Rental Shop
Starting Now! All rental reservations will be online through our new rental software, Rentmy. Please click the button below to access the new rental platform. As always, please give us a call if you have any questions or need assistance. 406-994-3621
Spring Semester
Mondays - Fridays
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday
Open January and February
(Located directly behind Rental Shop)
The Rental Shop is open from 10am-6pm Monday-Friday during the school year. During the summer, we are open 10am-6pm Monday and Friday and from 1pm-6pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.We are closed Saturday and Sunday and on Federal Holidays.
We often have rental specials over long weekends or over long breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break), check our social media or call in to find out our hours and any upcoming special deals.
Student pricing is reserved for current activity-fee paying students. Gear can be reserved through our online reservation portal. Click the button above to browse our rental gear inventory , view pricing, and make your reservation.
Available Equipment
Our inventory is available to rent seasonally!
All watercraft, including rafts, kayaks, canoes, and SUP's, are generally available to rent from mid-April to the day after Columbus Day!
Our winter gear (skis, snowboards, snowshoes and X-C skis) are generally available for rental starting the Friday before Thanksgiving break until closing day of Big Sky.
Rental Policies:
Please see the Policies page for our complete list of policies. Be sure to carefully
read all policies before reserving or renting equipment from the Outdoor Recreation
Rental Shop.
How-to Resources
We have a variety of informative and step-by-step video resources for you to check out on topics relevant to biking, skiing, hiking, camping, gear repair and much more. Check them out HERE.