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MontTELLs 2021 Inaugural Virtual Professional Development Conference

Friday, May 19th & Saturday, May 20th, 2021

Conference Agenda at a Glance

Friday, 4:00-5:30 p.m.

4:00–4:15    Welcome/Introductions/Workshop Overview

4:15-5:30    Dr. Iris Pretty Paint, Overview of the Family Education Model


Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

9:00–12:00    Dr. Iris Pretty Paint, Miracle Survivors: Promoting Student Resilience Using the Family Education Model

12:00-12:15   Complete session reflection questions/ Prize drawings

12:15-1:15     Lunch break

1:15-2:45       Audra Waite and Jacie Jeffers, English Langauge Learner Instructional Strategies and Indian Education for All

2:45-3:00       Complete session reflection questions/ Prize drawings

3:00-3:15       Break

3:15-4:45       Sarah Pierce, Improving American Indian and Alaskan Native Identification and Supports

4:45-5:00      Complete session reflection questions/ Prize drawings

5:00-5:30      Wrap Up/ Renewal Units/ Next Steps/ Prize drawings


Special thanks to our presenters, the participants, Instructional Coaches and personnel of the MontTELLs grant project, the MSU Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education team members, and the representatives of the School of Film and Photography at MSU who were instrumental in the planning, organizing, and documenting of this professional development opportunity. We are grateful to the Office of English Language Acquisition for the National Professional Development Award supporting the MontTELLs grant project.

Printable Overview click here.

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Content on this archived page is no longer maintained.
This page is made available by the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education.