Master Resource Outline

Credits: 3 (lecture) 

Semesters Offered: Summer 


Course Description

The focus of this course is to provide skill development in critical thinking, quality improvement, transitional planning, and delegation in relation to care management. Students will utilize a holistic approach to understand how a patient utilizes healthcare, the services provided across multiple settings and the nurse’s role in understanding and advocating for the patient’s specific needs. Legal and ethical considerations will be examined. Information technology will be examined with emphasis given to clinically transformative technologies, telehealth and the nurses’ role.

Catalog Course Description

Examine critical thinking, quality improvement, transitional planning, and delegation for patient care management with an emphasis on healthcare utilization, healthcare systems, telehealth, and information technology to address the nursing role for outcome improvement.

Course Objectives:

1. Explore systems and informatics theory as it relates to various healthcare systems and the evolution and development of informatics.

2. Examine legal and ethical issues related to management of patient care, delegation, advanced care planning, mandatory reporting, meeting the public’s needs and reducing waste.

3. Integrate essential competencies of delegation, care management and EBP in various settings.

4. Analyze healthcare systems and local resources for a variety of patients with a focus on vulnerable and diverse populations.

5. Compare common nurse sensitive quality indicators, quality improvement processes and tools to address health outcomes, and the use of data management systems and systems thinking can promote change.

6. Compare and contrast the benefits and limitations of telecommunication technologies, including telehealth, and future advancements and trends related to healthcare technology.

7. Analyze common information technology and importance of data entry to support person centered care and safe processes of care.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate advocacy for advanced care planning.

2. Design an information technology process to improve a nurse sensitive quality indicator.

3. Describe nursing’s role advocating for and providing quality care through telehealth.

AACN Competencies

This course develops:

2.9 Provide care coordination.

3.2 Engage in effective partnerships.

3.3 Consider the economic impact of the delivery of health care.

3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies.

4.2 Integrate best evidence into nursing practice.

5.1 Apply quality improvement principles in care delivery.

7.1 Apply knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care.

7.2 Incorporate consideration of cost effectiveness of care.

7.3 Optimize system effectiveness through application of innovation and evidence-based practice.

This course advances:

3.1 Manage population health.

3.2 Engage in effective partnerships.

3.3 Consider the economic impact of the delivery of health care.

3.4 Advance equitable population health policy.

3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies.

5.1 Apply quality improvement principles in care delivery.

6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics.

6.3 Use knowledge of nursing and other professions to address the healthcare needs of patients and populations.

6.4 Work with other professions to maintain a climate of mutual learning, respect, and shared values.

7.1 Apply knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care.

7.2 Incorporate consideration of cost effectiveness of care.

7.3 Optimize system effectiveness through application of innovation and evidence-based practice.

8.1 Describe information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations

8.2 Use information and communication technology to gather data, create information, and generate knowledge.

8.3 Use information and communication technologies and informatics processes to deliver safe nursing care to diverse populations in a variety of settings.

8.4 Use information and communication technology to support chronicling of care and communication among providers, patients, and all system levels.

8.5 Use information and communication technologies in accordance with ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards and workplace policies in the delivery of care.

AACN Threads

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • ocial Determinants of Health
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health


Required Content and Concepts

Legal content

5 right of delegation and the role of the delegatee, delegator and the leader

Social Determinants of Health Intro (factors of, assessing)

Care Coordination Strategies and Competencies of the BSN

Common Transitional Planning (SNF qualification requirements, Inpatient Rehab qualification requirements, Home Health qualification requirements, hospice qualification requirements).

Assessment of Community Resources

Ethics: fairly allocate resources and time, advanced care planning, surrogate decision making (Ethics Education for Nursing: Instruction for Future Generations of Nurses)

Introduction to types of Healthcare Systems (outpatient, private, inpatient, system, home health, hospice, therapy, infusion etc).

Introduction to Medical Service Models (HMOs , PPOs, PPS, Bundled Payments, Patient Centered Medical Home)

Critical Pathways/Care Maps

EBP (creating and sustaining a culture for EBP) (Melynk, 2015)

Data management systems

Using Data for Change Quality indicators (including nursing sensitive)

Systems Theory

QI Tools (PDSA, A3)

Lean Thinking

IT tools used to share information visually (Process maps, Smart Art) Social responsibility to collaborate and meet public health needs (Hoskins, K., Grady, C., Ulrich, C., 2018).

Examine role of nurse informatics, types of common information technologies (Alaris Pumps, Pyxis, HER, telehealth) and future implications

Technological Advancements in Healthcare Today, Future Advancements


Suggested Student Learning Activities

• tests and quizzes

• Guest Lecture from Industrial Engineer

• Guest Lecture from past project leads

• Guest Lecture from IT RN

• Draw out a process map

• Create a mock A3 report

• Design a healthcare technology

• workshops

• discussion

• videos

• reading

• case studies

• student presentations

• cooperative learning

• small groups

• How to mine data

• Relaible sources of data

• TIGER competencies

• Medicare/Medicaid data sets

1. Exemplars:

    1. Exemplars can be any course assignment or project that you would like to include in your portfolio to show progression of your work.
    2. It is most helpful to provide graded versions of the exemplars so that you are able to see the feedback from faculty
    3. Please label the exemplar file in the following nomenclature:
      1. SRaph DNP Exemplar 1.2 [Assignment Name] to correspond with the DNP Essential subcomponents
    4. If the exemplar is a group project, please identify your role and the work distribution.


Suggested Student Learning Activities:

• tests and quizzes

• teaching plans

• literature review

• Internet searches

• workshops

• discussion

• videos

• reading

• case studies

• student presentations

• cooperative learning

• small groups

• Complex Case examples in: Addition Medicine, Pain Management, Children’s Health, Maternal Health, Mental Health, AI/AN Populations

• Have students call admitting nurse at facilities to learn about what the patient needs to have in order to be ‘accepted’

• Guest lecture from a RN case manager

• Guest talk from hospital transition planners (to identify nurse and social work teamwork)


Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice.


Approved by UAAC: 11/24/2020

Approved by Faculty: 11/9/2020