Call for Texts and Critics Faculty Fellows 2024-2025

The Honors College is now accepting applications from those with demonstrated and effective teaching experience who are interested in serving as Faculty Fellows in our "Texts and Critics" seminar.  If you would like to teach highly motivated students in a dynamic interdisciplinary arena, you are invited to apply for either the fall semester of 2024 (HONR 201US) or spring semester of 2025 (HONR 202IH).  In the fall our theme is “Knowledge”; in the spring it is “Imagination.”  If you are interested in applying, you must go through the Human Resources webpage for instructions at  Click on the Faculty tab and type in Honors as the Keywords. 


Call for 2024-25 Honors College Seminar Faculty Proposals 

Is there a course you have always wanted to create but never had the opportunity to do so? If so, the Honors College invites you to submit a proposal for an Honors seminar for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Honors seminars are limited to 18-20 students, require an interdisciplinary perspective, and must be highly topical. Our experience has demonstrated that departments directly benefit when faculty teach an Honors seminar. Students frequently migrate to that same department as a result of engaging a professor in such a unique setting. Please contact the Honors College at for details of propsal submission or to obtain an example of a successful submission.

Timetable for the selection process:  

  • Receipt of proposals in the Honors College no later than January 17, 2024.
  • Committee will review proposals by February 10, 2024.
  • Short list interviews conducted February 13, 2024.
  • Faculty notification by March 9, 2024.

Guidlines for Honors seminar proposals:

  1. Honors seminars are never lecture courses. The primary emphasis should be engaging dialogue. Research and writing are integral parts of the seminar and should be reflected in the proposal.
  2. Individual faculty members or faculty teams are encouraged to submit
    proposals. (If team taught, the stipend will be divided accordingly).
  3. Honors seminars must embody an interdisciplinary perspective.
  4. Seminars that have been, or are currently offered in departments are not eligible.
  5. Upper-division Honors seminars are expected to be academically rigorous.

To submit a proposal, please include the following by email to

  1. A letter of intent, co-signed by your Department Head and Dean
  2. A curriculum vitae or resume.
  3. A one-page abstract that describes the seminar.
  4. A list of seminar discussion topics.*
  5. A list of required and recommended readings.*
  6. A list of assignments that indicate the type of research, writing, and oral
    discussion expected.*
  7. Honors seminars frequently qualify for university core designations. Provide a brief statement containing supporting information regarding the core designation for which your seminar could potentially qualify. Guidelines for applying for Core 2.0 designation can be found at: 

* You may, if you wish, substitute a draft syllabus and weekly schedule in place of 4, 5, and 6.


Call for "Great Expeditions" Faculty Proposals

The Honors College invites faculty proposals for our Great Expeditions” (HONR 204D) for 2023-2024.  The three-credit class convenes once a week throughout the semester, examining the history, social and cultural milieu of an international destination that students and faculty will visit during a two-week excursion at the conclusion of the semester. Previous expeditions have included Nepal, France, Greece, Italy, Turkey, England, Ireland, South Africa, Russia, France, and Germany. Please contact the Honors College at for details of proposal submission or to obtain an example of a successful submission. 

Proposals should involve a specific theme and location for the expedition. For example: “The Intersection of Irish History, Politics and Culture.”  Please submit your proposal to the Honors College, NAH 347, or by email to, no later than April 2, 2024.

In the past, Great Expeditions proposals have met the requirements of Diversity Core designation.  Faculty are encouraged to address how their proposals will meet the Core 2.0 criteria as outlined on the Core 2.0 website: