2025 State Tournament · Tues, March 4, 2025

What is an Event Supervisor?

Event Supervisors oversee a specific event in accordance with the Science Olympiad Rules Manual. Event Supervisors design the event, recruit additional team members, and administer and grade the event on tournament day.  Event Supervisors are MSU faculty, graduate students, staff or members of the community. Members of the Montana Science Olympiad Club at MSU are also invited to serve as Event Supervisors.  

Past experience with Science Olympiad is helpful but not required.  We are here to support your success, whether you are a seasoned veteran or a first year Event Supervisor.  Event Supervisors are vital to a successful tournament, and we are grateful for your contributions!

Questions?  Contact our staff at mtscioly@montana.edu or call us at (406) 994-7476

Timeline and Tasks

Use this checklist to ensure you are prepared for the Science Olympiad tournament.

Interest Form and Registration

If you are curious about becoming an Event Supervisor, please complete the interest form.  This form gauges interest and experience only and is non-committal.  Our staff will discuss with you the role and responsibilities of Event Supervisor, and if you remain interested, provide you with the registration form.  

Past Event Supervisors and collegues who have provided a verbal confirmation to serve as Event Supervisor are still required to complete the Event Supervisor Registration Form.  Completion of the form allows our staff to access vital information for event planning purposes.  Please email us to receive the registration form. 

Questions?  Contact us at mtscioly@montana.edu or (406) 994-7476

Fill out the Interest Form HERE!


New and returning Event Supervisors are strongly encouraged to schedule a 1-on-1 consultation with our Event Supervisor Coordinator.  Questions regarding test writing, materials, rules manuals, background checks, and more are covered in the consultation.  An hour spent with our Science Olympiad staff will save you hours of trying to find the answers on your own.  We are here to help!

Email Us! to schedule a 1-on-1 Event Supervisor Consult   

Science Olympiad Meet-and-Greet

Save the date for the Science Olympiad Meet-and-Greet on Tuesday, January 21st, 4:30-6pm.  Enjoy light appetizers, beverages, and desserts hosted by the Science Math Resource Center.  Current and potential event supervisors, sponsors, and MSU Science Olympiad Student Club members meet and learn about the upcoming tournament and events.  

  • Tuesday, January 21st
  • Grandmother's Hall and room 102 in American Indian Hall 
  • 4:30-5:10pm · appetizers and reception
  • 5:10-6pm · presentation of events and Q&A 


Event Supervisor Checklist

Registered Event Supervisors will find this Event Supervisor Checklist a valuable resource to prepare for Tournament Day, Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025.

Background Checks

Event Supervisors are subject to a background check as outlined by MSU Policies and Procedures.  MSU Human Resources will inititate a background check through Sterling Checks, a third-party background check service. Event Supervisors should watch for an email from Sterling Checks and follow the instructions provided to ensure a background check is completed before tournament day.

Questions?  Email us to learn more about background checks.

Deadline for Background Checks:  4-5 weeks before Tournament day

Confirm Room, Material, & Volunteer Needs

Event Supervisors indicated on the initial registration form any room, material, and volunteer needs.  If anything has changed since the registration form was completed, or if you indicated 'don't know yet' on the form, we will need to confirm with you the room assignment, material purchases, and volunteer needs.

Science Olympiad staff will email you to confirm these needs.  Please review the email and let us know if there are any changes.  Please contact us if you have not received a confirmation email by Friday, March 15th.  

Deadline to Confirm Needs: 4-5 weeks before Tournament day

Scilympiad: Scoring Software

Montana Science Olympiad uses a scoring software called Scilympiad to enter scores for the tournament.  All Event Supervisors and Co-Supervisors who enter scores will need an active Scilympiad account prior to tournament day. 

New Event Supervisors

    1. New Event Supervisors will create a new Scilympiad account here.
    2. Click the 'Log in' tab in the upper-right corner, then 'New Member', then 'Create a new account'
    3. Enter your information and click REGISTER
    4. Complete your profile information and choose your main role (Currently Scilympiad has only the "Assistant ES" option)
    5. On the 'Events to Supervise' window, choose the events(s) you are hosting.  Choose the correct division (B is middle school, C is high school).  If you are doing both, choose your event under both menus.
    6. After you complete your account registration our staff will link your event to your account.

Returning Event Supervisors

    1. Returning Event Supervisors can access the Scilympiad account here
    2. Confirm access to your previous account then our staff will link your event to your account.

The Science Math Resource Center has created this video tutorial for the Montana tournament.  Watch it here:  Event Scoring in Scilympiad

Instructions are also below 

 1. Access the Montana Scilympiad website (https://scilympiad.com/mt) and login to your account.

 2. Click the “Event Supervisor” tab in the blue bar at the top. The event(s) you are attached to will show up as green boxes on the Tournaments page. If you are not attached to your events (and nothing shows up), please let us know right away! 

 3. On the “Tournaments” page, click the button for the event that you want to score.This should only show up the first time you log in.  

 4. On the“Event Supervisor Dashboard” page 

  • Under the “Competition Day” heading, click the “Event Scoring” link. 
  • Note: If you are doing more than one event, to switch events, click the light blue icon under the “Event Supervisor Dashboard” heading. If you are making a test for both middle school division B and high school division C, this counts as two events.  

  5. On the“Event Scoring” page 

  • For events that only report raw scores (most testing events) (“Team #” values are black):
    • Enter scores for each team in the “Score1” column and click the “Save changes” button in the bottom-right corner of the table.
    • If needed, enter additional points into the “Score2” and/or “Tie Breaker” column and click the “Save changes” button.
    • Several schools bring a varsity and a JV team; please be sure you are entering the score in the right column! The team numbers indicate that they are JV.  
  • For events that utilize a score sheet “Team #” values are orange (this would mean using a score sheet from nationals, typically for the build events):
    • In the table, click the Team # to enter scores for that team. You will have to click on each team, even if they did not show up.
    • From the drop-down menu, select:
      • “Competed” for teams that both competed in your event and were able to earn a score,
      • “No Show” for teams that did not compete in your event,
      • “Participation” for teams that competed in your event but were not able to earn a score,
      • or “Disqualified” for teams that were disqualified from your event. 
    • For teams that are categorized as “Competed,” check/uncheck boxes and enter scores for each category of your event’s scoring criteria. 
  • Once completed, click the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the page and repeat Step 6b for each team listed in the table. 

6. After scores have been entered for all teams and all ties have been broken, click the “Checkout” button at the top of the “Event Scoring” page. (To access this page, click the “Event Supervisor” tab and then click the “Event Scoring” link under the “Competition Day” heading.) 

  • On the “Event Scoring Checkout” page 
    • Complete the event scoring checklist, enter your name, and click the “Submit” button. 
    • Note: You will need to complete this step for each event that you are supervising. 

7. After the event scoring checkout is completed, bring your scoring materials to the score room for auditing and verification (SUB). 

Questions?  Contact us at mtscioly@montana.edu or (406) 994-7476

Deadline to Create Account: 3 weeks before Tournament day

Print Tests and Answer Keys

Event Supervisors are encouraged to print tests and answer keys for their events.  Our Science Olympiad staff can help you determine how many tests to print.  Contact us and we'll confirm the block schedule and number of participants in your event.

The Science Math Resource Center can print tests and answer keys for you if you are unable to print them.  Please email us to request a link to a shared folder where you can upload your tests and answer keys.  Tests and answer keys will be in the Event Supervisor Packet for pick-up.

Deadline for SMRC to print: 3 weeks before Tournament day

Packet/Tote Pick-up 

Event Supervisor Packets/Totes will be available for pickup prior to tournament day.  Contact us if you are unable to pick up your packet/tote at the times or location listed. 

  • Wed. Feb 26 · 11am - 1pm · Reid 206
  • Thurs. Feb 27 · 3pm - 5pm · Reid 206
  • Mon. Mar 3 · 11am - 1pm · Reid 206

Questions?  Contact us at mtscioly@montana.edu or (406) 994-7476