For further information or to request training contact the RSO at:

Radiation Safety Committee Page

Guidance Documents:

Program Description

All uses of ionizing radiation at Montana State University whether from radioactive materials or radiation devices, must be approved by the university’s Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) and the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). Approvals for ionizing radiation devices by the RSC are expressly for the protocols, equipment and personnel specified in the x-ray application. Any unauthorized uses or equipment constitutes a violation of University, State and Federal regulations.

In Montana, the Department of Labor Occupational Health & Safety Division, determines safe practices for sources of ionizing radiation that are not licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This includes electron microscopes as well as analytical and medical x-ray devices. Montana has adopted the federal regulations on ionizing radiation as published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 29 CFR 1910.1096.

Proper management of ionizing radiation devices and their operators is the responsibility of the authorized Principal User, under whose permit the device is being used. It is the responsibility of each member of the laboratory to maintain safe use of the device(s) in their area.