EHHD Interim Dean, Dr. Alison Harmon

Greetings Friends of the College of Education, Health and Human Development (EHHD):

We are very pleased to share that 2014-15 has been a very productive year for our College. I became the Interim Dean of EHHD in June 2015 and look forward to providing leadership that will serve to advance the EHHD mission. Already we have identified what we consider the core values of our college – that together we care, inspire, achieve, and transform. That means that we favor partnership and collaboration as we prepare students for teaching and caring professions in education and health. We strive to inspire our students and one another in the pursuit of achieving great things for the students of Montana State University and for the state of Montana. Our ultimate goal is to transform our students, ourselves, and our communities through our teaching, discovery, and engagement.

Our accomplishments for 2014-2015 include welcoming new faculty members, increasing grant activity, boosting research productivity, and advancing scholarly recognition, awarding more than $90,000 of scholarships to EHHD students, developing innovative teaching methods that encourage student research, all while growing student enrollment and conferring more degrees. It has been a remarkable year for the College of EHHD. I hope you will enjoy reading about the significant differences that our faculty, staff, and students, and alumni are making throughout Montana and beyond.

We look forward to hearing your comments about this report. Please direct them to

Thanks for your support!

Dr. Alison Harmon signature

Alison Harmon, PhD, RD, LN
Interim Dean and Professor, College of Education, Health and Human Development