Operating Budgets

At the beginning of each fiscal year, Montana State University in Bozeman provides reports to the Commissioner of Higher Education (OCHE) and the Board of Regents (BOR) so as to review operating budgets and evaluate expenses. To view recent reports, please visit the Operating Budgets page of the Montana University System website.

System Operating Budgets can also be viewed as Tableau dashboards at the system level or at the institution level

Information on Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) students and staff (as well as revenue and expenditure information) are available on a yearly basis from the MUS system (FY2024 information is linked here).

Financial Statements

University Business Services provides access to MSU's financial statements on a yearly basis. For the most current data, visit their Financial Statements page.

Research Expenditures

The Office of Sponsored Programs publishes an Annual Research Review where current and prior creative and research expenditures can be seen.

Key Performance Indicators

The Key Performance Indicators are an annual report for use in planning and budgeting, developed in consultation with university leaders, department heads, deans, and other decision makers. They contain ten years of department-level expenditures, instructional faculty, student credit hour and student FTE production, majors, and degrees awarded. They include:

  • Instructional Expenditures by Fiscal Year
  • Faculty Instructional FTEs
  • Percent Tenure-Track Faculty
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant FTEs 
  • Expenditures per Student FTEs

Delaware Instructional Costs Study (requires MSU NetID)

The University of Delaware's Office of Institutional Research and Planning conducts a national study of academic productivity and costs. These studies allow for comparisons -- at the departmental level -- with similar departments in similar universities. These data (accessibly only to MSU) can be found here.

Request Data

Not seeing the data you need? Contact us at data@montana.edu, or use our Request Data form.