A Workshop for Students, Sponsored by the Montana State University Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis

Friday, September 8, 2017 9am-5pm


Are you interested in understanding how research can generate evidence to better understand and improve the world?
Do you want to build your research skills? Do you want to work on faculty-led research projects at MSU?


Attend the Research Methods in Applied Economic Analysis Workshop!


Learn about the research process from practitioners working in a wide array of areas, from using big data in Silicon Valley, to gathering and analyzing data for the U.S. Census Bureau, to using research in private investment management and consulting companies, to assessing the impact of policy and programs for injured Montana workers.  


Student participants will be asked to come prepared for the workshop by thinking about a research question or topic that they are interested in and by studying a short reading in preparation for the workshop.  The workshop will include lots of time for Q&A as well as breakout sessions that partner small groups of students with workshop presenters and other faculty researchers to talk more in-depth about individual research ideas and questions, about opportunities to engage in research here at MSU, and about graduate school as a way to further improve their research skills. 



Research Methods

in Applied Economic Analysis


A Workshop Sponsored by the Montana State University Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis


Friday, September 8, 2017


9:00 am

LINH 406

Welcome and Introductions

Wendy Stock, Montana State University

9:30 am

LINH 406

Silicon Valley Experimentation: Big Data and Causal Inference

Randall Lewis, Netflix




10:30 am

LINH 406

Statistical Learning with an Aim to Understand “Total Quarterback Ratings"

Mark Greenwood, Montana State University

11:15 am

LINH 406

The Experimental Ideal

Daniel Rees, University of Colorado Denver

12:00 pm

LINH 206, 406, 231

Lunch & Breakout Discussions

1:00 pm

LINH 231

Using Census Data for Analysis: Women, Work, and Policy over the Last Century

Katie Genadek, Census Bureau Research Data Center

1:45 pm

LINH 231

Economic History and Applied Microeconomics

Werner Troesken, University of Pittsburgh

2:30 pm



2:45 pm

LINH 231

My Experience at MSU and How it Prepared Me for Research in the Private Sector

Jared Sullivan, LaSalle Investment Management

3:30 pm

LINH 231

Injured Worker Survey Project: Using Surveys to Measure Outcomes and Impacts

Brianne Lake, Montana Workers' Compensation Claims Assistance Bureau

4:15 pm

LINH 231

Leveraging Research to Advance Your Learning, Career, and Causes

Mark Egge, High Street Consulting

5:00 pm




Contact Professor Wendy Stock (wstock@montana.edu).