In the Master of Science in Science Education program, all students complete a Capstone Project. This Capstone Project is three-fold: (a) a professional action research paper, (b) a poster, and (c) a symposium presentation. Upon passing MSSE 575 and all program requirements, your paper and poster are digitally published in the MSU library. The resources provided on this page will support you in successfully completing this step of the program.

MSSE Course Resources

Course Writing Template

    • Master Template: You should use this template for your capstone paper. It contains the correct styles in the styles pane and the front matter (i.e. title page, table of contents, etc.) to make formatting all parts of your paper easier. 
    • MSSE Narrative Template: A template you can use for class assignments to support you in using proper formatting and to give you practice with the template properties you’ll use for your Capstone Paper.
    • ETD Standard Formatting Guidelines

IRB Process

Course Resources

    • Data Analysis Tutorials: The data analysis tutorials are part of the MSSE 505 & 509 curriculum. These tutorials cover research design, quantitative data analysis, qualitative data analysis, data visualization, and a mock data analysis activity. You can access these tutorials after 505 & 509 while writing chapters 4 & 5.
    • Capstone Forum Rubric: You can use the Capstone Forum Rubric to review how you'll be assessed on all components of the Capstone Forum course. This rubric is used for MSSE 575 Spring and Summer.
    • MSSE 5 E Lesson Plan: Use this lesson plan in all MSSE and science content courses, unless directed otherwise by the instructor.
    • Capstone Symposium Program Description Guidelines: Follow these guidelines when writing your description.

Capstone Paper

Capstone Paper Templates

    • Master Template: You should use this template for your capstone paper. It contains the correct styles in the styles pane and the front matter (i.e. title page, table of contents, etc.) to make formatting all parts of your paper easier. 
    • ETDs Website: This website has additional supports for utilizing the master template for your capstone paper. 

Capstone Paper Resources

Capstone Paper Rubric

    • Capstone Paper Rubric: You can use the Capstone Paper Rubric to review how you'll be assessed on all components of the Capstone paper.

MSSE Model Capstone Papers

Capstone Paper Formatting, Writing, and Research Resources

Capstone Formatting Resources

    • APA Cheatsheet: A quick reference guide for proper in-text citations, parenthetical citations, and reference formatting.
    • MSSE Formatting Checklist: The checklist is broken into sections aligned to each section or requirement of the paper. It will give you the basic formatting guidelines and is a place to quickly check if you have a formatting question. Each section contains a how-to video and written descriptions of the formatting requirements (i.e. spacing, headings, etc.). If you need further step-by-step support, use the Formatting Self-Check.
    • Formatting Self-Check: This step-by-step process supports you in checking all of the sections of your paper before submitting it for a formatting check. All students must complete the formatting self-check each time they submit a paper for a formatting check.

Capstone Writing & Research Resources

    • MSU Writing Center: If you need writing support, you can schedule a virtual appointment with the writing center and/or access writing resources.
    • How to Write Chapters 4 & 5: Watch this prior to beginning to write your chapters 4 and 5.   
    • APA Inclusive Language Guide: A reference for proper use of inclusive language in your capstone paper.
    • MSU Library Assistance and Resources: If you need research support, you can schedule a virtual appointment with a librarian. You can also access MSSE aligned databases and the published MSSE capstone paper database.
    • SAGE Research Methods: Use this database to learn about research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
    • Outline for the Capstone Paper: Click on the expander below to view the outline for the MSSE Capstone paper. These chapter and level 1 headings are required in your final capstone paper.
  • Chapter 1 = Introduction and Background
    • Level 1 heading: Claims From the Study
    • Level 1 heading: Focus Statement/Question
  • Chapter 2 = Conceptual Framework
    • Level 1 headings: Up to 5-6 headings based on the theme titles from the literature
  • Chapter 3 = Methodology
    • Level 1 heading: Demographics
    • Level 1 heading: Treatment
    • Level 1 heading: Data Collection and Analysis Strategies
  • Chapter 4 = Data Analysis
    • Level 1 heading: Results
  • Chapter 5 = Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning
    • Level 1 heading: Claims from the Study
    • Level 1 heading: Value of the Study and Consideration for Future Research
    • Level 1 heading: Impact of Action Research on the Author

Capstone Poster

Capstone Poster Guidelines and Rubric

MSSE Model Capstone Posters

Capstone Symposium 

Capstone Symposium Guidelines and Rubric

    • Capstone Symposium Guidelines: Guidelines for the capstone symposium held in Bozeman each summer for students completing MSSE 575.
    • Capstone Symposium Rubric: You can use the Capstone Symposium Rubric to review how you'll be assessed on all components of the capstone symposium.

MSSE Capstone Presentations

Maintaining Intellectual Integrity and AI Protocol