Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 614 Vulnerability and Healthcare in Diverse Communities

Credits: 3 (2 lecture; 1 clinical lab)

Semesters Offered: Fall, Summer

Prerequisites: none

Degree: MN, DNP

AACN Core Competencies for Advanced Level Nursing Education: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

MRJCON Graduate Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Course Description:

This graduate nursing course addresses concepts of vulnerability and disparity in health and healthcare among diverse and rural populations. Students will examine vulnerable populations. Interactions with the healthcare systems, including access, utilization, and outcomes will be examined.

Students will address strategies for addressing disparities in healthcare.


Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  1. Analyze contextual contributions associated with vulnerability and health disparities.
  2. Examine the interface between vulnerable persons and healthcare systems, including access, utilization, and outcomes.
  3. Synthesize concepts and theories to explain vulnerability and health disparities among diverse populations.
  4. Analyze the influences of physical/spatial, cultural/ideologic, and economic/resource determinants on health status of underserved populations.
  5. Apply HP2030, WHO strategic goals, and models of care to select populations to reduce disparities and improve outcomes.
  6. Examine rurality as a contributer to disparity and vulnerability.
  7. Advocate for the dismantling of cultural biases including structural racism by reflecting and recognizing in oneself implicit biases, internalized racism, and potential to perpetuate racism.


Exemplars of Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Vulnerable Populations Presentation:
    1. Conduct community assessment to identify ecological and individual risks for vulnerability. (CO1, CO3, CO4, CO6).
    2. Examine health care resources for access and quality of health care for vulnerable population.(CO2, CO5)


 Recommended Content, Competencies, Curricular Threads, Core Values

  • Models to explain vulnerability.
  • Ecological and individual risks for vulnerability.
  • Rural concepts, traits, and theory to explain vulnerability.
  • Health outcomes in vulnerable populations
  • Strategies to reduce health disparity in vulnerable populations


AACN Competencies

This course introduces:

2.2h Design evidence-based, person-centered engagement materials.

2.2j Facilitate difficult conversations and disclosure of sensitive information.

2.5k Incorporate innovations into practice when evidence is not available.

2.6h Contribute to the development of policies and processes that promote transparency and accountability.

2.6i Apply current and emerging evidence to the development of care guidelines/tools.

2.9g Develop strategies to optimize care coordination and transitions of care.

2.9h Guide the coordination of care across health systems.

2.9i Analyze system-level and public policy influence on care coordination.

2.9j Participate in system-level change to improve care coordination across settings.

3.1m Develop a collaborative approach with relevant stakeholders to address population

healthcare needs, including evaluation methods.

3.1n Collaborate with appropriate stakeholders to implement a sociocultural and linguistically responsive intervention plan.

3.2h Assess preparation and readiness of partners to organize during natural and manmade disasters.

3.3d Collaborate with partners to secure and leverage resources necessary for effective,

sustainable interventions.

3.3e Advocate for interventions that maximize cost effective, accessible, and equitable resources for populations.

3.3f Incorporate ethical principles in resource allocation in achieving equitable health.

3.4g Design comprehensive advocacy strategies to support the policy process.

3.4l Evaluate the risks to population health associated with globalization.

4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.

4.2h Address opportunities for innovation and changes in practice.

4.2 j Articulate inconsistencies between practice policies and best evidence.

4.3h Implement processes that support ethical conduct in practice and scholarship.

5.3f Foster a just culture reflecting civility and respect.

6.1i Role model respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion in team-based communications.

6.1j Communicate nursing’s unique disciplinary knowledge to strengthen interprofessional


6.1k Provide expert consultation for other members of the healthcare team in one’s area of practice.

6.2g Integrate evidence-based strategies and processes to improve team effectiveness and


6.2h Evaluate the impact of team dynamics and performance on desired outcomes.

6.2i Reflect on how one’s role and expertise influences team performance.

6.2j Foster positive team dynamics to strengthen desired outcomes.

6.4e Practice self-assessment to mitigate conscious and implicit biases toward other team members.

6.4f Foster an environment that supports the constructive sharing of multiple perspectives and enhances interprofessional learning.

6.4h Manage disagreements, conflicts, and challenging conversations among team members.

7.1g Analyze system-wide processes to optimize outcomes.

7.2g Analyze relevant internal and external factors that drive healthcare costs and reimbursement.

8.2j Interpret primary and secondary data and other information to support care.

8.3a Demonstrate appropriate use of information and communication technologies.

8.3b Evaluate how decision support tools impact clinical judgment and safe patient care.

8.5l Analyze the impact of federal and state policies and regulation on health data and technology in care settings.

9.1i Model ethical behaviors in practice and leadership roles.

9.1j Suggest solutions when unethical behaviors are observed.

9.1k Assume accountability for working to resolve ethical dilemmas.

9.3i Advocate for nursing’s professional responsibility for ensuring optimal care outcomes.

9.3l Foster a practice environment that promotes accountability for care outcomes.

9.3m Advocate for policies/practices that promote social justice and health equity.

9.3n Foster strategies that promote a culture of civility across a variety of settings.

This course develops:

1.1f Demonstrate the application of nursing science to practice.

1.2g Apply a systematic and defendable approach to nursing practice decisions.

1.2h Employ ethical decision making to assess, intervene, and evaluate nursing care.

1.2i Demonstrate socially responsible leadership.

1.3d Integrate foundational and advanced specialty knowledge into clinical reasoning.

2.2i Apply individualized information, such as genetic/genomic, pharmacogenetic, and

environmental exposure information in the delivery of personalized health care.

2.3h Demonstrate that one’s practice is informed by a comprehensive assessment appropriate to the functional area of advanced nursing practice.

2.5h Lead and collaborate with an interprofessional team to develop a comprehensive plan of care.

2.5i Prioritize risk mitigation strategies to prevent or reduce adverse outcomes.

2.8i Evaluate adequacy of resources available to support self-care management.

2.8j Foster partnerships with community organizations to support self-care management.

2.9f Evaluate communication pathways among providers and others across settings, systems, and communities.

3.2d Ascertain collaborative opportunities for individuals and organizations to improve population health.

3.2f Evaluate the effectiveness of partnerships for achieving health equity.

3.5f Appraise advocacy priorities for a population.

4.1i Engage in scholarship to advance health.

4.1j Discern appropriate applications of quality improvement, research, and evaluation


4.2f Use diverse sources of evidence to inform practice.

4.3f Apply IRB guidelines throughout the scholarship process.

4.3g Ensure the protection of participants in the conduct of scholarship.

6.4g Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into team practices.

7.1h Design policies to impact health equity and structural racism within systems, communities, and populations.

7.3h Design system improvement strategies that address internal and external system processes and structures that perpetuate structural racism and other forms of discrimination in healthcare systems.

9.3j Demonstrate leadership skills when participating in professional activities and/or


9.6f Analyze the impact of structural and cultural influences on nursing’s professional identity.

9.6g Ensure that care provided by self and others is reflective of nursing’s core values.

9.6h Structure the practice environment to facilitate care that is culturally and linguistically


9.6i Ensure self and others are accountable in upholding moral, legal, and humanistic principles related to health.

This course masters:

1.1e Translate evidence from nursing science as well as other sciences into practice.

1.1g Integrate an understanding of nursing history in advancing nursing’s influence in health care.

1.2f Synthesize knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to inform education, practice, and research.

1.2i Demonstrate socially responsible leadership.

1.3e Synthesize current and emerging evidence to Influence practice.

1.3f Analyze decision models from nursing and other knowledge domains to improve clinical judgment.

2.1d Promote caring relationships to effect positive outcomes.

2.1e Foster caring relationships.

2.2g Demonstrate advanced communication skills and techniques using a variety of modalities with diverse audiences.

2.6i Apply current and emerging evidence to the development of care guidelines/tools.

2.7d Analyze data to identify gaps and inequities in care and monitor trends in outcomes.

2.7e Monitor epidemiological and system-level aggregate data to determine healthcare outcomes and trends.

2.7f Synthesize outcome data to inform evidence-based practice, guidelines, and policies.

3.1j Assess the efficacy of a system’s capability to serve a target sub-population’s healthcare need.

3.1k Analyze primary and secondary population health data for multiple populations against relevant benchmarks.

3.1l Use established or evolving methods to determine population-focused priorities for care.

3.2e Challenge biases and barriers that impact population health outcomes.

9.6d Model respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion for all team members.

9.6e Critique one’s personal and professional practices in the context of nursing’s core values.

10.3p Advocate for the promotion of social justice and eradication of structural racism and systematic inequity in nursing and society.


Approved by GAAC: 3/12/12; 10/5/2015; 4/26/19; 9/9/2022

Approved by Faculty: 4/9/12; 5/2/19; 9/12/22