graduation cap

General Eligibility Requirements

USP is open to undergraduate students from all academic disciplines. We define "research" broadly to encompass traditional scientific research, as well as research and scholarship in the social sciences, humanities, and arts. Students engaging in original artistic works (i.e. film, photography, music, art, literature) are also encouraged to apply. In order to be eligible for funding, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Students must be at undergraduate status during the term for which they are applying for funding.
  • Students must be enrolled full-time (12+ credits) during their term of funding during the academic year.
  • Students do not have to be enrolled in credits during summer term, as long as they are enrolled full-time during the preceding spring and following fall semesters of the summer in which they are funded. Students scheduled to graduate in August or who were enrolled part time in spring may apply for summer if enrolled in 6 or more summer credits.
  • Students should be in good academic standing. Please note that although there is no formal minimum GPA requirement to apply, academic performance is considered during review. Priority funding will be awarded to students with records of academic improvement over time and students with strong academic records.

Frequently Asked Questions...

  • I'm interested in registering for academic credit in conjunction with my project. Is this allowed and, if so, what is the process for registering?
    Yes. Students may register for academic credit in conjunction with their research projects. Please review Applying for Academic Credit for a full list of guidelines.


  • I'm interested in working on a project outside of my own major/department. Is this allowed?
    Yes. Students are welcome to work with faculty/projects outside of their major.

  • What about group projects – may I work collaboratively with other students? If so, how do we apply?
    Yes, student groups are welcome to engage in collaborative projects. See "Additional Instructions for Group Projects" on the How to Apply: Research Grants page for information on how to apply for a group project.

  • I'm interested in conducting a research project in conjunction with a study-abroad program. Am I eligible to apply?
    Yes, as long as there is a substantive research component involved in the project. Research projects should move beyond any "required" aspects of the program curriculum.

  • I'm interested in conducting a service-learning project. Does USP offer support for this?
    Maybe. If the service learning project involves a substantive research component, then yes. If there is not a substantive research component, then no - the project falls outside the purview of USP funding. For more information on how to integrate research with service learning, we encourage you to visit the SCOPE webpage.

FAQ's for Graduating Seniors...

  • I am a senior and in my graduating term. I do not need a full-time credit load to graduate – may I still apply?
    In this circumstance, the full-time credit requirement may be waived on a case-by-case basis. These requests should be approved in advance by the Program Director – please contact the USP office for more details.

  • I am a senior and graduating in summer term (August). Am I still eligible for summer term funding?
    Yes. As long as you are enrolled in credits for summer term, you are eligible to apply for summer funding.

  • I am a senior and graduating in May. Am I still eligible for summer term funding?
    Unfortunately no. Once you have graduated, you are no longer eligible for USP funding. The only exception to this policy is students who re-enroll in a post-baccalaureate program, as this is still an undergraduate classification.

  • May I apply for funding for my senior capstone project?
    In general, we do not fund projects that are a required part of your academic curriculum, although exceptions may be made for students who have extensive project costs or time commitments due to taking on ambitious, "above-and-beyond" capstone projects. In these cases, we defer to your faculty mentor's judgment on whether they support the project for USP funding.