Filming on campus is permitted only if it does not interfere with normal University business (including meetings, instruction, and research) and previously scheduled events. Written permission from an authorized Montana State University representative is required to film on campus. Filming will be approved only when all following requirements have been met:

  1. Specific date(s) and location(s) are confirmed and approved by University Communications.
  2. Script or storyboard (where applicable to MSU) must be submitted for approval prior to permit review. Any script changes or additions must be brought to the attention of the University Communications filming liason once approval has been granted.
  3. University personnel are available.
  4. MSU Parking Services approves parking plan for production vehicles and private cars.
  5. Certificate of Insurance (COI) is received by University Communications no less than ten (10) business days prior to filming.
  6. When applicable for use of UAS, information about the device, aviation insurance COI, pilot's FAA Part 107 certificate and a flight plan are included in the filming permit application no less than ten (10) days prior to filming.


  • The Permittee is responsible for and assumes liability for its own wrongful or negligent acts or omissions, or those of its ofcer, agents, or employees and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Montana State University (hereinafter referred to as “MSU”) harmless from any such liability. Permittee further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the university from any claims or costs, including legal fees, which might arise alleging infringement or other claim of unauthorized use of intellectual property.

  • All persons using university property on Permittee’s behalf shall be under Permittee’s care, custody and control during the period of this Permit. All activities conducted by Permittee on university property will be the responsibility of the Permittee.

  • At the termination of this Permit, Permittee must return university facilities to the same condition as received upon commencement of use, or Permittee may incur additional janitorial costs as necessary for MSU to clean and restore the facilities to their original condition.

  • MSU shall not be deemed to be in default of this Permit of liable for damages if the performance of any or all of its obligations hereunder are delayed or become impossible because of any act of God, terrorism, war, riot or civil disobedience, epidemic, strike, lock-out or labor dispute, fre or any cause beyond MSU’s control.

  • MSU facilities shall be used only in accordance with all federal, state and local laws and university policies. Use of the facilities shall be denied if they are not in accordance with these laws and policies, or if circumstances are such that the proposed use would interfere with the orderly operation of MSU’s programs.

  • Failure of permittee to comply with any of the terms and conditions herein will result in automatic cancellation of this Facility Use Permit.



Permittee will maintain commercial general liability insurance, including bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, with combined single limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Coverage shall be occurrence coverage and the State of Montana and MSU shall be named as an additional insured. MSU reserves the right to require higher limits of liability if in its judgement they are warranted due to the nature of the Permittee’s activities.

If applicable, Auto Liability insurance for Owned, Non-Owned, Leased, Hired and Borrowed autos with split limits of $500,000 per person (personal injury), $1,000,000 per accident occurrence (personal injury), and $100,000 per accident occurrence (property damage), OR combined single limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence to cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of Contractor or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns, or Subcontractors. The State of Montana and Montana State University shall be named as Additionally Insured on the Contractor’s policy."  For questions about this requirement or its applicability, please email:


The certificate holder and additional insured should be shown as follows:  

The State of Montana and Montana State University  
c/o MSU Safety & Risk Management  
Montana State University  
Bozeman, MT 59717-0510  


Anyone wishing to film with UAS (Uncrewed Aircraft Systems) on university property must comply with the authorization process provided by the Film and Photography policy and the Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Policy. Any approved use of UAS on university property must follow the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations for such use under the applicable Certifcate of Authorization (COA.) Approval associated with use of UAS must be obtained prior to any use of UAS on University property. For more information about the use of UAS on MSU properties, visit this link:

Those who wish to use UAS on university property must purchase and maintain an Aviation insurance policy for uncrewed aircraft liability on an occurrence basis with combined single limits for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The policy should include a sublimit for Invasion of Privacy of no less than $50,000 or a Personal and Advertising Injury coverage endorsement with a $1,000,000 limit added to the to the Aviation policy. If there is an aggregate limit, it must be at least twice the required occurrence limit. A Certifcate of Insurance will be required of above coverage naming the State of Montana and Montana State University as additionally insured on all liability coverages. The requestor must also carry automobile liability coverage with split limits of $500,000 per person (personal injury), $1,000,000 per accident occurrence (personal injury), and $100,000 per accident occurrence (property damage), OR combined single limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. If applicable, Workers’ Compensation coverage.


There is a charge for parking on campus Monday through Friday between the hours of 6a.m. –6p.m. Parking is available in the pay section of the garage of S. Seventh Ave. adjacent to Norm Asbjornsen Hall on a per hour basis. To request temporary permission to use campus loading docks, service drives, and delivery areas from University Police, please call UP at 406-9941723 during business hours. Please call 406-994-2121 and select option 3 for after hours permission.


Room rental includes during basic set up, flming or tear down. Requests that require special setup or changes in service will result in additional charges. Please make arrangements with MSU Conference Services at 406-994-3081 no later than two weeks prior to flming. Sanitation cost for additional trash collection will be passed on to the permittee when excessive garbage is discarded in MSU dumpsters or trash bins. Additionally, Permittee is responsible for any damages incurred during a flming event.


All food and beverage sold and provided, or catering needs, on campus must be supplied by MSU University Catering. For menus, catering policies and more information, call 406-9943336, email


 Limitations on use

This Permit does not give Permittee permission to use any other facilities on the MSU–Bozeman campus or to use the name “Montana State University,” or any abbreviation thereof, in any manner whatsoever other than for location purposes in connection with this Permit. Permittee’s written or promotional material shall not name MSU as “sponsor” unless such permission has been granted in writing by the university.

Scheduling priorities

University Communications has the right to refuse a Filming Permit due to a confict in scheduling spaces or events on campus. Scheduling priorities for university functions will take precedent over non-university functions in the case of Filming Permit applications.

Rates for use of facilities

Rates for use of university facilities will be determined by University Communications in coordination with other necessary departments.

Cancellation policy

Notice of cancellation must be made in writing and submitted to University Communications. MSU reserves the right to discontinue reviewing the Filming Permit if all the pertinent information is not provided prior to two weeks before Permittee’s use of facility if the proper forms are not presented, liability insurance is not proven or the best interests of the university are not taken into consideration with this request.

Dispute resolution

Any dispute regarding or arising under this Agreement will be subject to and resolved in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana.

Client obligations

Any fees for the use of MSU facilities are due prior to the start of flming. MSU also reserves the right to collect a security deposit prior to the start of flming if there is the perceived need to ofset damages from flming. Tis deposit will be returned at the closed of flming if no damages have occurred. No less than two weeks prior to the Permittee’s arrival, the applicant will provide an agenda to University Communications with requests for special needs, equipment or accommodations. Permittee must abide by the MSU Film and Photography Policy. Permittee is responsible for assuring that participants are aware of and abide by the MSU Film and Photography Policy.

ADA Compliance and Indemnifcation

Permittee agrees and warrants that it shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances having jurisdiction over it. Tis shall include, without limitation, all fre codes, building codes and all applicable provision of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Specifcally, during the time of its occupancy of the facilities, Permittee agrees to provide, at not cost to MSU, sign language interpreters, auxiliary aids and any other services required under the ADA for the events held at the leased premises. Permittee agrees to indemnify MSU and its employees from any claims, losses, suits, proceeding, damages or liabilities, including attorneys’ fees, that arise out of or based on the grounds that the facilities or services provided by the Permittee failed to comply with the applicable provisions of the ADA or any other applicable law. Permittee agrees to reimburse MSU for any legal or other expenses incurred by Montana State University in connection with investigation of defending against such claims, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, or liabilities, as and when such expenses are incurred.
