Course Title: NRSG 652 FNP Diagnosis & Management II

Credits: 3

Semester Offered: Spring

Prerequisites: NRSG 651

Degree: DNP

AACN Core Competencies for Advanced-Level Nursing Education: 2.5i, 3.3c, 1.3e, 1.3d, 2.4f, 6.1h, 1.1f

MRJCON DNP Program Learning Outcome: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10


Course Description:

Focuses on comprehensive assesment, intervention, and preventive care for women and pediatric population in the primary health care settings. Recognizing and valuing the holistic nature of individuals and families, this graduate nursing course will incluse content on physiological, pathophysiological, developmental, sociocultural, sexual, and spiritual primary health care needs of women and children.

Catalog Description:

Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care for women and pediatric population in the primary health care settings. Using a holistic framework content includes physiological, pathophysiological, psychological, developmental, sociocultural, secual, and spiritual primary health care needs of women and children.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Recognize culturally and sexually appropriate patient/family/caregiver centered communication.
  2. Analyze individual and family responses to primary health care issues, guided by a variety of relevant theoretical and interdisciplinary perspectives.
  3. Incorporate diagnostic reasoning skills- preventative screenings using critical thinking to improve pediatric and women's health outcomes.
  4. Understand how to effectively evaluate strategies used to provide primary care for women and children.

Exemplars of Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Self-reflection addressing acceptance and embracement of cultural and gender diversity and/ or individual differences. (CLO 1,2)
  2. Applies clinical investigative skills, national screening guidelines/ evidence-based clinical guidelines to develop a plan of care (CLO 1,2,3,4)
  3. Case studies and group discussions regarding common women's health and pediatric health issues (CLO 1-4)

AACN Competencies

This course introduces:

2.5i Develop evidence-based strategies to prevent or reduce adverse outcomes

3.3c Analyze cost benefit-based diagnostics and intervention

This course develops:

1.3e Further develops critical analysis of the current and emerging evidence that influences practice

1.3d Develop foundations of the advanced speciality knowledge into clinical practice and plan of care

2.4f Employ context driven, reasoning to the diagnostic and decision-making process.

This course advances:

6.1h Facilitate improvements in interprofessional communications of the individual

1.1f Demonstrate the application of nursing science to practice

Curricular Threads addressed in this course:

    • Equity and Inclusion
    • Diversity
    • Cultural Sensitivity
    • Social Determinants of Health
    • Communication
    • Ethics
    • Clinical Judgement
    • Mental Health


Recommended Content:

Abuse, depression, obesity, menopause, sexual health, prenatal and post-natal care, developmental milestones, vaccines, common childhood illness, common women's health issues, screenings, complications of pregnancy.

Recommended Clinical Experiences/ Sites: N/A


Approved by GAAC: 12/1/23

Approved by Faculty: 12/13/23