Affiliated Faculty

Eric Austin
Professor, Political Science
Interests: Public administration, leadership ethics, public safety, environmental policy

Brooke Bocast
Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Interests: Africa, global health, medical anthropology, gender and sexuality

Beth Burroughs
Professor and Department Head, Mathematical Sciences
Interests: Mathematical modeling in mathematics classrooms; mathematics coaching in elementary mathematics classrooms; gender issues in mathematics education

Mary Ann Cummings
Assistant Teaching Professor, Gianforte School of Computing
Interests: Computational theory, software engineering, ethical and social issues in computing

Ed Dratz
Professor, Chemistry and BioChemistry
Interests: Metabolism, enhanced nutrition and health, proteomics

Paul Gannon
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Interests: Sustainability, Energy, Materials

Brock LaMeres
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Director, Montana Engineering Education Research Center
Interests: Computer engineering, engineering education, social and ethical responsibilities of engineers

Timothy LeCain
Professor, History & Philosophy
Interests: Environmental History, History of Technology, Animal History, Neo-Materialism

Rob Maher
Professor, Electical & Computer Engineering
Interests: Digital audio signal processing, audio forensic analysis, analysis and synthesis of music, and acoustics, engineering ethics & professional responsibilities

Sara Mannheimer
Assistant Professor and Data Librarian, Library
Interests: Digital preservation, open data, big data ethics, research data management

Bruce Maxwell
Professor, Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Interests: Agroecology, invasive plant ecology, ecological modeling

Jamie McEvoy
Associate Professor, Geography, Department of Earth Sciences
Interests: Political ecology, science and technology studies, political ecology of water management, climate change vulnerability and adaptation,policy and governance at the climate-water-energy nexus

Gretchen Minton
Professor, English
Interests: Shakespeare and early modern drama, relationships between science, environment and society in literature

Michael Reidy
Professor of History, History & Philosophy
History of science, technology, and environment, history of mountaineering, history of exploration

Liz Shanahan
Professor, Political Science
Interests: Public policy, environmental policy and politics, narrative policy frameworks, social ecological systems

Bonnie Sheehey
Assistant Professor, History & Philosophy
Interests: Ethics, Philosophy of Technology, Social & Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Race

John Sheppard
Professor, Computer Science
Interests: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, reasoning under uncertainty, health management, data mining, algorithms

Cindy Stillwell
Professor, Film and Photography
Interests: Filmmaking focused on human beings in relationship with nature.

Kristin Ruppel
Associate Professor, Native American Studies and Director of the Native Land Project
Interests: Federal Indian law and policy,federal-Indian trust reform, American Indian self-determination, and research methodologies for working in and with Native communities, especially with regard to ecologies of place, Native food systems, local economic development, and the praxis of ethical, equitable research partnerships.

Blake Wiedenheft
Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology
Interests: Genome editing/CRISPR, virology, immunology

Scott Young
Associate Professor, User Experience and Assessment Librarian
Interests: Service and participatory design, accessibility, ethics and social justice in library sciences.