
Prof. Robert C. Maher


529 Cobleigh Hall (southwest corner of 5th floor)


Office:  994-7759
Home:  587-5925 (but please do not call me at home)


Class Page:


Office hours:

Tuesdays, 10AM-noon, or by appointment.
Drop-in questions at other times are always OK if my office door is open.



Dick White and Roger Doering, Electrical Engineering Uncovered, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. 

Class Objectives

Students have an opportunity to explore a wide variety of devices, applications, and innovations in the exciting field of electrical and computer engineering. During lab, students learn how to use signal generators, test equipment, and measurement equipment to investigate electrical circuits. Basic concepts of voltage and current relationships for circuit components are introduced. Both analog and digital circuits are explored. 

Class Outline (subject to change)

  • Course introduction: Expectations, lab resources, protocol.
  • Introduction to electronic circuits: Basic circuit analysis, build circuit on prototype board, use signal generator and measuring equipment, series and parallel circuits, resistors and capacitors, diodes and transistors, DC and AC signals.
  • Computer methods: Create graphs, import data sets, apply titles and labels, extract graph for import into word processor, understand Matlab fundamentals.
  • Assembly methods:  Printed circuit boards, soldering, assembly, verification of proper operation, performance testing
  • Sound activated switch: Construct prototype board circuit to respond to sound, layout methods, planning for success, verification, performance testing.
  • Digital electronics:  Logic gates, combinational logic, construct logic circuits and verify desired operation.
  • Explore additional EE and CpE circuits:  as time permits.

Calendar Summary (subject to change)

September 4

First class meeting and introduction

September 11
September 18
September 25
October 2
October 9
October 16

Lab #1:  Series and parallel resistors
Lab #2:  Voltage and current in simple circuits
Lab #3:  Capacitors and frequency response
Lab #4:  Frequency, period, and phase
Lab #5:  Electric shock and safety; Diode circuits
Lab #6:  MATLAB

October 23

Midterm Exam

October 30
November 6
November 13
November 20

Lab #7:  Op Amps
Lab #8:  Two-Stage Amplifier
Lab #9:  Project kit assembly start
Lab #10:  Project kit assembly completion

November 27

No Lab (Thanksgiving Holiday)

December 4

Lab #11:  Digital Logic Gates

December 11

Final Exam (during lab time)


NOTE: Math181 exams on 9/18, 10/21, and 11/18 Grading

Homework: 5%

→ Homework will be required periodically

Lab Reports: 70%

→ Lab assignments (11 total) are due at the end of each lab session.  The lowest lab score will be dropped before computing your lab grade.

Mid-Term Exam: 10%

→ One written/practical exam will be given during the semester

Final Exam:

→ A final written/practical exam will be given during the last week of classes



Grade guarantee:  course letter grades may be higher (but will not be lower) than indicated by the following scale:A- = 90%
B- = 80%
C- = 70%
D = 60%
F = 59%A grade of F will also be given if the midterm and/or final exam is not taken. Policies

  • All students must have an electronic mail address listed with the MSU My Info system.  Announcements and reminders for EE101 will be sent occasionally via email.  Students will also need to get an MSU computer access account and printing privileges for the ECE Department computer lab (additional instructions will be given in class).
  • You are expected to keep a clean lab area and return items to their proper place. Equipment is expensive and is provided for your learning experience. Please conduct yourselves appropriately.
  • You are responsible for all material covered in class and in the textbook reading assignments.
  • You will work with a lab partner during the lab period, but your lab report must be prepared individually.  Homework and exams also must be prepared individually. Submitting the work of others without clear attribution is dishonest and grounds for dismissal from the course.
  • Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted. Plan ahead and notify the instructor prior to justifiable absences, or if a bona fide emergency prevented you from attending class.