Tournament Day!  Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Join us on tournament day to experience all the fun and excitement of the Montana Science Olympiad state tournament! Tournament dayis a wonderful opportunity for families, classmates, potential participants, media outlets, and the general public to observe all the fun and excitement of the Montana Science Olympiad state tournament.  Check here for updates regarding tournament schedules, events open to the public, parking, dining, activities, and more!

Tournament results 2025

Congratulations to:

Division B – Middle School

  1. Corvallis Middle School (will go on to Nationals)
  2. Hamilton Middle School
  3. North Middle School, Great Falls

Division C – High School

  1. Hamilton High School (will go on to Nationals)
  2. Capital High School (Helena)
  3. Corvallis High School

Division B – Middle School Small Schools Division

  1. Choteau Junior High
  2. Headwaters Academy (Bozeman)
  3. Belt Middle School

Division C – High School Small Schools Division

  1. Choteau High School
  1. Belt High School
  2. Superior High School

Download results (PDF) Division B - Division C - posted 3/5/25 (coming soon in HTML)

Checklist for Tournament Day

Tournament Day Schedule

Schedule of Events

For specific events, times, and locations, visit the Block Schedule HERE

Time Event Location
7 - 7:30am Teams arrive Strand Union Building (SUB)
7:30am Assemble SUB Ballrooms
7:45 - 8:15am Opening Ceremony SUB Ballrooms
8:15am Impound and Sign-Ups Various classrooms, see block schedule
8:30am - 12:30pm Competition Events Various classrooms, see block schedule
1 - 2pm Talks & Tours (opt.) Pre-register, assemble at assigned location
2:15pm Assemble SUB Ballrooms
2:30 - 4pm Awards Ceremony SUB Ballrooms

Event Map

Campus MapBuildings with Events:

Coaches, Event Supervisors, and Volunteers will receive information about specific events and locations.  Some events are open to the public, and the general public is invited to visit the registration table outside of SUB Ballroom A for more information.

Please Note:

  • SUB = Strand Union or Student Union Building.  Registration and information is located outside of SUB Ballroom A.
  • NAH = Norm Asbjornson Hall (aka "Norm" or "Norm Hall") 
  • Inspiration Hall is a large multi-purpose space within 'Norm' Hall and is not a seperate building.
  • Note that Leon Johnson Hall and AJM Johnson Hall are two different buildings.
  • Heathcote Classroom is in the basement of the Renne Library.
  • Romney Hall is sometimes referred to as Romney Gym or Romney Gymnasium.  Historically, it was the original university gymnasium. It has been remodeled to classrooms and lecture halls. Learn about the Romney renovation HERE.

  • Download a PDF of the 2025 event map here (color, 2 pages, PDF)


MSU classes are in session and campus is a high-energy, pedestrian-friendly environment.  Be Safe!  Pedestrians, bicycles, cars, public transit, and more utilitize the same traffic corridors to enter and exit campus. Please note that there is construction in and around the MSU campus, and road closures do exist.

Visitor Parking Information

Visitor parking optons can be found HERE.  Download the Passport App for easy payment options.

Streamline Bus Services

Streamline bus services provide free hourly public transportation to and from the SUB and other points near campus.  You can catch the yellow or blue route from numerous places around town.  Find the Streamline Bus Schedule HERE or download the RouteShout App for more information.


  • Visit MSU’s award-winning Rendezvous Dining Pavillion or Miller Dining Hall.  Both are open to the public. Pay one price for all-you-can-eat international entree options, soup and salad, a coffee bar, and desserts.
  • SRO (standing room only) and Norm's Cafe offer coffee, pastries, and grab-and-go options.  SRO is located across from SUB Ballroom A and Norm Cafe is located in Norm Hall.
  • Chick-fil-A, Firehouse Subs, and other dining options are located throughout the SUB
  • Numerous off-campus dining options are located on College Street just north of campus.

MSU Science Olympiad Student Club Booth and Symposium

MSU students who are past participants in Science Olympiad or anyone with a desire to further STEM education through a thriving Montana Science Olympiad tournament are encouraged to join the MSU Science Olympiad Student Club, inaugurated in September 2023. 

Middle and high school Science Olympiad participants are encouraged to visit with members of the club throughout the day. High school seniors who plan to attend Montana State University are encouraged to learn about the benefits of club membership.

Student Club Symposium

The Science Olympiad Student Club will host the Student Club Symposium during this year's tournament. The symposium will give competitors a chance to see what opportunities are available through Montana State University. Visit with club members, engage in fun activities, and learn about all the MSU student clubs!

Alumni Lounge in the SUB: 10am - 2:15pm

More Fun Things!

Fun and interesting things are always happening at Montana State University.  Consider one of the following activites:


  • Tour the Student Wellness Center.  Opened in August, 2024, the LEED Gold-certified facility is the hub for student health and includes: campus recreation, fitness center, aquatic center, clinical services, mental health services and a pharmacy
  • Take a self-guided tour of the LEED Platinum-certified Norm Asbjornson Engineering Hall - download a map here
  • Tour American Indian Hall.  Pamphlets at the main entryway invite visitors to take a self-guided tour of this LEED Platinum-certified building
  • The SUB Recreation Center is open to the public with bowling alleys, pool tables, pinball, and more
  • Into geocaching? There are a few on campus your students can find
  • The MSU Duck Pond is a fun place to hang out and feed the ducks!
  • Check out the parking garage, no really! It has Public Art and more art!