Students and faculty/staff from Montana's two-year and tribal colleges are invited to participate in the following opportunities during Spring 2025.
The goal is to provide knowledge and awareness of Montana's photonics/optics/quantum industries and workforce opportunities in order to bring them to rural communities.
More than one option may be selected. For questions and to participate please contact
Option 1: For Faculty and/or Students- Hands-On Photonics/Optics/Quantum Technologies Experience

Gallatin College student working on fiber optic splicing system.
Part One: MSU and Gallatin College faculty/staff will travel to participating tribal or two-year college for a half-day guest lecture and sample lab(s) and hands-on exposure and discussion. The visit will be conducted by Gallatin College's Photonics and Laser Technology (PLT) Program Director Mark Craig.
Part Two: Students and faculty participating in Part One are then invited to Gallatin College MSU in Bozeman for an immersive experience to learn more about Montana's photonics industry and emerging quantum adjacent technologies.
Visit will include photonics and quantum research labs at MSU, visit(s) and tour(s) of quantum and photonics-related businesses in the region, and more. All expenses paid by MSU.
Option 2: For Faculty, Counselors, or Administrators- Career Information for Quantum Technologies
Participants from Montana's Two-Year and Tribal Colleges will receive the following Quantum Career Information/Exploration resources:
- Lesson plan and slides on career information and exploration in quantum technology to include in programs and/or courses at two-year or tribal college campus.
- Quantum stickers, posters, and other promotional materials.
- Quantum technology career exploration display/presentation at participating tribal
or two-year campus upon request.
- To include hands-on activities for students in either middle school, high school, or college (adapted for student group).
Option 3: For Faculty- preparation to teach introductory optics or similar course

Gallatin College students aligning laser system on optical bench.
Faculty from Montana's interested tribal and two-year colleges are invited to prepare themselves for teaching an introduction to optics and laser technologies course by auditing and virtually attending PLTT 101- Fundamentals of Light & Lasers in Spring 2025.
PLTT 101- Fundamentals of Light & Lasers is a 5-credit course in the Photonics and Laser Technology (PLTT) Program at Gallatin College in Bozeman. This course addresses the wave of natural light, atomic energy levels and absorption/emission spectra, an introduction to geometric optics, and an introduction to physical optics including diffraction and diffraction limited effects in optical systems. This opportunity gives faculty of Montana's two-year and tribal colleges the preparation to teach this or a similar course of their design at their home campus.
In Spring 2025 faculty will:
- "Audit" Gallatin College's Fundamentals of Light & Lasers course virtually by participating in live time or watching recorded sessions. The
course meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-4:25 pm from January 15 to April 30,
2025 (approximately 35 hours total commitment).
Mark Craig, Division Director, Gallatin College Photonics and Laser Technology
- Take one round trip to Bozeman for a hands-on training and participate in lab session with Gallatin College's PLT Division Director. All travel expenses are paid by MSU.
- Host Gallatin College's PLT Division Director/PLTT 101 Instructor Mark Craig for one
visit to participating tribal or two-year college.
- Schedule for visits will be determined in collaboration with travel for Option 1 above and must occur between January 30 and March 7, 2025 [intent is to provide sample lab exercises at host school and related lecture materials].
- Participating faculty in Option 3 will receive:
- A stipend of up to $3,500
- Free mentoring and course collateral
- Unique positioning to apply for start-up funds for lab equipment and lasers from external funders
More than one option may be selected. For questions and to participate please contact
Quantum Training Badge for Future Educators
Additionally, we are offering a training program for future educators (pre-service teachers / education majors or other tribal and two-year students interested in education): a quantum training program in Spring 2025. This online program will give you the basics of quantum to bring into your future classroom. Learn more and apply.
Need something else?
If you are from a tribal or two-year college in Montana and have another idea for how you would like to learn more about quantum science and technologies, please email