Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 452 Health Policy & Economics
Credits: 2 (1 lecture; 1 R & D)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: NRSG 403


Course Descriptions: 

Focus is on economics, public policy and political factors that affect the delivery of health and nursing care at the local, state, national and international levels. Students are encouraged to participate in efforts to influence health policy. Catalog Course Description: Focus is on economics, public policy and political factors that affect the delivery of health and nursing care at the local, state, national and international levels. Students are encouraged to participate in efforts to influence health policy.

Course Objectives:

1. Analyze the disparities in health care based on economics, social or demographic status.
2. Examine the mechanism of health care financing and their influences on policies.
3. Determine economic, public policy and political factors influencing the delivery of care.
4. Analyze the legislative and regulatory processes as they relate to health policy.
5. Integrate advocacy skills in the influence of public policy.
6. Formulate strategies that nurses can use to create or influence health policy


Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

1. Critique national health care reform proposals using economic and policy criteria
2. Analyze the components of rising health care expenditures using an economic perspective
3. Identify how nurses can increase the economic value of nursing practice
4. Discuss how a production function clarifies decisions on achieving better health in society.


AACN Competencies

This course advances:
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinctive perspective and where
shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.
3.3 Consider the economic impact of the delivery of health care.
3.4 Advance equitable population health policy.
3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies.
7.2 Incorporate consideration of cost effectiveness of care.

AACN Threads

o Equity and Inclusion
o Diversity
o Cultural Sensitivity
o Social Determinants of Health
o Communication
o Ethics
o Clinical Judgement
o Mental Health


Concepts and Content

  1. Care Reimbursement System:

Discussion of the economics of health care delivery including:

a. Public and private insurance processes (Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, third-party payers, HMO’s such as Kaiser, Humana), and health care delivery programs just as HIS, VA system, payment mechanisms (capitation, third party payer, DRG’s), relationship between health policy and economics.
b. factors impacting the site pools, cost of insurance, decision-making on covered benefits).
c. Sustainability of programs and current efforts to reform and funding. 

      2. Advocacy 

    • Role of advocate in development of public policy and economics of health care systems,
      skills set, communication, relationship of professional values to, boundaries (i.e. public
      safety vs. individual choice)

      3. Government influence on Health Policies 

a. Legislative Process:
Use of the nurse practice act to demonstrate levels of the legislative process such as statute, rules; strategies to use in the legislative process; analyze the intent of legislation; program development related to rules and statutes.
b. Executive Process:
History and scope of Executive Branch influence on health policy
c. Judicial Process
History and scope of Judicial Branch Influence on health policy.

      4. Health Care Policy 

    • Relationship to budgeting and program development; program evaluation and cost effectiveness of care to support ongoing programs to the legislature (ex. tobacco fund monies etc); effect of policy on international health

      5. Delivery of health and nursing care in the Global Community

    • Global influences (burden of disease) and responses: frameworks for cooperation and/or collaboration; organizations for international health (governmental and nongovernmental); humanitarian efforts (Doctors w/o borders); impact of war on health, economy, policy and culture

      6. Vulnerable Population

    • Analysis of how current health care policy and economics impact vulnerable populations


Suggested Student Learning Activities

  • Evaluation of health insurance policy/ies
  • Cost analysis of health insurance policies
  • DRG’s implications on a client cared for in clinical setting–length of stay vs. client need for care
  • Select a bill in legislature to follow (including legislative process, writing a letter of testimony, visiting a hearing on that bill or another bill)
  • Attend a State Board of Nursing meeting
  • Attend a public hearing on rules and regulations.
  • Systematically examine the origins of a national health policy and its commensurate impact on patients (e.g., social security, medicare)
  • Track the Internet pages of Montana’s U.S. Senators or Representative to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how legislation is introduced and debated.
  • Call a member of the Montana State Legislature to discuss a health-related issue.
  • Track international effects of chronic conditions or disease.
  • Respond to (Internet) scenarios related to global burden of disease from perspective of women, men and children living in developed/underdeveloped country.
  • Critically analyze effectiveness of a current health policy in relation to outcomes and effects on social determinants of health.


Approved by UAAC: 1/8/24