Subject Governance, Organization and Legal
Policy Number GL-010
Revised November 2009, April 2012, October 2024
Effective Date January 2002
Review Date October 2027
Responsible Party Legal Counsel
Scope OneMSU - All MSU Campuses



Table of Contents

100.00 Introduction and Purpose

110.00 Scope

120.00 Definitions

200.00 Policy

210.00 Campus Policy Management

220.00 Criteria for a Policy

230.00 Review and Revision of a Policy

240.00 Approval of New or Revised Policy

250.00 OneMSU Policy Development, Review, Revision and Approval

260.00 Interim Policy

270.00 Interim OneMSU Policy


100.00 Introduction and Purpose

Also known as the “Policy on Policies,” this policy establishes the policy system for the development, identification, distribution, review and revision of single campus policy and OneMSU Policy.

110.00 Scope

This policy will apply, based on the policy definition below, to OneMSU - all MSU campuses. Campus policy may be developed when consistent action is desired across a single campus. OneMSU policy may be developed when consistent action is desired across all MSU campuses. Each campus will have a central repository for campus policy maintenance; MSU’s University Compliance office will maintain the OneMSU policies as well as the MSU campus policies.

120.00 Definitions

Campus Policy Administrator (CPA)

The office or individual responsible for coordinating policy additions, managing updates, and maintaining the online policy repository.


All MSU campuses including Montana State University in Bozeman, Great Falls College MSU, Montana State University Northern and Montana State University Billings will be referenced as “OneMSU.”


A document, adopted by the campus’ established forum, which outlines governing principles that guide action to an issue or circumstance.

Responsible Party

The Responsible Party is the person or position responsible for implementation, regular review and maintenance of the policy including reviews and administrative updates.

Individual OneMSU Campuses

When only referring to one of the campuses, they shall be referred to as a “campus” or as follows:

  1. Montana State University campus in Bozeman will be referenced as MSU.
  2. Great Falls College MSU will be referenced as GFCMSU.
  3. Montana State University Northern will be referenced as MSUN.
  4. Montana State University Billings will be referenced as MSUB.

200.00 Policy

210.00 Campus Policy Management

To consistently and effectively manage policy at all OneMSU campuses, each campus shall establish or designate these areas for support.

  1. A Campus Policy Administrator (CPA) shall be designated by the Chancellor, President or CEO of the campus. The CPA will coordinate new policy, revisions, and comments within their campus.
    1. MSU Compliance shall be the CPA of MSU policy and OneMSU-wide policy.
    2. The CPAs at GFCMSU, MSUN and MSUB shall coordinate the campus and OneMSU policy work with the other campuses and MSU Compliance.
    3. The CPA will coordinate with MSU Compliance and Legal Counsel to review new and revised policy for consistency with Board of Regents policies and applicable state and federal laws.
  2. Each campus will develop their own consistent process for proposing, considering and discussing new or revised policy.
  3. Each campus will establish a forum, e.g. University Council or Campus Council, which will facilitate comments as new or revised policy is being considered. The forum will also review, vote on and adopt new and revised policy.
  4. Each campus will establish and follow a consistent policy document format.
  5. Each campus will maintain a central location on their website for campus policy.

220.00 Criteria for a Policy

Policy at each campus will be compliant with relevant federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and the Board of Regents policies and procedures and will meet these general criteria.

  1. It is a governing principle that mandates or constrains actions.
  2. It has campus-wide applications for issues or circumstances likely to repeatedly surface
  3. It helps ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, enhances the institution’s mission, promotes operational efficiencies, and/or reduces institutional risk.
  4. It changes infrequently and sets a course for the foreseeable future.
  5. It is broad enough to permit discretionary action in resolution of day-to-day situations yet specific enough to provide clear guidance.
  6. It has a Responsible Party named in the policy and has the support of a Vice President or other campus leadership.

230.00 Review and Revision of a Policy

To maintain an effective set of policies, all policies must be regularly monitored for compliance and effectiveness. The Responsible Party shall monitor the policy and shall consult with the CPA at least once every three years to determine if the policy needs formal review. The CPA will maintain records of consultation. A policy can be revised at any time as needed to improve compliance or effectiveness.

231.00 Informational Items

Minor or routine changes to policy or changes mandated by state or federal law or the Board of Regents may be made after consultation with and approval by the individual who is responsible for the review of the policy as indicated in the caption of the policy. Minor or routine changes may include items such as updating a title, department name, correction of hyperlinks, or correcting typographical errors. These may appear and be explained during the campus’ established forum as Informational Items. A minor or routine change to a policy which does include substantive changes does not have to be voted on and approved by the campus’ forum.

240.00 Approval of New or Revised Policy

Each campus shall establish a forum to notify the policy's constituent groups of the proposed policy and facilitate the collection of comments from these groups. The comments shall be disseminated to both the policy's Responsible Party and the appropriate Executive Officer(s).

After the comments have been addressed, the policy can be voted on by the forum. If approved by the forum, the policy must be implemented at the suitable organizational level(s) and published to the suitable campus online policy repository.

250.00 OneMSU Policy Development, Review, Revision and Approval

OneMSU Policy is policy that establishes governing principles for all 4 OneMSU campuses. It will meet all of the criteria in section 220.00, and additionally:

  • It has OneMSU-wide application for issues or circumstances likely to repeatedly surface.
  • All OneMSU campuses will have the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed policy or revisions before the first reading at University Council at MSU.
  • Each OneMSU campus will have the opportunity to review the policy at their campus forum before a vote is called at University Council at MSU.

A Campus Policy Administrator or Executive may contact University Compliance to initiate a OneMSU Policy review.

260.00 Interim Policy

The President, CEO or Chancellors may adopt an interim campus policy without dissemination and review if necessary. The policy will remain an interim policy until reviewed and approved. Any interim policy will be disseminated for comment as soon as practicable and will automatically expire six months after adoption if not reviewed and approved as outlined in this policy.

The reviewing entity and the date (year, month) of the review shall be specified upon incorporation of the policy.

270.00 Interim OneMSU Policy

Only the President of MSU may adopt an interim OneMSU policy. The other OneMSU campuses will be notified as soon as it is practicable, and they will be included in the formal development and review process as outlined in section 240.00 and 250.00.