Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 412 Professional Development IV: Nursing Leadership and Transition to Practice

Credits: 2 (lecture)

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer


Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to practice leadership skills and plan for transition to practice as a BSN prepared RN. Nursing management functions related to evaluation of a team, fiscal management, conflict management and staff empowerment will be discussed. Mental health of the professional nurse and self-care will be examined. Common leadership and change theories will be studied.

Catalog Course Description:

This course practices leadership skills with an emphasis on team evaluation, fiscal management, conflict management, staff empowerment, and change theory. It features planning for transition to professional practice and emphasizes mental well-being and self-care.


Course Objectives:

1. Analyze leadership, management, and change theories in nursing practice to optimize functioning of a healthcare team or unit.

2. Analyze budget and financial management in relation to nursing care.

3. Evaluate components of a healthy work environment.

4. Compare conflict management strategies in a variety of healthcare related conflicts.

5. Determine the difference and similarities of customer service and patient care.

6. Formulate strategies for successful transition to practice progression.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

1. Develop a self-care plan to support their transition to practice.

2. Solve a healthcare related conflict using conflict management strategies.

3. Create a leadership, transition to practice and professional comportment statement and reflect on progression of AACN competencies for their BSN progression.


AACN Competencies

This course advances:

1.3 Demonstrate clinical judgement founded on a broad knowledge base.

6.1 Communicate in a manner that supports a partnership approach to care delivery.

6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics.

6.3 Use knowledge of nursing and other professions to address the healthcare needs of patients and populations.

6.4 Work with other professions to maintain a climate of mutual learning, respect, and shared values.


AACN Threads

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health

Required Content and Concepts


1. Leadership, management, and change theories

2. System theories

3. Motivational theories

4. Time management strategies

5. Prioritization strategies

6. Burnout assessment on employees

7. Moral injury

8. Healthy work environments

9. Communication Tools

10. Conflict Management

11. Delegation (developing policies for)

12. Staffing models

13. Leading different Generations

14. Problem vs Marginal Employees (MPAP, Substance Abuse in Nursing)

15. Evaluation of Employees

16. EBP (Implementing Evidence, Outcomes Plan, Dissemination)

17. Ethics (safe staffing, protecting patient rights, responding to sub-standard nursing practice) (Ethics Education for Nursing: Instruction for Future Generations of Nurses)

18. Customer service skills for nurses

Transition to Practice:

1. Self-care strategies and plan (ANA resources)

2. Resume writing

3. Interview skills

4. Compensation

5. Collective Bargaining Units

6. Magnet Status, Pathways to Excellence

7. Nurse Residency Programs

8. Benner Novice to Expert (introduced in Prof Dev 1)

9. Finding a mentor

10. Continuing education requirements

11. NCLEX application process



Introduction to e-platform

Exemplar definition:

  • 4 domains (Values and Ethics, Knowledge, Leadership & Professional Comportment)

Self-reflection Statement: Leadership, Transition to Practice and Professional Comportment

    1. Self-Reflections:
      1. Rather than describing what you have done in particular courses, instead reflect upon where you see your level of accomplishment. Are you being introduced to the content, still developing it or advanced? Maybe somewhere in-between?
      2. What challenges have you faced in this essential area?
      3. What feedback have you received on your work? How and what will you do over the next year to advance your competency?
      4. You will continue to provide an updated self-reflection each semester. Keep the older versions and add a new document each year.
      5. Reflection File naming: SRaph DNP Essential 1 Self-Reflection Spring 2021
    2. Exemplars:
      1. Exemplars can be any course assignment or project that you would like to include in your portfolio to show progression of your work.
      2. It is most helpful to provide graded versions of the exemplars so that you are able to see the feedback from faculty.
      3. Please label the exemplar file in the following nomenclature:
        1. SRaph DNP Exemplar 1.2 [Assignment Name] to correspond with the DNP Essential subcomponents.
      4. If the exemplar is a group project, please identify your role and the work distribution.


Suggested Student Learning Activities:

  • tests and quizzes
  • teaching plans 
  • literature review, EBP project or paper
  • Case studies
  • workshops
  • discussion
  • videos
  • reading
  • case studies
  • student presentations
  • cooperative learning
  • small groups
  • ANA Self-Recovery Toolkit
  • Complex Case examples in: Addition Medicine, Pain Management, Children’s Health, Maternal Health, Mental Health, AI/AN Populations
  • Have students call admitting nurses at facilities to learn about what the patient needs to have in order to be ‘accepted’


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice

Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools

Ethics Education in Nursing: Instruction for Future Generations of Nurses


Approved by UAAC: 11/24/2020

Approved by Facutly: 11/9/2020