
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: Addressing the ecological effects of nitrate pollution from agricultural fields by investigating nitrate loss and crop response to variable rate nitrogen fertilizer management on a subfield scale.

M.S. Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Soil legacy effects of cropping systems on wheat volatile emissions and the multitrophic impacts on wheat stem sawfly and natural enemy host location cues

M.S. Land Rehabilitation
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Invasive plant management in Yellowstone National Park

M.S. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Quantifying the efficacy of management methods to control Bromus tectorum in the Centennial Valley of Southwest Montana

M.S. Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Effectiveness of traditional and novel management control strategies on Ventenata dubia and Bromus tectorum
New Students
Peter Bugoni
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area: Renovating Monocultures of Exotic Cool-Season Grass Seedings to Diverse Multifunctional Ecosystems

Hannah Duff
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: Using on-farm precision experimentation to understand the effects of climate change on dryland ecosystems, assessing pulse crops as viable agricutlrual alternatives.

Mary Ellyn Dupre
M.S. Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Fabian Menalled & Tim Seipel
Research Area: Assessing agronomic consequences of integrating cover crops and livestock grazing in semi-arid production systems in Havre, MT.

Audrey Harvey
M.S. Land Resources & Enviornmental Sciences
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area:

Royden "Sasha" Loewen
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: The use of on farm precision experimentation (OFPE) to improve management practice in organic grain farming

Michelle Majeski
M.S. Land Rehabilitation
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area: Restoration strategies to reduce invasive plant-infested range and wildlands

L. Tindall Ouverson
M.S. Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
Advisors: Fabian Menalled & Tim Seipel
Research Area: Soil microbial community response to management practices and climate change in semi-arid agricultural systems
Mei-Ling Wong
M.S. Land Resources & Enironmental Sciences
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: An integrated ecological approach to address weed resistant problems by utilizing the 'many little hammers' strategy to reduce wild oat and kochia