This content reflects work done as part of the Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship (IPSL) grant funded by IMLS (RE-246303-OLS-20). Actual assignments may vary.

Module Objectives

  • Identify the documents and policies necessary for the day-to-day management of the school library.
  • Identify methods for effectively managing day-to-day operations of a school library.
  • Articulate the importance of planning (daily, short term, long term, and strategic) for the success of the library program and your own professional and personal wellbeing.
  • Compare and contrast student management in the classroom and the library; and identify appropriate strategies for student management in the school library.


Required: Explore all of the following.

  • Chapter 5: Scheduling: Philosophy and practicality (pp. 39-29) from Stephens, C. G., & Franklin, P. (2015). Library 101: a handbook for the school librarian(Second edition.). Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
  • Guidelines for the development of policies and procedures regarding user behavior and library usage. (2020). Intellectual Freedom Committee, American Library Association.

Optional: Choose three or more of the following.

Policies and Procedures
  • Chapter 3: Circulation policies and mechanics (pp. 17-27) from Stephens, C. G., & Franklin, P. (2015). Library 101: a handbook for the school librarian(Second edition.). Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
  • Vercelletto, C. (2017, Dec 14). Rethinking, and ditching, fines for kids. School Library Journal.
Time Management
  • Clear, J. (n.d.). How to be more productive and eliminate time wasting activities by using the “Eisenhower Box.”
  • Dickinson, G. K. (2006, Feb). Doing the job without the job doing you in. Library Media Connection, 20-22.


Answer the following questions (from Managing the Successful School Library: Strategic Planning and Reflective Practice, pp. 78) as a pre-guide to strategic planning. If you are not currently working in the library, answer the questions based on your own perspectives as another educator in the school, or consult with the librarian.

Submit the answers to your instructor per their directions.

  • What is working well in the library? How can you tell? Why does it work?
  • What is not working well in the library? How can you tell? Why is it failing?
  • What is one process or product that you would like to improve? Why?
  • How might you address the needed improvement?
  • Who will you include in the planning?
  • How will you measure progress?
  • How will you celebrate results?


Prior to completing the share, reach out to your mentor or another school librarian whose expertise you value. Ask them what library management advice they would be willing to share with you.

In the module discussion board, participate in the discussion in response to the following prompt.

You should post to the conversation three separate times. You do not need to create a new thread but may respond to a classmate. Consider this a conversation rather than a bunch of individual postings.

Share the advice you received from another school librarian regarding management. Then, identify three strategies you use / will use to balance your professional and personal life. What activities, attitudes, or methods help you facilitate that balance?


Complete the module checklist and answer the reflection questions and submit to your instructor per their directions. If you do not believe a statement is true, do not check the box. This is a check in and an opportunity to get assistance from the instructor; it is not graded work. Note that some of the checklist items will repeat each week, while others are unique to the specific module.


  • I have explored all the Think resources for the module.
  • I have considered how the ideas presented in the Think resources apply to my own situation and how to apply them.
  • I understand the importance of having circulation and behavior policies for the library.
  • I have evaluated time management and life balance strategies and identified several that may be useful to me.
  • I understand the purpose of an annual report and what one should contain.
  • I understand the importance of planning and can name an example of an area in the school library where strategic planning could be utilized.
  • I have posted to the discussion boards as required.
  • I have considered the views of my classmates and responded to several of their posts.
  • I have cited sources within my discussion posts where appropriate.
  • I have considered what is essential for me to know from this module and have planned how I will incorporate it into my practice.

Reflection Questions

  • What questions do you have about the course content in this module? (None is not an acceptable answer; exert your curiosity!)
  • What is your biggest take away from this module?