Academic freedom issues

d.       Bradford is the Chair. Michael sits on MUSFAR also.

e.       Today, Montana Supreme Court denied a petition from Montana Shooting Sports Association to intervene in the Regents VS. Montana lawsuit. They denied them intervening in that conversation. 

i.      Original law was 102: Would have allowed guns on campus

ii.      BOR filed a suit to say that BOR has jurisdiction and made an injunction. 

1.       MSSA filed to the Supreme Court for the right to intervene

a.       Supreme Court says they must stay out of it

iii.      Anticipate a December hearing on this, but that could change

iv.      Does this injunction apply only to HB 102?

1.       Yes. And only MUS campuses.

2.       This is the only HB that the BOR challenged.

3.       Campuses have challenged other bills that they felt were discriminatory. 

4.       The Regents have standing, and their case will be heard before ours. 

v.      Megan Van Emon: How do we have the authority to challenge anything?

1.       We are an entity that could be harmed by some of these bills. “Ability to conduct course is a safe manner”

2.       Faculty Senate Website Statement:

The Faculty Senate is composed of representatives from each academic department, the Library, the Agricultural Research Centers, and the Agricultural Extension Service. Faculty Senate is the chief governance body of the faculty at Montana State University-Bozeman. Under the governance authority of the Montana University System, the Faculty Senate frames policies, procedures, and standards of the Faculty Handbook, oversees the curricula, evaluates new academic programs, and serves to enhance communication between MSU faculty, administration, and students.


We recognize the importance of shared governance at MSU and are committed to further developing a dynamic participative governance process that actively solicits input, advice, and perspectives from university stakeholders and to work together in a collaborative environment with the institution’s administrative leadership regarding campus issues, policies, and procedures that impact the direction of the university.

a.       It doesn’t sound like it is in our authority

i.      Yes, it is our authority on issues where faculty safety could be in question.

ii.      To be clear, we challenged prior to the BOR challenging. It was hard to tell if they were going to. We took a stance as the “Faculty of the University” who could be harmed by some of these bills. 

iii.      BOR has the constitutional right to govern the campus, and we are the campus. If their power is usurped, then the system breaks down. 

1.       We are not challenging the law itself, but the fact that the BOR’s authority are being ignored. 

IX.            Senators’ Open Conversation

a.       Plan on sending a letter to the BOR about vaccines. Since we require other vaccines, why can’t we require the COVID vaccine? They did acknowledge that they received it.

i.      Is there an indication of when/if they pick this up?

1.       November is the next meeting unless they call a special meeting. 

2.       Government’s position is to ask students to wear masks and get vaccinated. 

X.            Public Comment

a.       None

XI.            Adjourn

a.       Ed Schmidt moves to adjourn. Ed Dratz seconds. Meeting was adjourned at 4:12pm.


REMINDER: Next meeting is from 3:10pm-4:30pm, October 13th, 2021, in SUB Ballroom B.